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"Bridge and Tunnel" is the second episode of Agent Carter, which premiered on January 6, 2015.


Carter goes undercover again to search for the truck with the weapons, and finds the address of the truck's official driver. The S.S.R. agents interrogate Miles Van Ert, the Roxxon scientist who made the weapons, and learn of the address as well. Carter and Jarvis arrive at the house first, and find Brannis, who they force to go with them. The three are attacked by Sasha Demidov, who works for Leviathan, an organization that it now seems Brannis has betrayed. Carter fights Demidov, but he still manages to mortally wound Brannis. Jumping to safety with Carter and Brannis, Jarvis forces the truck to careen off a cliff with Demidov, and the weapons inside implode. Before he dies, Brannis draws a symbol in the dirt. S.S.R. agents Roger Dooley, Jack Thompson, and Daniel Sousa later arrive to find Brannis' body, a woman's footprints, and a hotel key. Meanwhile, Agent Ray Krzemenski, sifting through the Roxxon refinery remains, finds the license plate for Stark's car that Jarvis and Carter used to get away.

v - e - d
Agent Carter • Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter
Peggy Carter • Howard Stark • Jack Thompson • Daniel Sousa • Roger Dooley • Leet Brannis • Angie Martinelli • Ernst Mueller • Crimson Dynamo • Johann Fennhoff • Dum Dum Dugan • Edwin Jarvis • Ray Krzeminski • Dottie Underwood • Arnim Zola
Season One: "Now is Not the End" • "Bridge and Tunnel" • "Time and Tide" • "The Blitzkrieg Button" • "The Iron Ceiling" • "A Sin to Err" • "Snafu" • "Valediction"

Season Two: "The Lady in the Lake" • "A View in the Dark" • "Better Angels" • "Smoke & Mirrors" • "The Atomic Job" • "Life of the Party" • "Monsters" • "The Edge of Mystery" • "A Little Song and Dance" • "Hollywood Ending"

Howling Commandos • Nazis • Roxxon Corporation
See Also
Dark Dimension • Washington, D.C.