Lacking any other name to better describe it, this "Overworld" is the world seen in Dragon Quest VII. While originally this world, created by The Almighty, had many landmasses big and small, the Demon King Orgodemir would eventually seal away in darkness most of them, leaving the world an empty endless ocean with the exception for the small island kingdom of Estard.
Thanks to the mystical power of the Shrine of Mysteries to travel to the past, the Hero and his party were progressively able to restore the lands back into the world as if they didn't had disappeared at all.
- Estard: The only land that had escaped Orgodermir's grasp in the past. By present day, its people had completely forgotten about the existence of the other lands.
- Shrine of Mysteries: A mystical shrine created by The Almighty himself in order that to one day the world would be restored to light.
- Ballymolloy
- Al-Balad
- Gröndal
- Wetlock
- Vogograd
- Emberdale
- Greenthumb Gardens
- Wilted Heart: A nearby town of newer founding that eventually surpassed Greenthumb Gardens in the business of plant production.
- El Ciclo
- Nottagen
- Hubble
- The island of Regenstein; having unfortunately lost all of its inhabitants, the previous town was wiped out, but in its place a new town, known as The Haven, would later be constructed.
- Faraday
- Alltrades Abbey
- Buccanham
- L'Arca
- A large deserted island that was a temporary location for the Encampment of The Roamers
- Providence
- Aeolus Vale