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"The Blue Meanies" (ブルーしょうぐん こうげきかい Burū Shōgun Kōgeki Kaishi, lit. "General Blue Commences His Assault") is the seventy-second chapter of the Dragon Ball manga.


The cover of this chapter shows Goku standing looking up at General Blue standing next to him.



The first appearance of Captain Dark

Bulma watches the radar as Krillin pilots them through the air and tells him to dive here. General Blue is watching them from the shore with binoculars, and notices that it's Goku, in a party of three this time. A soldier gets something through the radio, then comes out and tells General Blue that the enemy's two Dragon Balls are still on the island. Blue thinks that really must be the enemy's base. He tells Captain Dark that they'll split the company into two. "A Company is under my command, and we'll go after the boy! B Company is under your command, and you'll attack the enemy's base!"

Under the sea, Bulma says its right below them, but the ocean floor below them seems to be barren. Goku says he'll get out and look, and wonders if the scuba gear can really let him breathe in the water. Goku swims around and spots a gap in the ground that looks deep. Bulma wants to look from the side to judge the gap's depth. It's very deep, so she asks Goku if there's a way in. Goku says nope, and wishes they had the shrinking machine she gave to Master Roshi. Bulma checks the radar again, and notices that the gap goes on. She zooms out the screen to get a clearer picture, and apparently the gap continues into a cave system, from which they can enter. So, she calls Goku back to the sub with the good news.

The officer leading B Company flies his plane alongside about a dozen jet-flyers towards Kame House. Blue commands A Company in a large military submarine, which has gotten close to the enemy sub. A Hippo asks General Blue if they should attack the enemy yet, but Blue wants to wait for them to find the Dragon Ball's location. Goku, Bulma and Krillin then spot the opening to the cave system. One of the soldiers tells General Blue they're entering a cave, so Blue says to begin the attack. The Hippo yells out to fire the torpedoes, but they miss the little submarine. General Blue yells to fire some more, and Bulma wonders why that submarine's firing at them. Goku thinks it might be Red Ribbon Army again, and Bulma and Krillin freak out, since the Red Ribbon Army is rather infamous. Goku explains that they're also looking for the Dragon Balls, and so he ends up clashing with them. Krillin says they're the worst army in the world, and they quickly duck into the cave as the second round of torpedoes heads their way.

General Blue changes plans and gives the orders to pursue, and wants the gunman executed. The group notice they're being chased, and Bulma yells at Goku for not mentioning the Red Ribbon Army was involved before. They keep heading down the cave tunnel, and Krillin gets excited, since there's a smaller hole up ahead as General Blue's bigger submarine won't fit. As the Goku, Bulma and Krillin celebrate, General Blue says they'll head on in the smaller ships. Meanwhile, at Kame House, Turtle spots something flying their way, and shortly after, B Company touches down on the beach.






  • The name of the English version of the chapter is a reference to the Blue Meanies from the Beatles Yellow Submarine cartoon movie.

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Volume 1 123456789101112
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Volume 3 252627282930313233343536
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Volume 5 495051525354555657585960
Volume 6 616263646566676869707172
Volume 7 737475767778798081828384
Volume 8 858687888990919293949596
Volume 9 979899100101102103104105106107108
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Volume 11 121122123124125126127128129130131132
Volume 12 133134135136137138139140141142143144
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Volume 14 157158159160161162163164165166167168
Volume 15 169170171172173174175176177178179180
Volume 16 181182183184185186187188189190191192193194
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