Herb and Binkie Muddlefoot are Honker and Tank's parents and supporting characters in Darkwing Duck.
They are the neighbors and friends of Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck. They are happy and truly good-natured (and slow-witted) people who drive Drake Mallard crazy. They are unaware that their older son Tank is a bully, and are overly protective of their younger son Honker. They are excellent parents and let the children make their own decisions. Their favorite activities include backyard barbecue with friends and neighbors, and watching the sitcom Pelican's Island on TV. Herb is a door-to-door salesman, and Binkie is an exaggerated yet beautiful stereotype of a housewife and mother. Mostly they are not strict disciplinarians to their children and let them make their own choices.
- Herb and Binkie Muddlefoot are based on Ward and June Cleaver (from Leave it to Beaver). Unlike them, they are not strict disciplinarians like them, and mostly they are based on Ozzie and Harriet and Ned and Maude Flanders.
- Herb is a salesman of "Quackerware," a parody of Tupperware. He is extremely good at his job, having been awarded a special "Salesman of the decade" award for his sale records. Mostly he is very successful in his job.
- Herb's favorite show is Pelican's Island, a parody of Gilligan's Island.
- Herb and Binkie first appeared in episode 5 "Night of the Living Spud".
- Their Negaverse counterparts in "Life, the Negaverse, and Everything" are dressed as bikers, wearing leather and chains, and have aggressive, foul-tempered, violent attitudes. There, Herb, Binkie and Honker are bad guys, and Tank is a good guy.
- In "A Star is Scorned", Herb and Binkie are shown to be actors who have to play out of character roles as ruthless business tycoons-due to a hidden clause in their acting contracts that "The Studio is always Right."
- In "Quack of Ages", Herb and Binkie's ancestors were King and Queen of St. Canard.
- In "A Brush with Oblivion" Herb and and Binkie only time he ever punished Honker for going crazy, but his punishment was lifted when he was telling the truth about Splatter Phoenix stealing the paintings. Honker can get away with anything.
- In "Hot Spells", the Devil tortures Darkwing Duck into insanity by forcing D.W. to watch Pelican's Island with the Muddlefoots.
- In "Inside Binkie's Brain", Binkie Muddlefoot gets hit on the head by a bowling ball, her inner "little hero" escapes and causes her to become the Canardian Guardian. Her endless quest for safety endangers the life of Darkwing as he tries once again to capture Megavolt.
- Herb's voice was supplied by Jim Cummings doing an impersonation of Andy Devine. He used a similar voice for one of the bullets in Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Barnacle Bill in the Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers episode "A Creep in the Deep".
- Herb's animation model, personality, and voice were all recycled wholesale for the character of Donald Duck's cousin Mel Mallard in the Quack Pack episode "Huey Duck, P.I."