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I think that this world, it needs men who are willing to make the hard call.
―Punisher to Daredevil

The Punisher (real name Frank Castle, Sr.) is a Marvel Comics character who is a brutal and ruthless vigilante who stops at nothing on his war on crime.

Punisher was created by Gerry Conway and Ross Andru.



Frank is a man who sees the world in pure black and white terms and believes that the only way to keep the streets safe is to kill dangerous criminals (Murderers, pedophiles, rapists, psychs, sadists, terrorists, poachers, drug dealers, mob bosses, and drug lords, etc) so they don't harm innocents again. However despite this he doesn’t kill thieves or bank robbers unless they murder someone. When his wife, son, and daughter were murdered, a devastated Frank turned into a violent almost sociopathic individual, determined to kill every single criminal who had a hand in his family's death. When dealing with criminals, he is brutal, cold, and efficient.

Despite this though, Frank greatly values the lives of innocents, and will do his absolute best to make sure that civilians are not harmed, as shown when he went to the hospital looking for Grotto and made sure not to harm any patients or doctors or Karen Page. Frank upholds an honor code of "One Shot, One Kill", getting the job done as quickly as possible, whilst trying to avoid any collateral damage. He also avoided killing Daredevil, and when presented with the chance to kill him, Frank simply resorted to knocking him out.

Despite his cold and ruthless demeanor, beneath it all, Frank is a man who strongly and deeply misses his beloved family, and wishes only to make up for what he sees as his inability to protect them. Frank also appears to believe in returning favors, since him helping Daredevil defeat the Hand ninjas can be seen as him repaying the vigilante for rescuing him from torture at the hands of the Kitchen Irish. One positive trait is that he can make pleasant conversation with people he trusts and is fond of, showing that despite his brutal and ruthlessness nature, he still has a heart and soul of a human being.


  • Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Frank is a highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant.
  • Master Marksman: Frank is a highly skilled marksman.
  • Expert Tactician: Frank is a highly skilled tactician.
  • Expert Sniper: Frank is also a highly skilled sniper in addition to being a highly skilled master marksman.

Weapons and equipment

  • Police Radios:
  • Mossberg 500 w/ Knoxx Sidewinder conversion kit:
  • Punisher's Arsenal:
    • Bulletproof Vest:
    • Sentinel Arms Striker-12:
    • M60E4 MK43 Mod 1:
    • Sig-Sauer MPX-P-9:
    • Glock 17: Two-tone handgun.
    • KRISS Vector GEN II SMG:


The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes

In "The Man in the Ant Hill," an article in the newspaper is seen titled Vigilante "Punishes" Again with the Punisher's logo as a picture, likely reporting on his vigilante activities.

Avengers Assemble

Frank Castle is a gunslinger who opposes Doctor Doom's rule in an alternate timeline. When Thor and the Defenders are about to be executed, Black Bride reveals her true allegiance and tells Castle to act, then the heroes' executioner reveals to be the Punisher in disguise, who frees them to defeat Doom.


The Punisher appeared in Season 2 of Daredevil, where he was portrayed by Jon Bernthal.

The Punisher

Frank Castle starred in his own television series The Punisher for Netflix, which was ordered in April 2016.

Daredevil: Born Again

The Punisher is set to appear in the series.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Punisher.


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Daredevil Logo Transparent
DaredevilDaredevil: Born Again
Matt Murdock/DaredevilKaren PageFoggy NelsonVanessa FiskClaire TempleWilson Fisk/KingpinFrank Castle/PunisherElektra NatchiosMaggie GraceBenjamin Poindexter/BullseyeStickRay SchoonoverJeri HogarthMaya Lopez/EchoHeather GlennYusuf KhanHector Ayala/White TigerJack Duquesne

