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For other epilogues, see Epilogue.

“And then it was over.”

This page reveals the various endings that occur in the epilogue of Dragon Age: Origins.

After the cutscene when the Archdemon is killed, the coronation cutscene will play. Grand Cleric Elemena will crown either Alistair or Anora the sole ruler of Ferelden, or both Alistair and Anora as joint rulers.

The PC has been named the Hero of Ferelden.

If the Hero died in the climax, the funeral cutscene will then play. If not, the post-coronation ceremony occurs. Both are followed by the epilogue slideshow.

The Hero's funeral[]

Alistair will deliver the eulogy if:

  • He is the sole ruler.
  • He is married to Anora and Loghain was killed at the Landsmeet.

Anora will deliver the eulogy if:

  • She is the sole ruler.
  • She is married to Alistair and Loghain was not killed at the Landsmeet.

Both do something more to properly honor the Hero of Ferelden in addition to the magnificent tomb the Grey Wardens are building at Weisshaupt, next to that of Garahel. They will ask someone to step forward depending on the origin of the Hero:

Human Noble[]

Fergus Cousland has been discovered alive and has recovered from his wounds. The Highever lands are restored to him, as well as the arling of Amaranthine that belonged to Arl Howe. Fergus gives Amaranthine to the Grey Wardens.

Note: For all other origins, Amaranthine is granted to the Grey Wardens by the ruler.

Dwarf Noble[]

Gorim relates that the Hero is to be buried in Orzammar next to their father, as an Aeducan, with all honors restored. He is told that Ferelden will be sending men to help keep the darkspawn at bay. Orzammar's plight will no longer be ignored.

Dwarf Commoner[]

Rica Brosca will relate that the Assembly is considering Paragon-hood for the Hero, meaning a burial in Orzammar with all honors. Rica's son will have a clan of his own one day, and their mother has become sober. The ruler will ask Rica to convey their well-wishes to Orzammar's king.

City Elf[]

The ruler decides that the Alienage will have its own ruler, someone to speak in the Landsmeet as an equal. They ask Cyrion Tabris to be the first Bann of the Alienage, if he is willing. The ruler promises that this is just a start.

Dalish Elf[]

Keeper Marethari, on behalf of her people, is offered the Hinterlands north of the Korcari Wilds, including Ostagar, to do with as they will. The ruler looks forward to providing the rest of their people a shining example of how elves and humans should co-exist.


Knight-Commander Greagoir is told by the ruler that they wish the Circle to be restored. As they understand the Veil at the tower is too weak, they wish that a new tower be built, with the Chantry's aid, that will bear the Hero's name. They also grant the new Circle autonomy, saying that what has happened proves what a substantial contribution a mage can make, and that they have earned the opportunity to prove that they can watch themselves.

Additionally, all available party members will be present for the ceremony, as will the following NPCs if they are alive and certain conditions are met:

Post-coronation ceremony[]

Alistair will give a speech in the Landsmeet Chamber if:

  • He is the sole ruler.
  • He is married to Anora and Loghain was killed at the Landsmeet.
  • He is married to the Player (Human Noble Origin only)

Anora will give the speech if:

  • She is the sole ruler.
  • She is married to Alistair and Loghain was not killed at the Landsmeet.
  • She is married to the Player (Human Noble Origin only)

The ruler offers the Hero a boon, and inquires about the Hero's future plans. The player's choices affect the epilogue slideshow and Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening.


  • If the Hero states that they only wish to continue serving the crown, they will be named Chancellor.
  • If the Hero asks for a title and the riches to go with it, they will be granted Loghain's estate and wealth (even if Loghain lives), becoming the new Teyrn/Teyrna of Gwaren.
  • A Human Noble Hero may demand that Arl Howe's family pay for the massacre at Highever. This results in Howe's lands being gifted to the Grey Wardens.
Note: Ferelden's new ruler will gift the arling of Amaranthine to the Wardens even if this boon isn't chosen, for a Hero of any origin.
  • If a City Elf Hero asks for the city elves to be treated better, they can become Ferelden's first elven bann, representing Denerim's Alienage. Alternatively, either Shianni or Soris may be installed as the bann.
  • A mage Hero may ask that the Circle of Magi be given its independence.
Bug icon Bug! This boon is only recognized if granted by Anora. If Alistair is the ruler, he will agree to it, but the game does not acknowledge it.
  • A Dalish Hero may ask that the Dalish be officially granted territorial sovereignty.
Bug icon Bug! If Nature of the Beast is resolved in favor of the elves, the epilogue slide will show that the Dalish are given lands even if this boon isn't chosen, for all origins, as long as Lanaya becomes the new keeper.
  • A dwarven Hero can request aid in battling darkspawn in the Deep Roads.
  • If the Hero states that the sacrifices of the Wardens should not be forgotten again, a monument will be erected in the Wardens' honor. The Fereldan monarch also intends to assemble scholars to learn more about the darkspawn in order to prepare for the next time they face the menace.
Bug icon Bug! pcpcxbox360xbox360ps3ps3 If Anora is the ruler and Morrigan's ritual was performed, this choice causes Anora to speak of Alistair as if he were dead.
  • The Hero may state that they have no need of anything further.
  • The Hero may state that they don’t know, and will have to think about it.
Note: Choosing this option effectively means choosing no boon, as the ruler does not make the offer again when next spoken to.

Future plans[]

  • The Hero may choose to stay in Denerim and help the new ruler (if they did not choose to continue to serve the crown).
  • The Hero may choose to help rebuild the Grey Wardens' strength in Ferelden.
  • The Hero may choose to search for Morrigan.
  • If the Hero is the bann of the Alienage, they may choose to remain in Denerim to perform their duties.
  • A dwarven Hero may choose to return to Orzammar.
  • A Dalish Hero may choose to return to their clan.
  • A Human Noble Hero may choose to return to Highever with Fergus.
  • The Hero may choose to continue their adventures for a time before returning to Ferelden.
  • The Hero may be unsure for now.

Companions, family, and friends[]

The Hero may speak with those companions who had not left the party or been killed. There will also be someone from the Hero's origin story in attendance:

Human Noble[]

If asked, Fergus will say that he never made it to the battle at Ostagar. He and his men were scouting in the Wilds when they were attacked by a party of darkspawn. Most of his men were killed. He woke up two weeks later in a Chasind hut, wounded and feverish. By the time he was able to sneak out of the Wilds, the Warden was already marching to Denerim. He is now heading back to Highever to see if he can clean up the mess Howe made of it.

Dwarf Noble[]

Gorim Saelac will tell the Hero that both of them have had their full rights to House Aeducan restored. If Pyral Harrowmont is king, he declares the Hero to be the heir of the House. The Assembly is also considering naming the Hero a Paragon. Gorim is happy to take up his old position as the Hero's second, if they will have him.

