Welcome to the fantastical realm of The Dragon Prince Wiki, the largest up-to-date encyclopedia of all releases revolving around the Netflix original animated series "The Dragon Prince" (Mystery of Aaravos), which first aired on September 14, 2018 and currently covers a total of 7 seasons. While anyone can edit, our wiki is looking for experienced editors who communicate with existing users. Please always be polite to our userbase and editors. The show tells the story of two human princes, who forge an unlikely bond with the elven assassin sent to kill them, embarking on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands. A land full of magic, named Xadia, fascinates with stunning magical creatures, magic spells, and mighty dragons. The elven civilizations of Xadia, along with all other creatures, unite under the future ruler, the Dragon Prince Azymondias, son of the former Dragon King Avizandum. However, a threat awaits them as the mysterious Aaravos schemes for his escape from his century-long imprisonment. Our wiki currently counts 62,005 edits and 702 articles. Articles - All releases - Images - Discussions - Categories Episodes - Locations - Merchandise - Fandom |
Dec 19 - Book Seven: Dark was released |
Nov 9 - Book Six: Stars has been announced for 2024 |
Nov 03 - Book Four: Earth was released |
Dec 20 - Updates regarding future seasons |
Oct 15 - Striker Entertainment becomes merchandise licensee for TDP |
Latest UpdatesArticles ● Elmer, Order of the Blood Moon, S5-related articles |
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Did you know?• That Soren and Claudia used to be one person in early concepts? |
Copyright NoticeAll content is protected under CC BY-SA copyright, requiring proper credit if our information is used, unless otherwise noted. Interlanguage wikis may not use our content or images without credit. ● Current fan discussions Partner Wikis |
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Latest ReleasesBook Four: Earth, which is part of the "Mystery of Aaravos", is the fourth season of The Dragon Prince. The story plays two years after the events of "Book Three: Sun", as well as after the events of "Through the Moon" and several side stories such as "Inheritance". |
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