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Magic Materialization (物質出現魔術 Butsushitsu Shutsugen Majutsu)[1] is a magical ability used to create physical matter out of thin air.

It is the signature ability of Gas, who uses it to create weapons out of thin air.


The user uses magic to generate whatever object they wish. Depending on the user, the range of what they can create varies.


Namekians of the Dragon Clan have the ability to create objects from nothing, and they use it to create everything from houses and furniture, and those who reach genius-class can also use it to create Dragon Balls.

Spike the Devil Man created a trident for his fight with Goku.

King Piccolo is believed to have used it (off-screen) to create his throne (which somewhat resembles the throne used by Grand Elder Guru later in Dragon Ball Z).

Kami used this to restore Goku's clothes that were wrecked by Piccolo in the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament.

Piccolo uses the Magic Materialization several times to create uniforms for himself and Gohan, as well as a few other items.


Garlic Jr. makes a throne

Garlic Jr. used this technique to create a throne in The Lookout similar to the one he had in his fortress.


Dabura makes a sword

Dabura created a sword when fighting Gohan and a spear when opposing Majin Buu.

Shin materialized a block made of Katchin to test the sharpness of the Z Sword.

Piccolo creates an hourglass in order to show the time Super Buu has to wait for his fight with the ultimate warrior, Gotenks.

Old Kai created a Crystal Ball, a highly useful device to monitor something that happens with another creature.

Tamagami Number Three creates cups as part of its test to have Goku find the Demon Realm Dragon Ball after switching its position.[4]

In the "Future" Trunks Saga, Zeno produces a handy button on his palm in an instant for Goku to easily contact or summon him. Whis materialized a glove over Zamasu's hand to stop him from killing Gowasu. In the manga, Fused Zamasu is able to use magic materialization in order to create blocks of Katchin. He is also able to restore his damaged clothing.

In the Universe Survival Saga, the Grand Minister uses Magic Materialization to create a fighting ring and spectator seats for the Zeno Expo. In the manga, Heles is capable of materializing her powerful bow and arrow. During the Tournament of Power, Saonel uses the technique to provide Pirina with a new glove after the latter regenerates his right arm.

Gas uses this ability to create weapons, which he uses as his primary method of fighting. Gas conjures things out of thin air which he uses to produce a vast arsenal of melee and medieval style weapons. He can also create multiple large, spiked walls which can use to crush his targets between. He is also shown able to manifest new clothing to replace his damaged ones.

Nuova Shenron uses this technique to make a lens appear in order to perform his Nova Death Ray.

Weapons generated by Gas[]

Film Appearances[]

In Dragon Ball GT: A Hero's Legacy, Mamba uses this to create a scythe.

In Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, Piccolo uses this technique on Gohan again after he neglected his training to become a successful scholar of insects.

Video Game Appearances[]

In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, as part of the 1.17.00 Update DLC, Piccolo's Super Soul "I've got something extra special for you!" which boosts the chances of clothing drops, is a reference to Piccolo's ability to create clothing with Magic Materialization.