Dwarf Commoner[]

Rica Brosca will tell the Hero that their mother swore off drinking when she heard about what the Hero did, and had been sober ever since. If Bhelen Aeducan was killed, Rica will say that it worked out just fine; her son will be the Aeducan heir, and she doesn't have a husband to boss her around. She is officially an Ambassador, sent by the Assembly to tell the Hero that they're free to return to Orzammar as a full citizen, technically as a member of the warrior caste. They are also being considered for Paragon-hood.

City Elf[]

Cyrion is awed by, and proud of, the Hero. If the Hero doubts that anything will change for the Alienage elves, he will say, "And this is your fault? If anything, for Ferelden to have an elven hero will only do us good," and expresses his hope that with a new human on the throne, things will change in time.

Dalish Elf[]

Ashalle brings the well wishes of the clan, and tells the Hero the keeper was very proud of their victory. The Hero is missed dearly by the clan.


Unless the PC sided with the templars in Broken Circle, First Enchanter Irving will be present and will congratulate and thank the Hero, saying that he is amazed to hear such praise directed at a mage.



  • If Alistair is ruling jointly with Anora, and Loghain was not killed at the Landsmeet and survived the final battle, he will mention that the Grey Wardens seem to be curious as to how the Hero survived killing the Archdemon. He is grateful to the Hero, but does not think that they have much to say to one another.
  • If Alistair is ruling jointly with Anora and Loghain died killing the Archdemon, Alistair will say that he is not angry.
  • Otherwise, Alistair will be impressed that both he and the Hero have survived. If he knows about Morrigan's ritual, he will decide not to say anything about it to the Grey Wardens, who have sent questions.
  • If the Warden is the Human Female Noble and was betrothed to Alistair at the Landsmeet, he will make remarks concerning their upcoming marriage.
Bug icon Bug! pcpcxbox360xbox360 If Alistair was not made king, Morrigan's ritual was performed, and Loghain was executed at the Landsmeet, Alistair will be absent from the coronation if he was not part of the final party that faced the Archdemon.


Anora offers her personal congratulations to the Hero.

  • If Loghain died killing the Archdemon, she asks if the Hero can tell her anything about his death.
  • If Anora is to marry Alistair, she asks if he is always "like that", answering every serious question with a jest. She thinks his heart is in the right place, and that he reminds her of Cailan in that, which she considers to be no failing.
  • If Alistair is hardened, she is surprised by his eagerness to learn the business of ruling, and thinks he may yet be a good king.
  • If Alistair is unhardened, she fears her initial suspicions that he will not be a good king will prove correct, as Alistair avoids anything resembling a decision and she has yet to hear him speak on any matter more serious that what the cooks are making for dinner.
  • If Anora is to marry the Hero, she asks if he is nervous. If the Hero admits to be, she will confess that she is, too, as the Hero is rather intimidating. If the Hero says that he looks forward to being king, she will tell him that his title will be prince-consort.


  • If Alistair is king and the Hero is not the chancellor, Eamon will remain in the capital to help him. Teagan will take over the rule of Redcliffe for the time being.
  • Otherwise, he will return to Redcliffe to rebuild.
  • If both Connor and Isolde are alive, Eamon will say that Connor seems well enough, but Isolde refuses to speak of what happened and has said that she never wants to go back. Eamon thinks he may yet leave the land to Teagan.
  • If Connor is dead, Isolde is determined to have another child, and Eamon is happy to oblige her.
  • If Isolde is dead, Eamon knows he needs to send Connor to the Circle of Magi, and thinks perhaps his son will become a Grey Warden one day.
  • If the PC made a deal with the demon that possessed Connor, Eamon will ask if the Hero has noticed anything strange about the lad, saying he seems quiet.


  • If Leliana is in a romance with the Hero, with approval at Adore or better, and the Hero is to marry either Alistair or Anora, then Leliana will end the relationship if she is unhardened and is asked, "But does the hero get his/her girl?"
  • If Marjolaine is alive, Leliana will return to Orlais to find her. She is determined to do this alone.
  • If Marjolaine is dead and Leliana is hardened, she is asked to head up an investigation into the darkspawn. The ruler wishes to know how far they go in the Deep Roads and where the broodmothers can be found. Leliana is organising a royal expedition into one of the Deep Roads, which will leave in a month.
  • If Marjolaine is dead and Leliana is unhardened, she is asked by the Chantry to return to the Urn of Sacred Ashes and make sure it is protected. She is leaving in a month with a small army of templars and priests. If she is in a romance with the Hero, she is glad for their company if they wish to help her.
  • If Leliana is in love:
  • If the Hero is staying in Denerim, Leliana will remain there with them.
  • If the Hero is leaving Denerim:
  • Leliana will continue to travel with the Hero, if the Hero accepts.
  • If the Hero wishes to travel on their own for a while, the relationship will end. If Leliana is hardened, she will say that she is heading back to Orlais for a time, where there is some old business to be taken care of.


Loghain has been tapped to lead up the Grey Warden recruitment efforts in Ferelden, something that he believes is down to Anora's influence. Loghain will show curiosity at the Warden's survival due to Riordan's explanation. If the Warden tells him, he will vow to keep the secret as well, implying that he is partly doing so due to his mistrust of the Orlesian Wardens. If his Approval is Warm, he will tell the Hero that they have earned his respect.


Oghren has decided to stick around a bit. He says they may have already branded him a surfacer back in Orzammar.

  • If Oghren reconciled with Felsi, he thinks he will look her up and see how that goes.
  • If his Approval is Warm or better, he will tell the Hero that he has been offered a spot in the human army.


  • If Shale's Approval is Neutral or Hostile, it will travel, north, or perhaps east. If it spoke with Caridin but its personal quest was not done, it will search for answers. If its personal quest was completed, it thinks it may return to Ortan Thaig, or maybe destroy all the pigeons.
  • If their Approval is Warm, Shale will say it is thinking of returning to Orzammar to fight the darkspawn in the Deep Roads. Aiding the dwarves in this way is something it feels worth existing for. If its personal quest was completed, it will say that it'll honor the commitment of the dwarf it once was.
  • If Shale is Friendly, it will say that it may try to become a dwarf again. They are traveling to Minrathous in Tevinter. Its Circle of Magi is said to have the largest collection of arcane knowledge in Thedas, and if it is possible to reverse the process they underwent, Shale hopes the knowledge to do so will be there. If Wynne is in the party, she will have offered to accompany Shale. Shale will not object if the Hero wishes to go with it.
Bug icon Bug! ps3ps3xbox360xbox360 Shale is missing from the post-coronation ceremony; however, Wynne will still refer to Shale travelling to Tevinter with it, if the golem's approval is high enough.


Sten has decided to return to his people, and has a ship prepared to leave in two days' time.

