Set between the end of the feature film and the start of Tangled Ever After, the animated series unfolds as Rapunzel acquaints herself with her parents, her kingdom and the people of Corona. Her irrepressible spirit and natural curiosity about the world drives her to the realization that there is so much more she needs to learn before she can truly accept her royal destiny. She boldly puts her crown and impending marriage on hold to seek out epic adventures, much to the dismay of the King who, after missing out on Rapunzel's youth, must accept that his daughter is now an independent young woman. Accompanying Rapunzel on her journey will be Eugene; the plucky chameleon sidekick, Pascal; the no-nonsense horse, Maximus; The Snuggly DucklingPub Thugs; and newcomer Cassandra, a tough-as-nails handmaiden, who becomes Rapunzel's confidant.
Season Two finds Rapunzel venturing outside of the kingdom in search of where the mystical Black Rocks lead, after discovering she is somehow connected to them. Accompanying Rapunzel on her journey is her partner in life, Eugene; her best friend and confidante, Cassandra; her loyal chameleon sidekick, Pascal; no-nonsense and dutiful horse, Maximus; Eugene’s best friend, Lance and the Snuggly Duckling Pub Thugs. Together, they will discover new people and places and embark on an incredible new adventure far beyond Corona’s walls.
In the season three premiere, Rapunzel returns to the kingdom of Corona only to find that it has been taken over by an old enemy. Still reeling from Cassandra’s betrayal, Rapunzel must use her inner strength to save Corona and its people, including her parents, King Frederic and Queen Arianna, and turn Cassandra back over to the good side. Sticking by her side are her partner in life; Eugene, her loyal chameleon sidekick, Pascal; no-nonsense and dutiful horse, Maximus; and Eugene’s best friend, Lance.
The third season was paused for a bit after the 10th episode.
Storyboard artists for the series, Kaitlyn Ritter and Anna Lencioni, pitched an idea for a comic spin-off focusing on Varian titled Varian and the Seven Kingdoms, which saw Varian teaming up with new friends to discover the seven alchemical transformations.[3] According to Ritter, while Disney was enthusiastic with the project and even received support and encouragement, they ultimately passed as they felt that a series that focused on a Rapunzel-related character without Rapunzel would be risky. Disney even suggested changing Varian to a completely original character so as to be an original brand, but Ritter and Lencioni refused.[4]
Each season has three hour-long episodes: One for the premiere, one marking the mid-season, and one for the finale.
The series is shown to go through a time-line of 3 years as indicated with several episodes;
Season 1 portrays an additional half-year after Rapunzel's half-birthday, ending on Rapunzel's 19th birthday in "Secret of the Sun Drop", one year after the events of the film.
The first half of Season 2, from "Beyond the Corona Walls" to "Rapunzel and the Great Tree" features a time-span of six months following the start of Rapunzel's journey, marking a year since the events of the pilot sequel.
The ending of Rapunzel's Return depicts floating lanterns, indicating that it is her 20th birthday, marking 2 years since the original film.
Given how Rapunzel's birthday is only months after the King and Queen's anniversary, which in Season 3 was 6 months prior to the events of "Cassandra's Revenge", Rapunzel's 21st birthday would logically be close to 3 months prior to the events of that episode, indicating 3 years and a quarter past the ending of the first film.
Given how the Goodwill Festival takes place within the 6-month time frame after Rapunzel's birthday, then the events of "Once a Handmaiden..." would take place under half a year after after Rapunzel's unseen 21st birthday.
Ultimately, by the time of Plus Est En Vous, as well as "Tangled Ever After", Rapunzel is 21 years old or older by the time she defeats Zhan Tiri, assumes the throne, and marries Eugene. Likewise, Eugene is 26 years old or older when he becomes the new Captain of the Royal Guard, gets engaged to, and soon, marries Rapunzel.