"Heroes Assemble!" (フルメンバー集合!! Furu Menbā Shūgō!!, lit. "Full Member Gathering!!") is the two hundred first chapter of Dragon Ball Z and the three hundred ninety-fifth overall chapter of the Dragon Ball manga.
The covers shows Mr. Satan as the "champion of the Earth" as he holds a globe, with the galaxy behind him.
With twelve minutes before the start, Mr. Satan is already climbing into the ring and calls the the announcer and cameraman over, and so they go, with the announcer calling himself the world's bravest announcer. When they reach the side of the ring, the announcer asks if he should step into the ring, with Mr. Satan reassuring him his safety because of his presence. They both climb up to interview Mr. Satan. Satan says that he pities Cell, for not knowing that anyone as strong as him existed, and that he is going to expose Cell's secret. He claims that it was just a trick involving bombs when Cell destroyed Central City and the King's army. Cell ignores them, and Mr. Satan thinks he is just scared into shock. The announcer sticks his tongue out at Cell, while Mr. Satan bends over and spanks himself, as the world cheers Mr. Satan on. Master Roshi is watching and thinks it would not be so bad if Mr. Satan was killed. Then the announcer and Satan notice someone flying in. Cell realizes Vegeta has arrived, knowing that he has not learned from their previous fight, but is hoping that his skills have gone up since then. As Vegeta lands, the announcer wonders if he was really flying, but Mr. Satan says it was a trick. The announcer goes over to talk to Vegeta, asking who he is and that it is dangerous here. Vegeta tells the announcer to get out of his sight and to never talk to him again. The announcer goes back to Mr. Satan, saying he thinks that person is a bit crazy and that his hair style is weird. Now there are just five minutes until the start of the Cell Games. Android 16 arrives next, with a Capsule Corporation patch over his Red Ribbon Army logo, and Cell is surprised to see him. The announcer asks Mr. Satan if he flew too, but Mr. Satan mutters that it is the same "trick" Vegeta used. Vegeta says only Bulma and her father could have repaired that robot but they wasted their time. The announcer noticed that Cell talked to No. 16, and wonders if they were acquainted, but Mr. Satan nervously claims it doesn't matter, as he doesn't look like much.
Then Cell senses something headed towards the arena, and says Goku has finally arrived, and that he was waiting for him. The cameraman alerts the announcer and Mr. Satan that something is coming in the air. Seven of them fly in and land; Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Yamcha, Goku, Tien, and Future Trunks. Cell welcomes the others, while Vegeta wonders why a few of them bothered to come along. The announcer says they were all flying, but Mr. Satan insists it was just a trick, a popular trick at that. No. 16 walks over to Krillin and thanks him for getting him fixed like this. Goku wishes No. 16 good luck, but No. 16 coldly tells Goku that he was created for the sole purpose of killing him and to not forget it. Goku whispers to Krillin that it was a bit dark, as the announcer and Mr. Satan looking on, as the latter notices that he isn't the center of attention. Goku cracks his knuckles, and says he wants to go first. Trunks is surprised at Goku staring off first, and Goku asks Vegeta if it's okay. Vegeta does not care because either way he will be the one to finish off Cell. Mr. Satan interjects yelling that they do not get to decide the order, and the announcer asks if they intend on participating. Goku says yeah, most of us. The announcer yells that it is not a game, and questions if they know anything of what they are getting into. Krillin thinks they are the ones that do not know anything, while Mr. Satan thinks they are people who do not know about the world champion Mr. Satan. The announcer goes on about Mr. Satan, and Krillin reluctantly tells Goku to let Mr. Satan be first, and he agrees. Cell interrupts them, saying it is time to begin.
← Perfect Cell Saga | Other World Saga→ | ||||||||
Manga | |||||||||
Dragon Ball Chapters | 388 • 389 • 390 • 391 • 392 • 393 • 394 • 395 • 396 • Trunks: The Story • 397 • 398 • 399 • 400 • 401 • 402 • 403 • 404 • 405 • 406 • 407 • 408 • 409 • 410 • 411 • 412 • 413 • 414 • 415 • 416 • 417 • 418 • 419 • 420 | ||||||||
Dragon Ball Z Chapters | 194 • 195 • 196 • 197 • 198 • 199 • 200 • 201 • 202 • Trunks: The Story • 203 • 204 • 205 • 206 • 207 • 208 • 209 • 210 • 211 • 212 • 213 • 214 • 215 • 216 • 217 • 218 • 219 • 220 • 221 • 222 • 223 • 224 • 225 • 226 | ||||||||
Dragon Ball Volumes | 33 • 34 • 35 | ||||||||
Dragon Ball Z Volumes | 17 • 18 • 19 | ||||||||
Anime | |||||||||
Episodes | 166 • 167 • 168 • 169 • 170 • 171 • 172 • 173 • 174 • 175 • 176 • 177 • 178 • 179 • 180 • 181 • 182 • 183 • 184 • 185 • 186 • 187 • 188 • 189 • 190 • 191 • 192 • 193 • 194 | ||||||||
Kai Episodes | 83 • 84 • 85 • 86 • 87 • 88 • 89 • 90 • 91 • 92 • 93 • 94 • 95 • 96 • 97 • 98 |