The Cave to Rendarak (Cavern to Rondaryk in Stars, Cave Leading to Rendarak in DQXI) is the largest dungeon in Dragon Quest II and the penultimate dungeon in the game. It is located in the south central region of Torland and accessible only via a Teleportal from Beran.
Dragon Quest II[]
The Cave to Rendarak is known for being the most difficult dungeon in the game due to its length, the strong monsters within, and the existence of pitfalls and infinite loops.
The cave is only accessible via a teleportal in Beran that requires the Jailor's key and to open the cave itself, the False idol must be used next to the entrance which is disguised as an impassable mountain tile.
Floor B1 - Soul sigil (Not in iOS and Switch versions)
Floor 3F - ~1375G, Tombola ticket, Thunderbolt blade
Floor 5F - Thanatos' shield, ~550G, Mad cap, Erdrick's armour
Soul sigil[]
Bottom right corner of floor B1. But in the iOs and Switch remakes, it's not located there.
Thunderbolt blade[]
Find your way to floor 5. Make your way all the way north, then east into the side room; go down the flight of stairs. There is a pitfall in the almost-bottom-leftmost corner of the (huge) room; find and fall in it. You'll land right next to the sword.
Erdrick's armor[]
Much easier than locating the Thunderbolt blade, simply find the staircase in the bottom right area of Floor 3 and take the stairs right to the chest.
- Killing machine
- Berserker
- Eyelasher
- Whackolyte
- Dancing flame
- Gargoyle
- Ghoul
- Green dragon
- Hargonaut
- Healslime
- Walking corpse
- Tyrannodactyl
- Chasmonaut
- Liquid metal slime
- Hunter mech
- Metal slime
- Orc king
- Grimlin
- Striking sabrecat
- Silvapithecus
Dragon Quest XI 3DS and Definitive Edition[]
The Cave Leading to Rendarak is the final location from the second game available via the Echo Chamber. A restless armor has taken upon itself to inhabit Erdrick's armor itself, and it must be dealt with by the Luminary and his party. Unlike the truncated versions of other dungeons that appear in the Echo Chamber, the cave is very faithful to it's original design and will prove the most difficult dungeon out of all the past tomes.
- Ghoul
- Whackolyte
- One-man army
- Orc chieftain
- Gnashturtium
- Red mist
- Bilhaw
- Harmachis
- Killing machine
- Type G0
- Troobloovoodoo
- Hellbound heretic
- Hybird
- King foo dog
- Tiger jackal
- Batmandrill
- Evil ganesha (3DS only)
- Elephant king (3DS only)
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Other languages[]
Other languages | |
French | |
German | Höhle nach Rendarak |
Spanish | Cueva que lleva a Rendarak |
Latin American Spanish | Unknown |
Italian | Caverna che conduce a Rendarak |
Dutch | Unknown |
Norwegian | Unknown |
Greek | Unknown |
Portuguese | Unknown |
Russian | Unknown |
Chinese | Unknown |
Korean | Unknown |