  • If Sten's Approval is Warm or better, the Hero can choose to go with him to Par Vollen.
Note: If Alistair or The Warden took part in Morrigan's ritual, a grey dog (identical to the one Morrigan shape-shifts into if her offer of the ritual is rejected) is seen next to Sten, with Dog on the other side of him.


If Wynne's Approval is Warm or better, she will tell the Hero that Irving asked her to take over as first enchanter, but she doesn't wish to go back after all that has happened.

  • If Shale has remained in the party and their Approval is Friendly, Wynne will say that Shale has expressed a desire to go to Tevinter to look into a way to regain their mortality, and that Wynne will join them and bring them before the Tevinter mages.
  • If the Circle was granted autonomy, Wynne thinks she might take up traveling, perhaps to Tevinter to see Minrathous.
  • Otherwise, Wynne is asked by the ruler to stay, and accepts a position at court, advising the throne and helping to improve the lot of mages in Ferelden.


Zevran expects the Crows to come after him, and thinks that staying in one place is only going to invite them to find him that much quicker. He will ask if the Hero is in favor of him remaining with them, whether they are staying in Denerim, leaving, or returning to the Grey Warden fold.

  • He will remain with the Hero if told he is welcome to stay.
  • Otherwise, he will make plans to leave soon, and will consider Par Vollen as a destination.
  • If it is suggested he be on his own, any romantic relationship with the Hero will end.
    Some of the companions will also be accompanied by a group:
  • Alistair is accompanied by nobles and admirers if hardened; if unhardened, lots of women will be there.
  • Leliana is accompanied by a group of men if she is unhardened; if she is hardened, a team of Chantry people will be with her.
  • If Oghren's personal quest was completed, he will be accompanied by a small group that includes Felsi.
  • Wynne is accompanied by scholars and mages.
  • Zevran is accompanied by a group of men if he is in a romance with a male Hero, and a group of women if he is in a romance with a female Hero. Otherwise, he is accompanied by a group of shady characters.

A crowd has gathered outside, hoping to see the Hero of Ferelden. Once you approach the doors at the far end of the chamber and tell the guard you're ready to go, the epilogue slideshow will begin, followed by the credits.

The epilogue slideshow[]


Alistair and Anora married[]

  • Alistair hardened:

“In the months that followed their wedding, Alistair and Anora proved themselves a surprisingly effective pair. Alistair spent a great deal of time at court, showing willingness to learn the art of governing from Anora and often deferring to her judgment--and no one was more surprised by this than Anora herself.”

“The two of them made numerous outings into Denerim and the other settlements in Ferelden, supervising the reconstruction process and greeting their subjects personally, much to the commoners' enthusiastic approval. Many said the chaos of the civil war and Landsmeet were worth it for delivering such beloved monarchs.”

Hero is Chancellor

“As the new chancellor, the former Grey Warden <FirstName/> was seen often at court--at least for a time. With both the king and queen actively involved in running their kingdom, the need for an advisor diminished with time. <FirstName/> continued to enjoy great popularity in Ferelden, however, and maintained considerable influence in the running of the kingdom.”

  • Alistair unhardened:
Alistair Epilogue

Unhardened Alistair and Anora.

“In the months that followed their wedding, Alistair and Anora fell into the routine of ruling Ferelden. Anora was a skilled governor, adept at matters of court and more than willing to spend her time judging matters of law from the throne... and Alistair was quite happy to let her do so. He traveled frequently, making personal appearances that delighted commoners to no end.”

Hero is Chancellor
  • Loghain was executed at the Landsmeet

“As the chancellor, <FirstName/> was seen often at court, usually arguing with Queen Anora over matters of state. The former Grey Warden enjoyed King Alistair's full confidence, however, and thus great influence in running the kingdom--more than the queen would like, probably, but she had little choice.”

  • Loghain was not executed at the Landsmeet

“As the new chancellor, the former Grey Warden is seen often at court--at least for a time. With the king seldom seen and disinclined to offer the chancellor his support, Queen Anora has the most sway over the running of the kingdom and arguments with her chancellor generally end in her victory. The hero of Ferelden continues to enjoy great popularity in Ferelden, however, and maintains considerable political influence.”

Bug icon Bug! xbox360xbox360 If Alistair is to rule with Anora, but sacrifices himself to kill the Archdemon, the epilogue slides occur as if he was still alive.

Alistair sole ruler[]

  • Alistair hardened:

“In the months that followed his coronation, Alistair surprised many by studying the art of governance and doing his best to rule the kingdom with a fair and even hand. He proved quite popular with the people, his humor and easy grace winning them over as much as his willingness to sneak out of the castle and mingle in the lower-class taverns on occasion.”

Hero is Chancellor

“<FirstName/>, as Alistair's chancellor, was a regular face at court--at least for a time. Alistair deferred to his advisor's judgment on most matters, and when the king traveled away from the capital, as he did often, he was more than willing to leave the throne entirely in <FirstName/>'s hands.”

  • Alistair unhardened

“In the months that followed his coronation, Alistair proved to be a popular king... if largely unwilling to involve himself in matters of governing. He traveled often, making appearances in towns throughout Ferelden to the great delight of the commoners. They referred to him as a king with the "common touch," even if a few knew it was a simple aversion to life at court.”

Hero is Chancellor

“<FirstName/>, as Alistair's chancellor, was the face most often seen at court. In truth, the chancellor ruled the nation, and did so with King Alistair's blessing. Whenever the chancellor left Denerim on personal affairs, the business of the court effectively came to a standstill.”

Hero marrying Alistair[]

  • No romance with Alistair

“<FirstName/> married King Alistair in a lavish ceremony six months after his coronation, becoming the princess-consort of Ferelden. As both their savior and new ruler, she proved incredibly popular among the people, and Alistair allowed his bride a great deal of leeway to act as she wished.”

  • Romance with Alistair

“<FirstName/> married King Alistair in a lavish ceremony six months after his coronation, becoming the princess-consort of Ferelden. The two toured the nation soon afterwards, and the people were ecstatic to see how the king adored his new bride.”

Anora sole ruler[]

“In the months that followed her coronation, Anora proved herself an adept ruler. Trade agreements with other lands quickly brought new funds into the royal coffers, and with them, the queen saw the capital rebuilt. The army was restored, laws were passed to encourage freeholders to produce sufficient harvests, and plans were conceived for a university.”

  • If Loghain was executed at the Landsmeet

“Despite Loghain being executed in disgrace, Queen Anora insisted on building a monument to her father, overlooking the Orlesian embassy. The statue was largely ignored, save by Anora herself, who voyaged out to the statue once a year to place flowers at its feet.”

