"The Missing Invitation" is the twenty-eighth episode of Little Einsteins. It premiered on November 20, 2006, and is the final episode in the first season.
The team, with their friend Butterfly, see that the other butterflies have an invitation to a migration party in Angangueo, Mexico. But then, their friend becomes sad because he did not get his invitation and three other butterflies are teasing him. The mail carrier butterfly says that the missing invitation is in a mailbox, but in the wrong place. So the team must go to four places to find his invitation on a mailbox: Niagara Falls, the United Nations headquarters in New York City, a Big Cave in Oklahoma, and the field of cows in Texas.
- Young Woman in the Garden by Claude Monet
- Navajo Woven Art
- This episode and "A Brand New Outfit" were part of a direct-to-DVD film called Our
BigHuge Adventure. - This is the final episode with Annie's Season 1 outfit. (blue dress with short green sleeves & pink converse shoes).