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“On a cliff overlooking the dark waters of Lake Calenhad stands the tower fortress that is home to the Circle of Magi. This tower is the only place in Ferelden where mages may study their art among others of their kind. Within the high stone walls, the circle practices its magic and trains apprentices in the proper use of their powers. But the Circle Tower is as much a prison as a refuge; the ever-vigilant templars of the Chantry watch over all mages, constantly alert for any sign of corruption. This gilded cage is the only world you know. Found to be sensitive to magic at a young age, you were torn from your family and grafted here as an apprentice. Now, that apprenticeship is nearly over and all that remains is the final test: the Harrowing.”

The Magi Origin is one of six origins available in Dragon Age: Origins for the Playable character. This character begins as an apprentice mage of the Circle of the Magi. Gifted with a power considered dangerous by most, you have spent most of your life secluded in the remote tower of the Circle of Magi to be trained and watched closely by the dreaded templars. Now your final test is upon you—succeed and prove your strength or be slain.

Note that unlike other origins, this one is based solely on the class. You can play as either a Human or Elven mage; the plot is the same for humans and elves, with a few minor conversational differences. You cannot play as a Dwarven Mage since Dwarves cannot use magic.

A Warden who is a human mage is a member of the Amell family, whereas a Warden who is an elven mage is a member of the Surana family.

The default name is "Daylen Amell" if human male, "Solona Amell" if human female. The default name is "Alim Surana" if elven male, "Neria Surana" if elven female. The first name can be changed to whatever the player chooses. However, the surname is fixed. Elven and human mages start with this origin. For Rogue and Warrior elf characters, see Dalish Elf Origin and City Elf Origin. For Rogue and Warrior human characters, see Human Noble Origin.


“The Circle of Magi exists to protect mages from a world that fears them, or so the young apprentices that are brought there are told. In truth, it exists as much to protect the world from the mages themselves. A time once existed when mages ruled the known world, bringing down ruin upon their enemies until at last they were overthrown. Now they are watched carefully by the templars, mage-hunters aligned with the Chantry priests who would not hesitate to strike down any mage at the first sign of corruption.

For the temptations offered to mages are many. Their power draws demons to them from the Fade, demons that will attempt to wrest control of a mage's body and transform her into a vile abomination. What these demons cannot take by force, they will sometimes attempt to take through deceit, offering knowledge of forbidden blood magic that allows a mage to control the minds of others and use the victims' very life force to fuel her power, leading her down a dark and destructive path.

All apprentices are taught to resist these temptations in the Circle of Magi, and the day comes when they must pass their final test, the Harrowing. They are thrown to the wolves, given over to a demon to either summon the willpower needed to defeat it or be possessed and die at templar hands. If the apprentice refuses they are made Tranquil, cut off from all emotion and magic and rendered unable to be possessed – for their own good. There are no other options, save to flee and be branded an apostate and thus hunted by the templars forever.

Welcome to the Circle, and life as a mage in Thedas, where the power to command the forces of magic comes with a price.”[1]



"Your magic is a gift, but it's also a curse." (Knight-Commander Greagoir)

After assuming control of the young mage—who is about to undergo their Harrowing, the final test of their apprenticeship—they receive various tidbits of advice and warnings from Knight-Commander Greagoir and First Enchanter Irving as to what they are going to endure. The apprentice then uses lyrium to enter the Fade and faces down a demon with the help of Mouse, an apprentice who failed his Harrowing. After defeating the demon, Mouse attempts to trick the young mage into letting him enter their body; they soon however realize that Mouse is actually a masquerading pride demon and is the true arbiter of their worth. After a brief exchange with the pride demon, they leave the Fade and emerge as a true mage at last.

Shortly after the Harrowing, the "protagonist" will meet Duncan, Ferelden's Commander of the Grey, who is currently recruiting mages to join the fight against the impending Blight. Jowan, a friend of the protagonist, accompanied by his lover Lily, a Chantry initiate, rendezvous with the protagonist and explains that he is to be made Tranquil on suspicion of being a blood mage. Jowan and Lily ask for the protagonist's help in tracking down and destroying Jowan's phylactery and to flee the Circle. The protagonist agrees to help, but can opt to report their scheme to Irving. If Irving is notified, he orders the protagonist to play along in order to report Lily to the Chantry—as an affair with a mage is just as embarrassing to the Chantry as it is to the Circle. Either way, the trio breaks into the Tower's basement and manages to find and destroy Jowan's phylactery. Upon returning, the group is confronted by Irving and Greagoir, and in haste Jowan turns to blood magic to escape them. Enraged at what transpired, Greagoir demands that the protagonist be punished for aiding Jowan and Lily (regardless if Irving was notified), but Duncan intervenes and conscripts the protagonist into the Grey Wardens.


The Harrowing[]

Main article: The Harrowing

Your apprenticeship is over. You are sent into the Fade to defeat a demon, to prevail...or die.

