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Mama Hippo is a minor character in The Wild.


While only being in the film for one scene, she appears to be a single mother, with no mention of a husband, assuming that they separated or he's dead. She does, however, have a child, baby hippo, with no official gender based on Ryan calling the child a "little fella" (Ryan plays with it which reminded him for one of his buddies back at the zoo), while the child having a girlish voice and long girl like eyelashes. Mama Hippo is shown to be extremely protective of her baby, with her using her own large butt to protect her child from Ryan, who she misunderstood him as a vicious predator that's after to eat her baby. Based on this, it is assumed that she can be tough, but as well a very loving and caring mother who will do anything to protect her baby from harm.

Physical appearance[]



The Wild[]

Her only appearance in the film is when she sees Ryan next to her baby, and assumes he's there to eat her child, as she then begins to attack Ryan with her own huge butt, which scares him away. It's assumed why she uses her own butt as a form of attack is because of how big and large her butt is, which makes it easier to crush the predators who want to harm her and her baby.

While she and her baby were not seen again in the film, it is assumed that they were also rescued by the "Zoo to Africa Rescue Program" from the large volcanic eruption on the island that she and many other animals were living on. She and her baby presumably are now living at the Central Park Zoo in New York City along with the other main characters in the film.


  • While The Wild film is heavily criticized for being a copy of Madagascar, it also shares the strange similarity of a female hippo using her own butt as a mean of self defense. Mama Hippo in the film uses her own butt to crush predators, which is exactly what Gloria the Hippo does in Madagascar when she uses her butt to crush the fossas. Another strange coincidence to Madagascar is that hippos in their each respected universes are the only animals to have visible butt cheeks.


v - e - d
The Wild (soundtrack/video)
Samson • Ryan • Benny • Nigel • Bridget • Larry • Kazar • Blag • Cloak and Camo • Stan and Carmine • Samson's Father • Scab and Scraw • Monty, Jacques, and Raber • Mama Hippo
New York City • Central Park Zoo • Africa