  • If Loghain died making the final blow against the Archdemon

“Queen Anora had a monument built to her father in honor of his redemption at Fort Drakon. The monument was built overlooking the Orlesian embassy... "watching" it carefully, as the local legend goes. It became popular, and in time, Loghain's darker deeds were forgotten in favor of his more heroic ones.”

  • Hero not marrying Anora

“As the years passed, Anora continued to rebuff the advice of Ferelden's nobility requesting that she remarry. Though prospective suitors from other nations visit Denerim from time to time, the queen's only comment is that all of them fall far short of the bar she measures them against: that of her father.”

  • Hero is Chancellor

“As chancellor, <FirstName/> was often seen at court--at least for a time. Queen Anora conferred with her chancellor over matters of state, and it was easy to see that the former Grey Warden had great sway over the kingdom's rule.”

  • Hero marrying Anora

“<FirstName/> married Queen Anora in a lavish ceremony six months after her coronation, becoming the prince-consort of Ferelden. Many said that if the two did not end up vying for control of the throne, they would usher in a new golden age not seen since King Calenhad first united the barbarian tribes.”

Urn of Sacred Ashes[]

Brother Genitivi returns to Denerim[]

“News that the Urn of Sacred Ashes had been found in Ferelden did not spread outside the Chantry until Brother Genitivi made an announcement several months after the defeat of the darkspawn. The manuscript detailing his research and his experience with Andraste's cult drew huge interest among scholars throughout Thedas.”

A deal was made with Kolgrim

“Attempts to verify Brother Genitivi's claims, however, proved impossible. Agents of the Chantry sent into the mountains found little more than empty ruins. There were no cultists, and more importantly, no Sacred Ashes. Several years later, Genitivi's research was declared fiction and his work discredited. He killed himself not long afterwards.”

“When the next snows began to fall, the high dragon of the temple made its first appearance in the skies over Ferelden. As it laid waste to the countryside in its rampage, rumors began to circulate of a strange cult that believed this was Andraste returned. Efforts to locate the dragon's lair failed, and no connection was made to the Urn of Sacred Ashes, while the cult rapidly gained converts.”

Bug icon Bug! This slide plays even if the player kills the High Dragon after unlocking the Reaver Specialization.
A deal was not made with Kolgrim
  • High dragon is dead

“Some years later, the Chantry announced that the resting place of Andraste's Ashes had indeed been found. A ripple of excitement spread among the pious people of Thedas, with many undertaking pilgrimages to see the Ashes or partake of their healing powers.”

  • High dragon is not dead

“Some years later, the Chantry announced that the resting place of Andraste's Ashes had indeed been found. They were located, however, in ruins that were also the lair of a high dragon, thus proving too dangerous to approach. Many made demands to secure the Ashes so that followers could undertake pilgrimages to partake of their healing powers.”

“Following numerous failed attempts to deal with the dragon, the beast finally flew off to find another haven... but leaving the mountaintop sanctum in ruins. An excavation found no traces of the Urn.”

“People began to doubt that the Ashes had ever been found, while others claimed that a cult of Andraste's followers stole them from the temple. Still others say that the Maker Himself removed the Urn, deeming mankind unworthy of it. For now, what happened to the Urn is simply unknown...”

Brother Genitivi either does not return to Denerim or is told to return to Denerim before the Warden explores the temple[]

“Rumors that the Urn of Sacred Ashes had been found, and that it was used to heal Arl Eamon of his poisoning, circulated in Ferelden in the months following the darkspawn defeat... slowly, at first, and then with growing frequency as the grand cleric failed to deny them.”

A deal was made with Kolgrim

“Once the Chantry made several attempts to verify the rumors, however, there came an official decree that no resting place for the Ashes had been found. If the Urn of Sacred Ashes was in those ruins once, it was no longer.”

Tower of the Circle of Magi[]

With templars[]

“Following months of grim effort, the templars cleared the last remaining spirits from the Circle Tower, making it safe to rebuild a home for Ferelden's Circle of Magi. Rumors of what happened increased the common folk's distrust of mages, and more than one young apprentice claimed to encounter mages thought long dead still wandering in the Fade.”

Circle not given independence

“Once the tower was rebuilt, Knight-Commander Greagoir stepped down from his post and retired to a life of private contemplation as a brother in the Chantry. His health failed over time, and after refusing treatment, he perished in his sleep. Knight-Commander Cullen was said to be more strict and less trusting of the mages even than Greagoir was. He ruled the Circle with fear.”

Irving not killed

“Former First Enchanter Irving was imprisoned along with a number of other survivors and inspected carefully by the Chantry for any signs of demonic possession. After more than a year, he was finally released. His spirit broken, Irving allowed himself to be sent to the Circle of Val Royeaux in Orlais, where he served as an administrator for the remainder of his days.”

With mages[]

Circle of Magi Epilogue

The saved Circle of Magi.

“Following months of effort, the tower of the Circle of Magi was finally cleansed of the last spirits to slip through the Veil. No further abominations were created, and First Enchanter Irving was pleased to declare the Circle safe. All that could be saved had been.”

Circle given independence

“The young templar Cullen never quite recovered from his ordeal. After months of attempting to convince his superiors that the tower was still a danger, he finally snapped and killed three apprentices before being stopped by his fellow templars. Eventually, Cullen escaped from prison, a madman and a threat to any mage he encountered.”

Elven Alienage[]

Bann of the Alienage[]

“With a new bann in the Landsmeet to represent them, the city-born elves found a better lot than ever. New law gave the elves more trading rights and their own militia within the Alienage.”

Shianni is not the bann

Shianni continued to be an outspoken member of the Alienage community, and in time became the new elder. That outspokenness earned her frequent trouble, but served her people well.”

Shianni is the bann

“Resistance from humans saw a rise in violence in the city, however, which culminated in Shianni's murder by a human bigot several years later. The resulting riot in the Alienage forced a crack-down from the throne, a clear signal that the tension with the elves had not been resolved.”

Soris is the bann

“A year later, Soris's marriage to a wealthy human woman caused a scandal in both parts of the city--resulting in a riot within the Alienage that forced a crack-down from the throne. Angered, Soris resigned his title and left Ferelden with his new wife. No new bann was named to replace him.”

Hero is the bann

“With <FirstName/> as their new voice, the elves became prosperous in a way they had never known... enough to draw elves from nearby lands, desperate for real hope. The influx built ire among the human population and eventually resulted in a riot in Denerim, showing that as much as things change, they always stay the same.”

Someone else is the bann

“Resistance from humans saw a rise in violence in the city, however, culminating in an angry mob outside the Landsmeet that stoned the new bann to death. The resulting riot in the Alienage forced a crack-down from the throne, a clear signal that tensions with the elves were far from resolved.”

Bug icon Bug! The slides for an elven bann are not displayed.

