Crystal Caverns

From Drawn to Life Wiki
Crystal Caverns
LS CrystalCaverns.png
Area Lavasteam
Number 1
(13 overall)
Level Type Standard
Template None
Saved No one
Secrets Baki beard coin by maybirdfan-d35ceoa.gif
Coins None
Game Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter Link
Last Level
WS BakiBeardsShip.png
BakiBeard's Ship
Next Level
LS MinecartMayhem.png
Mine Cart Mayhem

Not to be confused with the Wii level.

Maybe if we find some of these crystals he'll tell us where the villagers are...


The Crystal Caverns are the first level in Lavasteam in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter. The color yellow is introduced in Action Drawing. The Blob Form is also found here.

Book Icon.png Story[edit]

Miney forces the Hero, Jowee, and Sock to mine Banya Crystals while they search for Mari in Lavasteam.

BakiIcon.png Enemies[edit]

Grey Baki Baki Miner Baki Burnas Molemite
GrayBaki Idle.gif
BakiMiner Idle.gif
GrayBaki Jump.gif
DynamiteMole Idle.gif

LavasteamCanvas.gif Creations[edit]

Collapsing Platform

Blob Form

This list only includes creations that are first drawn, or can be redrawn, within this level.


  • The player earns 150 Color Drops for completing the level for the first time.
  • If the player exits out of the level right before the game explains the blob form's mechanics, the text box will appear at the beginning of the level as soon as the player reenters.
  • A section of the stage contains patches of grass for some reason.
  • There's a level in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Wii) that also has the name Crystal Caverns.
    • Ironically, while this is a Lava level, the Crystal Caverns in the Wii game is Ice themed.
  • Crystal Caverns in mentioned in the intro text for Molemite's level in Drawn to Life: Two Realms.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]