"The Avengers Protocol" is a two-part series premiere, of Disney XD's Avengers Assemble. It aired on May 26, 2013. It was written by Man of Action, and directed by Eric Radomski.
Part 1[]
After having been disbanded, the Avengers members Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye, and Black Widow reunite when the Red Skull (who is dying from the imperfections of his Super Soldier Serum) and MODOK kidnap Captain America during HYDRA's attack on Liberty Island. With the aid of the new recruit Falcon, the heroes must come together once again to rescue Captain America before Red Skull can transfer his mind into Captain America's body. The Avengers succeed, but watch in horror, as the villains steal Tony Stark's armor with no mercy.
Part 2[]
The Avengers retreat back to Avengers Mansion to save Iron Man's life after his armor was stolen by Red Skull at the last minute of a successful battle. M.O.D.O.K. uses his technology to mind-control the Avengers causing them to brutally attack each other. Meanwhile, Red Skull infiltrates the Avengers Mansion to carry out a devious plot that puts the entire city of Manhattan at risk. After Red Skull's failed mission destroys Avengers Mansion, causing the Avengers to relocate to Stark Tower, he sends out invitation to multiple villains to join his Cabal.