No bann of the Alienage[]

Slave trade not stopped

“Amongst the city-born elves of Denerim, things remained as they always had. The rumors of slave traders working secretly in the shadows persisted until riots in the Alienage forced the throne to intervene. The slavers were shut down, but not without the loss of many elven lives.”

Note: This takes place if the Warden makes a deal with Caladrius and the latter keeps the slaves.
Slave trade stopped
  • Alistair is king

“With the slavers shut down in the Alienage, the lot of the city-born elves improved for a time. The new king even named the local elder to his personal court--a scandal amongst the humans, but a sign of new hope to the elves.”

  • Alistair is not king

“With the slavers shut down in the Alienage, the lot of the city-born elves improved for a time. A food shortage years later forced Queen Anora to come down hard on elven rioters, an act not quickly forgiven and a sign that tensions between the elves and humans were far from resolved.”

Hero is City Elf[]

Soris released from prison

“Distrusted by his fellow elves, Soris eventually left them and after a great deal of travel joined a thieves' guild in Orlais. He enjoyed success there, at least for a time.”

If Soris never in prison

“Soris eventually got married--to a human woman, and one he loves deeply. After the initial scandal, Soris left the city and settled in Highever, where he and his new wife had many children.”


Redcliffe was abandoned[]

Arl Eamon eventually returned to Redcliffe, beginning the long task of rebuilding. The village was a ruin, however, and rumors that it was haunted kept people from returning in numbers. The castle became near-empty, with only a handful of soldiers to man it. Redcliffe itself dwindled in importance.”

Redcliffe was not abandoned[]

Anora sole ruler

“Arl Eamon returned to Redcliffe, beginning the long task of rebuilding. He found the village already bustling and eager to leave behind the memories of those terrible nights facing the undead.”

Anora not sole ruler
  • Hero is not Chancellor

“Arl Eamon remained in Denerim for some time, acting as the chancellor and chief advisor to King Alistair. Bann Teagan ruled over Redcliffe in his stead, and was surprised to find himself well-loved by the villagers, who were still grateful for the nights he spent defending their lives. In time, Eamon abdicated in favor of his brother... an event the locals greeted with approval and enthusiasm.”

Connor is alive[]

Made deal with demon

“While Eamon planned to send Connor to the Circle of Magi for training, the boy grew strangely ill and the trip was delayed... and then one day Connor simply disappeared entirely. After a frantic search, he was eventually given up for lost. His disappearance remains a mystery to this day.”

Bug icon Bug! This slide does not appear if Arl Eamon remains in Denerim.
No deal made with demon

“Connor was sent off to study at the Circle, and considering his earlier experiences, he excelled in his training and easily passed the Harrowing to become a full mage. At his father's urging, Connor accepted a position in Tevinter to undertake formal study of the Fade.”

Bug icon Bug! This slide does not appear if Arl Eamon remains in Denerim.

Connor is dead[]

“Lady Isolde bore her husband another child, this time a girl. The birth was difficult, however, and Isolde died in Eamon's arms. He named the child Rowan, after his own sister, and raised her with a loving hand. When she began to exhibit affinity for magic at a young age, he gave her over to the Circle for training--but continued to visit her and loved her no less than before.”

Bug icon Bug! This slide does not appear if Arl Eamon remains in Denerim.

Bevin saved[]

Kaitlyn's sword was returned to her

Bevin, Kaitlyn's young brother, eventually grew to become a famous adventurer in his own right. One of his favorite stories to tell companions was how, as a young lad, he met <FirstName/>, who used his father's blade to save Redcliffe and then passed it back.”

Kaitlyn was made rich in exchange for sword

“The young woman Kaitlyn eventually made it to Denerim safely, and used the small fortune she received for her father's sword to open a foundry while the city rebuilt. The foundry did well, turning her into a wealthy and respected woman. By chance, she met Teagan again at court--and within months, the two of them married.”

Bug icon Bug! This ending also plays out even if Kaitlyn was freely given money without the sword being discovered.

Bella runs tavern[]

“The tavern in Redcliffe village, now run by Bella, was renamed "The Grey Warden's Rest." It echoes with tales of how the hero of Ferelden saved the village and healed Arl Eamon with the Sacred Ashes of Andraste. Few believe that such tall tales could possibly be true.”

Bella went to Denerim[]

“Bella, the tavern wench, made it to Denerim safely. With the money she was given, she opened a brewery of her own.”

Dalish encampment[]

The elves were killed[]

“In the Brecilian Forest, the werewolves thrived for a time, living in the remains of the Dalish camp and enjoying recognition for their bravery at the siege of Denerim.”

“Even that goodwill was only to last so long, however. Try though she might, the Lady of the Forest could not entirely suppress the werewolves' animal nature, nor her own... and eventually the curse spread into nearby human settlements.”

“The werewolf populations swelled, until finally the army of Ferelden was called in to deal with the threat permanently. Many a werewolf died, but when the soldiers arrived at the old Dalish camp, they found it abandoned. The Lady of the Forest was gone, as were her followers, who were not seen again.”

The elves were not killed[]

“The Dalish elves prospered after the siege at Denerim, having earned much respect for their part in the battle. For once, human lands welcomed the wandering folk.”

Zathrian killed

“The new keeper, Lanaya, was respected both amongst the Dalish as well as in the Ferelden court. She was a voice of reason, and other Dalish clans would turn to her to help resolve disputes with human folk.”

  • Dalish Hero asked for land

“In time, many of the Dalish clans moved to the new land provided for them in the south near Ostagar. Wary of their human neighbors, however, tensions soon rose again... and only Keeper Lanaya's leadership kept peace alive.”

Zathrian not killed

Zathrian remained keeper of his clan for many years more, until finally he realized that the world was changing too quickly for him to keep pace. He constantly argued with the human court, increasing tensions, until one day he simply vanished. The Dalish searched for him, but it was obvious that he had left of his own volition and did not intend to return.”

  • Dalish Hero asked for land

“In time, many Dalish clans moved to the new land provided for them in the south near Ostagar. Wary of their human neighbors, however, tensions soon rose again. Despite hopes for another chance, many clans fear a repeat of their oldest lesson.”

Bug icon Bug! Whether Zathrian is killed or not, if the Dalish elves participated in the Battle of Denerim the game will erroneously show the land boon epilogue slide.

The curse was not ended[]

“As for the werewolves, even with Witherfang slain the curse was not broken. In time, werewolf populations swelled again and they returned to their savage nature. The Brecilian Forest was ultimately sealed off to travelers, although not even this stopped the spread of the curse.”

The curse was ended[]

Former werewolves not killed

“As for the werewolves, now freed of their curse, they remained together and took the surname Wolf in memory of what they once were. They eventually became the most successful animal trainers in Thedas, and each year would gather to light a candle in memory of the Lady who had loved them so well.”

Bug icon Bug! This epilogue slide does not trigger.