Season One: "Into the Ring" • "Cut Man" • "Rabbit in a Snowstorm" • "In the Blood" • "World on Fire" • "Condemned" • "Stick" • "Shadows in the Glass" • "Speak of the Devil" • "Nelson v. Murdock" • "The Path of the Righteous" • "The Ones We Leave Behind" • "Daredevil"
Season Two: "Bang" • "Dogs to a Gunfight" • "New York's Finest" • "Penny and Dime" • "Kinbaku" • "Regrets Only" • "Semper Fidelis" • "Guilty as Sin" • "Seven Minutes in Heaven" • "The Man in the Box" • ".380" • "The Dark at the End of the Tunnel" • "A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen"
Season Three: "Resurrection" • "Please" • "No Good Deed" • "Blindsided" • "The Perfect Game" • "The Devil You Know" • "Aftermath" • "Upstairs/Downstairs" • "Revelations" • "Karen" • "Reunion" • "One Last Shot" • "A New Napkin"

Daredevil: Born Again:
Season One: "Heaven's Half Hour" • "Optics"

See Also
The HandRoxxon CorporationThe Defenders

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Avengers Assemble Logo
Avengers Assemble
Disney Parks
Avengers Assemble: Flight ForceIt's a Small World with Groot
Earth-12041 Characters
Heroes: Tony Stark/Iron ManSteve Rogers/Captain AmericaBruce Banner/HulkNatasha Romonoff/Black WidowClint Barton/HawkeyeThor OdinsonCarol Danvers/Captain MarvelPeter Parker/Spider-ManSam Wilson/FalconThaddeus Ross/Red HulkLogan/WolverineIron FistReed Richards/Mr. FantasticBen Grimm/ThingPunisherStar-LordGamoraRocket RaccoonDrax the DestroyerGrootScott Lang/Ant-ManHope Van Dyne/WaspVisionT'Challa/Black PantherBucky BarnesDoctor StrangeCrystal AmaquelinBlack BoltMoon KnightInfernoBeetleSongbirdTechnoAtlasMeteoriteRed GuardianDarkstarRadioactive ManUrsa MajorKamala Khan/Ms. MarvelDevil DinosaurJane Foster/Thunderstrike

Villains: Red HulkRed SkullM.O.D.O.K.AbominationLoki LaufeysonUltronWhiplashLeaderDoctor DoomNighthawkDoctor SpectrumPower PrincessSpeed DemonSuper-AdaptoidDestroyerGrim ReaperCrimson DynamoTaskmasterKraven the HunterBaron StruckerGalactusThanosEnchantressBaron ZemoSurturMorgan le FayYelena Belova/Black Widow/Crimson WidowVultureGhostDormammuDraculaSupergiantThe BeyonderTitaniaWrecking CrewFenris WolfBrock Rumlow/CrossbonesBucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Other Characters: Nick FuryMaria HillPeggy CarterJ.A.R.V.I.S.Odin BorsonJ. Jonah JamesonHunter the White WolfDevil Dinosaur

Earth-17628 Characters
Natasha Romonoff/Black WidowPeter Parker/Spider-Man
Season One: "The Avengers Protocol" • "Ghost of a Chance" • "Guardians and Space Knights"

Season Two: "Thanos Rising" • "Crack in the System"
Season Three: "The Ultimates" • "Into the Future" • "Seeing Double"
Season Four: "Why I Hate Halloween" • "The Once and Future Kang" • "New Year's Resolution"
Season Five: "The Panther and the Wolf" • "The Night Has Wings" • "The Good Son" • "The Vibranium Curtain" • "Yemandi" • "Bashenga" • "King Breaker"

AvengersS.H.I.E.L.D.HYDRAA.I.M.Roxxon CorporationGuardians of the GalaxyMasters of EvilSquadron Supreme
Avengers TowerNew Avengers FacilityNew York CityWakandaHong Kong
Captain America's ShieldEye of AgamottoEXO-7 FalconWidow's BiteInfinity StonesInfinity GauntletIron Man armorPym ParticlesMjölnirKamala's Bangle
See Also
S.H.I.E.L.D. HelicarrierKree

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