"I Scream for Ice Cream" is an episode of the Playhouse Disney series Stanley.
When Stanley misses the ice cream truck, he is the only one who doesn't have ice cream, which makes him really sad. Stanley really wants some, so he learns about cows and how the cows make ice cream.
- Khylan Jones as Mimi and Marci
- Ariadne Meyers as Mom
- Rene Mujica as Harry
- Charles Shaughnessy as Dennis
- Jessica D. Stone as Stanley
- Hynden Walch as Elsie
Great Big Book of Everything song lyrics[]
It's the Great Big Book of Everything
With everything inside
See the world around us
This book's a perfect guide
Stanley missed the ice cream truck
But a big, brown cow can change his luck.
Featured Animals[]
- Moral: If things don’t work out for you, you can always find a way to make it better.
- This is one of the episodes that doesn't end with Stanley going to bed.
- When Stanley suggests they go into the book, animation of Dennis from X-ray X-tra is reused.