A Mage of the Circle[]

Main article: A Mage of the Circle

Waking up after the Harrowing, your friend Jowan tells you that First Enchanter Irving requires your presence. In Irving's office, you are formally welcomed into the Circle and introduced to Duncan, one of the fabled Grey Wardens.

Bound in Blood and Magic[]

Main article: Bound in Blood and Magic

Jowan waylays you after you leave Duncan, and asks for your help. He introduces you to his love, Lily, who has made a very disturbing discovery. They want your help to break into the Tower basement and destroy Jowan's phylactery so he can escape from the Tower unpursued.

Infested Storerooms[]

Main article: Infested Storerooms

Senior Enchanter Leorah has been in a bad mood all day. Perhaps you can help her out and get a favour in return?

Note: If the protagonist sought the aid of another Senior Enchanter during the quest Bound in Blood and Magic, having to aid Leorah is unnecessary.


The Harrowing The Harrowing
A Mage of the Circle A Mage of the Circle
Bound in Blood and Magic Bound in Blood and Magic
Infested Storerooms Infested Storerooms


  • Cullen Rutherford – a young templar who attends the protagonist's Harrowing; if the protagonist is female, he will have romantic feelings for them, whether elven or human
  • Duncan – Ferelden's Commander of the Grey
  • Eadric – an elven mage apprentice doing research into his heritage
  • Eleni Zinovia – a spirit bound to a stone statue for all eternity as punishment by a Tevinter Magister; it is currently being stored in Tower's basement
  • First Enchanter Irving – First Enchanter of Ferelden's Circle Tower
  • Jowan (temporary companion) – an apprentice mage and best friend of the protagonist
  • Keili – a troubled and deeply religious mage apprentice
  • Knight-Commander Greagoir – the leader of the Templars residing in the Tower
  • Lily (temporary companion) – a Chantry initiate who is involved with Jowan
  • Mouse (temporary companion) – a being encountered in the Fade claiming to be a failed apprentice
  • Niall – an Isolationist mage seen conversing with Senior Enchanter Torrin
  • Owain – the Tranquil manager of the Tower's stockroom
  • Senior Enchanter Leorah – a mage in charge of the Tower's laboratory and storage caves
  • Senior Enchanter Sweeney – an elderly, possibly senile, mage with tales to tell of others that have resided in the Tower
  • Senior Enchanter Torrin – an older mage who discusses the Fraternities of Magi with Niall and the protagonist
  • Spirit of Valor – a benevolent Fade spirit that offers the protagnist a staff while thay are enduring their Harrowing
  • Bran – a templar who guards the main doors of the Tower


Cg ico origin mage

In addition to those selected by the player at character creation, a Magi Warden automatically begins with the following:

Initial skills[]

Combat Tactics Combat Tactics and Herbalism Herbalism

Initial spells[]

Arcane Arcane Bolt Arcane Bolt

Initial equipment[]

Clothing Apprentice Robes Apprentice Robes
Armor Leather Boots Leather Boots


Plot Items:

Rod of Fire Rod of Fire
Rod of Fire Request Form Rod of Fire Request Form
Signed Rod of Fire Request Form Signed Rod of Fire Request Form
Laboratory Storage Key Laboratory Storage Key

The Fade:

Valor's Staff Valor's Staff
Shimmering Orb of Light Shimmering Orb of Light

Circle Tower:

Mage Robes Mage Robes
Magic Staff Magic Staff
Ring of Study Ring of Study


Fade Striders Fade Striders
Spirit Charm Spirit Charm
Charm of Still Waters Charm of Still Waters


Apprentice's Amulet Apprentice's Amulet
Blackened Heartwood Staff Blackened Heartwood Staff
Ephemeralist's Belt Ephemeralist's Belt
Note: Random loot obtained during the origin can be found on the following Circle of Magi treasure list.


"Harrowed" achievement trophy

Jowan and Lily are confronted as they return to the Apprentice Quarters level, and Jowan escapes using forbidden blood magic. Duncan recruits the protagonist into the Grey Wardens, possibly sparing them punishment, depending on their actions up to this point, and leaves with them for Ostagar. If it has not been unlocked in a prior playthroughs, on arrival to Ostagar, the Harrowed achievement will be awarded.

