"Greenfinger" is the first segment of the forty-first episode of Special Agent Oso. It premiered on February 14, 2011 alongside "For Sleepy Eyes Only", and is the first segment of the seventeenth episode in the second season.
Dotty trains Oso to climb up cliffs to the red flag without letting Wolfie's searchlight get him. Oso tries avoiding Wolfie's light until Paw Pilot calls in a special alert, then he falls into the lake. Mechaela wants to water potted plants that have soil, roots, and leaves, but she can't do it. So it's up to Oso to help Mechaela to water potted plants before she leaves for school.
- The episode's title is a reference to the James Bond film Goldfinger.
- This episode does not feature Oso asking the viewer, "Will you help me with this special assignment?" and saying "Great!".
- Three special steps:
- Step 1: Find the watering can
- Step 2: Fill it with water
- Step 3: Pour water onto the soil around the plant
- Time limit: 6 seconds