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Ray Krzeminski was an agent of Strategic Scientific Reserve. He was killed by Dottie Underwood when he was transporting Jerome Zandow to an interrogation. He is portrayed by Kyle Bornheimer.


Agent Carter

Krzeminski was one of the agents summoned to a meeting by the Chief Roger Dooley. The topic to be discussed at the meeting the possible betrayal of Howard Stark to the United States. At the end of the meeting, he questions Carter's virtue because he knew the reputation of Stark and also that she was known as Captain America's liaison.

Agent Sousa asked him to apologize to Carter, however Krzeminski mocked him and left. Later, he was one of the agents sent to La Martinique by Dooley. That same night, Krzeminski and his companions went to La Martinique to interrogate Spider Raymond. Immediately a guard recognizes them as members of the law enforcement. When Thompson, Krzeminski and Yauch enters to Spider Raymond's office, they found the corpse of Raymond on the floor. Later, he was assigned to look for evidence in the remains of an explosion in Roxxon. Krzeminski found a license plate of the car that Jarvis used to help Peggy.

Days later, Krzeminski begged other agents that covered his turn because he wanted go to a show that night. He asked Carter but she ignored him. That night, he and Sousa received an anonymous call informing them the whereabouts of Stark's weapons. After arresting Zandow, Krzeminski was assigned to transport the suspect to the office for an interrogation. He stops when he sees a traffic signal, then another car crashed him. When Krzeminsky got out of the car to complain, he was shot and killed by the other driver. The next day, all his coworkers mourned his death including Peggy.


  • Roger Dooley- Boss
  • Jack Thompson- Colleague
  • Yauch- Colleague
  • Butch Wallace- Colleague
  • Daniel Sousa- Colleague
  • Peggy Carter- Colleague
  • Jerome Zandow- Enemy
  • Dottie Underwood- Killer


v - e - d
Agent Carter • Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter
Peggy Carter • Howard Stark • Jack Thompson • Daniel Sousa • Roger Dooley • Leet Brannis • Angie Martinelli • Ernst Mueller • Crimson Dynamo • Johann Fennhoff • Dum Dum Dugan • Edwin Jarvis • Ray Krzeminski • Dottie Underwood • Arnim Zola
Season One: "Now is Not the End" • "Bridge and Tunnel" • "Time and Tide" • "The Blitzkrieg Button" • "The Iron Ceiling" • "A Sin to Err" • "Snafu" • "Valediction"

Season Two: "The Lady in the Lake" • "A View in the Dark" • "Better Angels" • "Smoke & Mirrors" • "The Atomic Job" • "Life of the Party" • "Monsters" • "The Edge of Mystery" • "A Little Song and Dance" • "Hollywood Ending"

Howling Commandos • Nazis • Roxxon Corporation
See Also
Dark Dimension • Washington, D.C.