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: Knight-Commander Greagoir Codex entry: Knight-Commander Greagoir
Codex entry: First Enchanter Irving Codex entry: First Enchanter Irving
Codex entry: Rage Demon Codex entry: Rage Demon
Codex entry: Giant Spider Codex entry: Giant Spider
Codex entry: Wisp Codex entry: Wisp
Codex entry: The Tevinter Imperium Codex entry: The Tevinter Imperium
Codex entry: The Aeonar Codex entry: The Aeonar
Codex entry: Andraste: Bride of the Maker Codex entry: Andraste: Bride of the Maker
Codex entry: The Black City Codex entry: The Black City
Codex entry: The Maker Codex entry: The Maker
Codex entry: The Founding of the Chantry Codex entry: The Founding of the Chantry
Codex entry: The Fraternity of Enchanters Codex entry: The Fraternity of Enchanters
Codex entry: Hierarchy of the Circle Codex entry: Hierarchy of the Circle
Codex entry: History of the Circle Codex entry: History of the Circle
Codex entry: The Fade Codex entry: The Fade
Codex entry: The Harrowing Codex entry: The Harrowing
Codex entry: Lyrium Codex entry: Lyrium
Codex entry: Maleficarum Codex entry: Maleficarum
Codex entry: Mana and the Use of Magic Codex entry: Mana and the Use of Magic
Codex entry: The Cardinal Rules of Magic Codex entry: The Cardinal Rules of Magic
Codex entry: Blood Magic: The Forbidden School Codex entry: Blood Magic: The Forbidden School
Codex entry: The Four Schools of Magic: Creation Codex entry: The Four Schools of Magic: Creation
Codex entry: The Four Schools of Magic: Entropy Codex entry: The Four Schools of Magic: Entropy
Codex entry: The Four Schools of Magic: Primal Codex entry: The Four Schools of Magic: Primal
Codex entry: The Four Schools of Magic: Spirit Codex entry: The Four Schools of Magic: Spirit
Codex entry: Beyond the Veil: Spirits and Demons Codex entry: Beyond the Veil: Spirits and Demons
Codex entry: The Tranquil Codex entry: The Tranquil
Codex entry: The Chant of Light: The Blight Codex entry: The Chant of Light: The Blight
Codex entry: Sloth Demon Codex entry: Sloth Demon
Codex entry: Wolf Codex entry: Wolf
Codex entry: The Right of Annulment Codex entry: The Right of Annulment


  • If the Magi is human, their mother is Revka Amell, a member of the noble Amell family of Kirkwall, and thus a cousin of Hawke's.
    • Dialogue in Dragon Age II implies that the Human Magi has siblings, as Leandra states that they are only "one of [her] cousin Revka's children" and that "the Circle took them all". They would likely have been sent to other circles in Thedas, since the Chantry avoids keeping relatives in the same Circle. World of Thedas Vol. 2 confirms that Amell is one of five siblings, all of whom are mages.
  • If the Magi is elven, their background is more ambiguous. Through dialogue with Eadric, Surana can clarify their history prior to joining the Circle of Magi. Outside of this there is nothing known about the Surana family.
    • Potential answers to the Elven Magi's origin include them having come from either Denerim's Alienage, Lothering, or they can simple relish that they do not remember where they come from. Eadric will respond that the templars must have taken them at a very early age.
  • If the Warden is human, there is no indication that Surana is present in the Tower; similarly, if the Warden is elven, there is no indication that Amell is present. This is at odds with the other origins, where it is implied that all potential Wardens existed and experienced the same events since Duncan's intervention.


  • In Dragon Age II, when Hawke speaks to Knight-Captain Cullen, Cullen will remark on Hawke's new role as scion of the Amell family, and will remark on his relationship with the Warden. If the Warden was a human female he will comment on a crush he once had on that "remarkable woman".
  • The Magi Origin was written by Sheryl Chee.[2]


Note: All bugs listed in this section can be solved for pcpcusers by downloading and installing this mod.

  • During the Harrowing, if you have acquired your staff and you talk to Bear Mouse, he will prematurely shout, out of context, "And there is a spirit of rage". Then, when you actually get near the spirit of rage, he'll initiate a casual conversation, again quite out of context.
  • When speaking to Niall in the Senior Mage Quarters, the camera oddly focuses on a silent Torrin while Niall is speaking. Also, if you do not ask Niall about apostates the first time the option appears, you will never get the opportunity again.
  • If you talk to the seated elf Eadric in the Senior Mage Quarters, after the conversation he will no longer be in the chair and will instead be sitting on empty air.
  • It is possible that the "Signed Rod of Fire Request Form" will not be removed from your plot items when you give it to Owain. This can be avoided by saving and then loading your game after obtaining the signed form but before giving it to Owain.
  • Senior Enchanter Sweeney will act as if he signed your Rod of Fire Request Form even if someone else did so.
  • When Greagoir and Irving confront the player, Jowan and Lily, as they leave the basement, if the player worked undercover for Irving, Irving tells Greagoir that the player was following his orders. If the player is female, Jowan realizes you betrayed him and curses you, but will then forget that you betrayed him in all future conversations. If the player is male, that entire bit of dialogue is simply skipped.
  • During the final cutscene, after Jowan escapes, the templars will take Lily away to Aeonar. You will see Lily walk away, but in a birds eye view of the conversation between Irving, Greagoir and the Warden, you will see Lily standing in the corner.

See also[]