King Bhelen[]

“In Orzammar, King Bhelen quickly proved himself a reformer. Trade with the surface lands increased and caste restrictions were loosened. The casteless were permitted to take arms against the darkspawn in exchange for new freedoms. For the first time in generations, the line in the Deep Roads was pushed back, and a few thaigs were reclaimed.”

“Bhelen's reforms quickly found him enemies within the warrior and noble castes, however, and after several assassination attempts, the Assembly was dissolved. The king then ruled alone--some said as a tyrant, others said as a visionary determined to drag Orzammar into the modern world.”

Hero asked for aid

“When the first human armies arrived from Ferelden, King Bhelen welcomed them with open arms. Within months, the darkspawn were driven back as far as the Dead Trenches, and the first dwarven warrior to return with a relic retaken from the gates of Bownammar was greeted by cheering, jubilant crowds.”

King Harrowmont[]

Branka is alive

“In Orzammar, King Harrowmont quickly put down Bhelen's rebellion and then passed a series of laws to please the clan lords. Unfortunately, that isolated the dwarves even further from the surface. Caste restrictions and the rights of the nobles both grew, and trade with the human lands was all but cut off.

After a law excluding the casteless from common areas of the city was passed, a rebellion saw the slums reduced practically to rubble. Although outrage was widespread, the Assembly remained united behind King Harrowmont.”

Branka was killed

“In Orzammar, King Harrowmont found himself in a protracted battle against Bhelen's rebellion that left him unable to gain the stability he needed. The clan lords objected to many of his measures in the Assembly, and only his efforts to increase the dwarves' isolation from the surface met with any success.”

Hero asked for aid

“When the first human armies arrived from Ferelden, they found themselves blocked at the city gates. Harrowmont feared the disruption the humans would cause and permitted only limited aid in the form of equipment and herbal medicines.”


Template:. .

“In time, Harrowmont's health began to fail. Some claimed it was poison, while others said it was a flagging spirit. Either way, after a protracted illness, the king finally passed away. The wrangling in the Assembly for a successor began almost immediately.”

Dwarven Hero dead[]

Dwarf Noble

“The Assembly posthumously declared <FirstName/> a Paragon after months of deliberation. He/she was buried in the earth beneath Orzammar next to his/her father--his/her Aeducan name restored. A new statue was erected in the Commons and a new house founded in his/her honor.”

Dwarf Commoner

“The Assembly posthumously declared <FirstName/> a Paragon, following months of deliberation... the first duster ever to receive the honor. A new house was founded in his/her name, and so many casteless flocked to its banner that it became one of the largest in the city.”

Dwarven Hero alive[]

“The Assembly unanimously declared <FirstName/> a living Paragon, following months of deliberation. A new statue was erected in the Commons and a new house founded in the Paragon's name, quickly drawing a great number of followers from every caste.”

Brother Burkel was helped[]

Brother Burkel's new chantry in Orzammar drew a surprising number of converts among the dwarves. They quickly attracted a great deal of anger from more conservative quarters, and before long the Assembly severely restricted the Andrastians' rights.”

“Brother Burkel resisted, and was slain while being arrested during a peaceful demonstration in the Commons. The Assembly claimed this was an accident, but news of the resulting riots reached the Chantry on the surface, where the Divine even contemplated a new Exalted March.”

Dagna was helped[]

“The dwarven mage, Dagna, ultimately completed her studies at the rebuilt Circle Tower on the surface. Eventually, she published a comprehensive theory of how lyrium vapors relate to the supply of magic. It gained a great deal of attention.”

Circle not given independence

“This inspired mages from other parts of Thedas to establish a new Circle of Magi in Orzammar itself, one that had ready access to dwarven lyrium... and lies outside the Chantry's power completely. The willingness of Orzammar to harbor apostates sparked outrage that began whispers that the Divine was contemplating a new Exalted March.”

Anvil of the Void[]

Branka was killed[]

“Although the Anvil of the Void was destroyed, rumors about its location crept into Orzammar. Years later, thanks to the defeat of the darkspawn on the surface, a few determined smiths managed to locate the Anvil's remains.”

“They examined the ruins of the Anvil, and, upon returning to Orzammar with their findings, convinced the Shaperate to attempt to recreate Caridin's research. A new golem was created, bound with a spirit taken from the Fade.”

“The golem immediately went insane, killing several shapers before it was destroyed. The research was branded excessively dangerous and sealed away. Whispers of its existence circulated throughout Orzammar, however, and demand among the smith caste to reopen Caridin's research refused to abate.”

Note: This sets the stage for The Golems of Amgarrak.

Branka is alive[]

“It was not long before Branka mastered Caridin's technique, learning how to use the Anvil of the Void to create new golems--the first in many centuries. The dwarven people greeted this news with cheers, though few knew of the cost.”

King Bhelen

“At first, King Bhelen worked eagerly with Branka to provide subjects--willing or not--so that the golems could push the darkspawn back. This arrangement was not to last, however.”

“Before long, Branka began to refuse to create golems only for the king, who soon banned use of the Anvil. His men attacked Branka's fortress in the Deep Roads, forcing her to shut it tight.”

“Years into the siege, Bhelen was forced to relent. The fortress, guarded by Branka's golems, remained impenetrable.”

King Harrowmont

“Initially, King Harrowmont was more than willing to provide volunteers for Branka. The golems were sorely needed to crush Bhelen's rebellion, after all, and they did so with success.”

“But eventually, Harrowmont declared that no new dwarven souls could be used on the Anvil. The unending need for golems in the Deep Roads, however, gave rise to secret surface raids to kidnap humans and elves for the mad Paragon.”

“When this came to light, a brief war broke out between Orzammar and Ferelden. The gates to the subterranean city were sealed and Harrowmont's kingdom became more isolated than ever. Branka insists, of course, that the raids on the surface continue.”


The Warden did not perform Morrigan's ritual or sleep with her[]

“True to her word, Morrigan vanished the same night she made her offer at Redcliffe Castle. Someone of Morrigan's description was later seen traveling alone, heading west through the Frostback Mountains.”

“Several years later, tales out of Orlais said that a strange, dark-haired mage had insinuated herself within the empress's court.”

The Warden slept with Morrigan and the ritual was not performed[]

“True to her word, Morrigan vanished the same night she made her offer at Redcliffe Castle. Someone of Morrigan's description was later seen traveling alone, heading west through the Frostback Mountains... and she may even have been with child.”

“Whose child it might be is unknown, but some whisper that the witch was once the lover of <FirstName/> himself. Either way, her ritual was never completed... and there was no word of her after that.”

Morrigan's ritual was performed[]

“As good as her word, Morrigan disappeared once the archdemon was slain. Someone of Morrigan's description was seen traveling alone months later, heading west through the Frostback Mountains... and she may even have been with child.”

Given ring by Morrigan[]

Morrigan in love with Hero

Morrigan's ring.

“The ring that Morrigan gave <FirstName/> remained in his possession. She had once claimed that it formed a connection between the two, and there came a night when he was sure that she was thinking of him... somewhere. She felt regret, and sorrow. But the ring told no more.”

Note: This walkthrough gives instructions for ensuring that this slide is triggered.

Flemeth is alive[]

“There was no word of her after that. Flemeth's hut in the Korcari Wilds was likewise abandoned. One cannot help but wonder: Where did they go? What were their plans? What became of the child? These questions must remain a mystery... for now.”

Flemeth was killed[]

“There was no word of her after that. With Flemeth dead--or at least gone--the chances of tracking her down were slim indeed. One cannot help but wonder, however: What became of the child? What were Morrigan's plans? These questions must remain a mystery... for now.”

Bug icon Bug! This slide appears even if the Warden never battled Flemeth.

Hero and companions[]

Hero died[]

Loghain chosen over Alistair, Anora sole ruler

“As for the Grey Wardens, Anora was as good as her word: The Arling of Amaranthine was given to the order, and a new headquarters established there. A statue of <FirstName/> towers over its entrance, in memory of one who made the ultimate sacrifice so that others might live.”

Anora not sole ruler

“As for the Grey Wardens, Alistair was as good as his word: The arling of Amaranthine was given to the order, and a new headquarters established there. A statue of <FirstName/> towers over its entrance, in memory of one who made the ultimate sacrifice so that others might live.”

Hero not dwarven

“<FirstName/>'s remains were transported with a full honor guard to the Grey Warden fortress of Weisshaupt in the Anderfels. There they were installed in the tomb alongside those of the four others who have made that same sacrifice to defeat a Blight.”

  • Alistair Warm or better
Not in love

“Alistair returned to the Grey Wardens for a time, insisting that new recruits pay respect to <FirstName/>'s sacrifice and campaigning to relax some of the order's more secretive policies. But in time, he left the Wardens once more, declaring that it simply no longer felt right.”

“He traveled to Duncan's birthplace, and there placed a small monument in the man's memory. Where he went afterwards is unknown.”

In love

“Alistair felt the loss of his love keenly. Although he returned to the Grey Wardens for a time, he was heard to say that it simply was not the same anymore. Much to Queen Anora's relief, he resigned from the order and left Ferelden for good.”

“He traveled to Duncan's birthplace, and there placed a small monument in the man's memory. Where he went afterwards is unknown.”

  • Alistair not Warm

“Alistair returned to the Grey Wardens for a time, helping to recruit new members to restore the order. It quickly became apparent, however, that his presence in Ferelden made relations with the new queen strained at best. He was recalled to the far-off Warden fortress of Weisshaupt, and departed readily.”

  • Leliana Warm or better
Not in love

“Leliana remained at court for a time, penning a ballad dedicated to <FirstName/>--one that would eventually become known throughout Thedas. But after one performance at the palace, Leliana quietly vanished. Some say she returned to Orlais, but it is not known for certain.”

In love
  • Not hardened

“Leliana remained in the royal court for a time, mourning. She poured her heart into a ballad that would eventually become known throughout Thedas. But after one performance, Leliana quietly vanished. Some say that the Maker came to her in a vision again that night. Smiling, tears in her eyes, she told a maid that she would see her love again at last.”

  • Hardened

“Leliana remained in the royal court for a time, mourning. She poured her heart into a ballad that would eventually become known throughout Thedas. But after one performance, Leliana quietly vanished. Some claimed she returned to a life of adventure, while others said that she returned to Orlais to exact revenge on her enemies. Whichever is true, she never forgot the one she loved.”

  • Leliana not Warm

“Leliana remained at court for a time before deciding to return to Orlais. She left with little explanation, saying only that she had old scores to settle.”


“Loghain remained with the Grey Wardens, pressed into service as the primary recruiter in Ferelden. He performed diligently for several years, until finally the taint wore too hard on his aged body. After a solemn service with his fellow Wardens, Loghain traveled to Orzammar to take his final march into the Deep Roads.”

  • Oghren Warm or better

“Oghren accepted a position as a general in the army of Ferelden, the first dwarf ever promoted so high, and eventually both sobered up and married. When his first son/daughter was born, Oghren held him/her in his arms and wept--and named him/her after the friend who had changed his life so long ago.”

Bug icon Bug! This slide appears even if Oghren's Old Flame was not completed.
  • Oghren not Warm

“Oghren remained on the surface for a time, adventuring as far as the nearest tavern and gaining a reputation as an occasionally dangerous nuisance. Eventually he left Ferelden, accepting employment with a mercenary company renowned for its supply of fine ales.”

  • Shale Friendly

“Shale left Ferelden soon after the battle at Denerim, refusing all offers of reward by the royal court. The golem was not seen again... but rumors abounded of an angry dwarven woman in the far north who hunted pigeons with reckless abandon.”

  • Shale Warm
Shale's personal quest was completed

“Shale returned to Orzammar not long after the battle in Denerim, fighting in the Proving Grounds and defeating every opponent. The dwarves reluctantly agreed to restore her status as a member of the lost House Cadash. Pleased, Shale ventured into the Deep Roads to do battle with the darkspawn and was not seen again.”

Shale's personal quest was not completed

“For a time, Shale aided the Fereldan army in fighting the darkspawn that remained on the surface... and then, growing bored, decided to pursue further adventures elsewhere. The rapid decline of pigeon populations in Ferelden may or may not be related.”

  • Shale not Warm
Shale's personal quest was completed

“Shale left Ferelden, presumably headed for the fabled Library of Minrathous. Reports suggest that she got into an altercation with an influential mage there and was driven out. She swore bloody vengeance.”

Shale's personal quest was not completed

“Shale departed soon after the battle at Denerim. The golem did not indicate a destination, but pigeon populations along the Amaranthine coast have fallen dramatically.”

  • Sten Warm or better

“Sten bowed once before <FirstName/>'s remains and then left without a word, returning to his homeland. His honor had been restored, and when fellow qunari asked if there were worthy people outside Par Vollen, Sten would answer that in all his travels he had only met a single one.”

  • Sten not Warm

“Sten returned to his homeland, leaving without a word. Upon reporting to the arishok of his observations of humanity, Sten was elevated to the rank of general and placed in charge of forces in Seheron fighting against human insurgents. This pleased Sten greatly.”

  • Wynne Warm or better

“Wynne remained in service to the throne of Ferelden for a time, politely refusing the position of first enchanter when it was offered to her. After almost a year, she quietly collected her things and announced that she was journeying to see more of the world before her time came... and then she was gone.”

  • Wynne not Warm

“Wynne returned to the Circle of Magi, but only for a short time. After several months, her quarters were found empty. She was gone without explanation or apology. The templars were told to look out for her, although no active search has yet been ordered.”

  • Zevran Warm or better
Not in love

“Zevran traveled for a time, trying to remain as far from the Crows as possible. When they finally came for him, Zevran elected to take the fight to their doorstep, returning to Antiva. After four master assassins disappeared, the Crows readmitted Zevran--as their leader. He was never sure if that was victory or defeat.”

In love

“Zevran lingered in Denerim for a time, mourning the loss of his love and working for the Fereldan throne as a distraction. Eventually the Crows came after him once again and he elected to take the fight to their doorstep, returning to Antiva. After four master assassins disappeared, the Crows readmitted Zevran--as their leader. He maintained a distance from his former comrades even then, and despite frequent offers of new bedmates, never loved again.”

  • Zevran not Warm

“Zevran traveled for a time, trying to remain as far from the Crows as possible. When they finally came for him, Zevran elected to take the fight to their doorstep, returning to Antiva. After four master assassins disappeared, the Crows readmitted Zevran--as their leader. He was never sure if that was victory or defeat.”

Hero lives and Anora sole ruler[]

Alistair exiled

“Alistair was true to his word and did not return to the Grey Wardens. He was last seen, before the siege, hiring a Rivaini ship to take him out of Denerim. An attempted coup to overthrow Anora a year later borrowed Alistair's name, but no proof of Alistair's involvement was ever supplied. A haggard, drunken man was seen in a tavern in Starkhaven, bitterly claiming to have once been a Grey Warden and prince... but drunken men are not so rare.”

Note: An exiled Alistair can be found in Kirkwall in Dragon Age II.
Hero in love with Alistair
  • Going back to Grey Wardens

“As for <FirstName/>'s companions, they went their separate ways. Alistair was relieved to be away from court at last and returned with his love to help rebuild the Grey Wardens. He left her side only briefly, to return to Duncan's home and plant a small memorial.”

  • Staying in Denerim

“As for <FirstName/>'s companions, they went their separate ways. Alistair remained in Denerim with his love for a time, much to Queen Anora's discomfort. He was eventually called to the far-off fortress at Weisshaupt, the home of the Grey Wardens, and swore he would return to his love's side soon.”

  • Leaving Denerim

“As for <FirstName/>'s companions, they went their separate ways. When <FirstName/> finally left Denerim to continue her travels, Alistair went with her, electing to remain with the woman he loved. They continued their adventures together--at least for a time.”

Hero in love with Leliana
  • Going back to Grey Wardens

“As for <FirstName/>'s companions, they went their separate ways. Leliana and <FirstName/> returned to the Grey Wardens, helping to rebuild the order for a time, then joining an effort to investigate the darkspawn's remaining secrets.”

  • Staying in Denerim

“As for <FirstName/>'s companions, they went their separate ways. Leliana, however, elected to remain at the side of her love--at least for a time.”

  • Leaving Denerim

“As for <FirstName/>'s companions, they went their separate ways. When <FirstName/> finally left Denerim to continue his/her travels, Leliana went with him/her, electing to remain with the man/woman she loved. They continued their adventures together--at least for a time.”

Hero in love with Zevran
  • Going back to Grey Wardens

“As for <FirstName/>'s companions, they went their separate ways. Zevran returned with <FirstName/> to the Grey Wardens, helping to recruit and train new members even though he never officially joined the order.”

  • Staying in Denerim

“As for <FirstName/>'s companions, they went their separate ways. Zevran however, elected to remain at the side of his love--at least for a time.”

  • Leaving Denerim

“As for <FirstName/>'s companions, they went their separate ways. When <FirstName/> finally left Denerim to continue his/her travels, Zevran went with him/her, electing to remain with the man/woman he loved. They continued their adventures together--at least for a time.”

Bug icon Bug! This slide defaults to the version for a female Hero.
Hero in love with no one
  • Returning to Grey Wardens
Ritual performed

“The companions who had traveled with <FirstName/> eventually scattered to the four winds, drawn either by personal duty or the call to further adventure. The Grey Wardens welcomed their hero back into the fold--even if the suspicions of those who wondered how <FirstName/> managed to survive were sometimes given quiet voice.”

Ritual not performed

“The companions who had traveled with <FirstName/> eventually scattered to the four winds, drawn either by personal duty or the call to further adventure. The Grey Wardens welcomed their hero back into the fold gladly, eager to receive a hero who faced the archdemon and lived to pass on the knowledge.”

  • Staying in Denerim

“The companions who had traveled with <FirstName/> eventually scattered to the four winds, drawn either by personal duty or by the call to further adventure. The hero remained in Denerim, a celebrity amongst the commoners and a fixture at court--at least for a time.”

  • Leaving Denerim

“Both <FirstName/> and the companions who helped defeat the Blight eventually scattered to the four winds, drawn either by personal duty or the call to further adventure. Circumstance dictated that they would not see each other again--at least for a time.”


“As the blighted lands began to heal and the Grey Wardens slowly rebuilt the order in Amaranthine, they discovered that the fight against the darkspawn was not yet complete. Although the horde was routed and had dissolved upon the archdemon's death, many of the more powerful darkspawn survived to organize roving war bands that preyed both upon the land and upon each other.”

“These war bands spread havoc, and some even journeyed west into Orlais or crossed the Shining Sea by the Deep Roads. They proved incredibly difficult to wipe out.”

Note: This sets the stage for Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening.
Note: The Shining Sea is the name of the western part of the Waking Sea.[1]
Hero died

“But these are tales for other heroes. The tale of <FirstName/> ended when he/she sank the blade into the archdemon's head and destroyed it forever. Whatever follows, his/her sacrifice will not soon be forgotten.”

Alistair or Loghain died

“But these are tales yet to be told. <emp>This</emp> tale ended with the death of the archdemon and the end of the Blight before it truly began. Surely <FirstName/> would be heard from again...”

Hero lives

“But these are tales yet to be told. <emp>This</emp> tale ended when <FirstName/> sank his/her blade in the archdemon's head and destroyed it forever. It was not the last that Ferelden would hear of him/her, however...”


Congratulations! You have completed Dragon Age: Origins!


  • It has been revealed that the Chantry refuses to accommodate Ferelden's ruler if they grant the Circle autonomy.[2]
  • If spoken to after the initial dialogue, Sten will say, "Where is the cake? I was told there would be cake. The cake is a lie." This is a reference to Portal.
  • The song This is War by Thirty Seconds to Mars plays during the credits. This was the world debut of the song.
  • The epilogues in Dragon Age: Origins were written by David Gaider.[3]
  • Gallagher Wulff and Shianni are both present in the game files as possible attendees for the funeral, but will not appear due to there being no code to activate them. Jowan and Lily appear in the files as well, but the conditions used to activate them are impossible to achieve in-game.

