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The Karnival Kid es un cortometraje de Mickey Mouse. Fue estrenado en 1929.


El cortometraje se basa en dos segmentos, en el primero, Mickey comienza a trabajar como vendedor de perritos calientes en un carnaval, cerca del escenario de Kat Nipp, el cual lo echa rapidamente, y mas tarde conoce y, rápidamente, se enamora de Minnie, una bella bailarina. El segundo segmento transcurre esa misma noche, Mickey y un par de gatos callejeros le cantan una serenata interpretando la canción "Sweet Adeline", para gran consternación de Kat Nipp, que está tratando de dormir.


  • En este cortometraje, Mickey dice sus primeras palabras ''Hot dogs, hot dogs!'' (Perritos calientes, perritos calientes!)
  • La escena en la que Mickey se quita las orejas ante Minnie, inspiro al historiador Roy Williams para crear ''el sombrero de orejas de Mickey''
  • La vaca Clarabella hace un cameo al inicio del cortometraje. Es tambien una de tres personajes que han hecho un cameo, los otros dos son Kat Nipp y Minnie Mouse.
  • El episodio ''Salchicha en Nueva York'' de la serie de cortos de Mickey, comparte cierta similitud con este cortometraje.
  • La voz de Mickey en este cortometraje la hace Carl Stalling.
  • Kat Nipp hace su tercera y ultima aparicion en este cortometraje.
  • Luego de la filmacion de este cortometraje, Mickey Mouse se volvio el primer dibujo animado en hablar en la historia.

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Mickey Mouse short logo
Plane CrazyThe Gallopin' GauchoSteamboat WillieThe Barn DanceThe Opry HouseWhen the Cat's AwayThe Barnyard BattleThe PlowboyThe Karnival KidMickey's FolliesMickey's Choo-ChooThe Jazz FoolJungle RhythmHaunted HouseWild Waves
Fiddling AroundThe Barnyard ConcertThe Cactus KidThe Fire FightersThe ShindigThe Chain GangThe Gorilla MysteryThe PicnicPioneer DaysThe Birthday PartyTraffic TroublesThe CastawayThe Moose HuntThe Delivery BoyMickey Steps OutBlue RhythmFishin' AroundThe Barnyard BroadcastThe Beach PartyMickey Cuts UpMickey's OrphansThe Duck HuntThe Grocery BoyThe Mad DogBarnyard OlympicsMickey's RevueMusical FarmerMickey in ArabiaMickey's NightmareTrader MickeyThe Whoopee PartyTouchdown MickeyThe Wayward CanaryParade of the Award NomineesThe Klondike KidMickey's Good DeedBuilding a BuildingThe Mad DoctorMickey's Pal PlutoMickey's MellerdrammerYe Olden DaysThe Mail PilotMickey's Mechanical ManMickey's Gala PremierePuppy LoveThe Steeple-ChaseThe Pet StoreGiantlandShanghaiedPlayful PlutoGulliver MickeyMickey's Steam-RollerOrphan's BenefitMickey Plays PapaThe DognapperTwo-Gun MickeyMickey's Man FridayThe Band ConcertMickey's Service StationMickey's KangarooMickey's GardenMickey's Fire BrigadePluto's Judgement DayOn IceMickey's Polo TeamOrphan's PicnicMickey's Grand OperaThru the MirrorMickey's RivalMoving DayAlpine ClimbersMickey's CircusMickey's ElephantThe Worm TurnsMagician MickeyMoose HuntersMickey's AmateursHawaiian HolidayClock CleanersLonesome GhostsBoat BuildersMickey's TrailerThe WhalersMickey's ParrotBrave Little TailorSociety Dog ShowMickey's Surprise PartyThe PointerThe Standard Parade
Tugboat MickeyPluto's Dream HouseMr. Mouse Takes a TripThe Sorcerer's ApprenticeThe Little WhirlwindA Gentleman's GentlemanCanine CaddyThe Nifty NinetiesOrphan's BenefitLend a PawAll TogetherMickey's Birthday PartySymphony HourPluto and the ArmadilloSquatter's RightsMickey and the BeanstalkMickey's Delayed DateMickey Down UnderMickey and the Seal
PlutopiaR'Coon DawgPluto's PartyPluto's Christmas TreeThe Simple Things
Mickey's Christmas CarolThe Prince and the PauperRunaway Brain

Mickey Mouse ClubThe Mouse FactoryGood Morning, Mickey[[Mickey's Mouse Tracks>]]Mickey Mouse and Friends (serie)Disney's Sing-Along Songs: The Twelve Days of ChristmasMickey's Fun SongsMickey's Once Upon a ChristmasHouse of MousMickey Mouse WorksMickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of MouseMickey's House of VillainsMickey's Twice Upon a ChristmasMickey Mouse ClubhouseMickey MousekersizeMickey MouseMickey Mouse Mixed-Up AdventuresMickey's 90th SpectacularThe Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse

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Años 20
Plane CrazyThe Gallopin' GauchoSteamboat WillieThe Barn DanceWhen the Cat's AwayThe PlowboyThe Karnival KidMickey's FolliesMickey's Choo-ChooWild Waves
Años 30
The Cactus KidThe Fire FightersThe ShindigThe Gorilla MysteryThe PicnicPioneer DaysThe Birthday PartyTraffic TroublesThe Delivery BoyMickey Steps OutBlue RhythmThe Barnyard BroadcastThe Beach PartyMickey Cuts UpMickey's OrphansThe Grocery BoyBarnyard OlympicsMickey's RevueMusical FarmerMickey in ArabiaMickey's NightmareThe Whoopee PartyTouchdown MickeyThe Wayward CanaryThe Klondike KidBuilding a BuildingMickey's Pal PlutoMickey's MellerdrammerYe Olden DaysThe Mail PlotMickey's Mechanical ManMickey's Gala PremierPuppy LoveThe Pet StoreThe Steeple ChaseShanghaiedCamping OutMickey's SteamrollerTwo-Gun MickeyOn IceMickey's RivalHawaiian HolidayBrave Little TailorMickey's Surprise Party
Años 40
The Little WhirlwindThe Nifty NinetiesMickey's Birthday PartyOut of the Frying Pan Into the Firing LineFirst AidersBath DayFigaro and FrankieMickey's Delayed DatePluto's Sweater
Años 50-Presente
Pluto and the GopherMickey's Christmas CarolRunaway BrainElectric Holiday
While Strolling Through the ParkMinnie MouseDon't Go Breaking My HeartMinnie's Bow-tique
Totally MinnieMinnie Oh! Minnie! Minnie's Wonderful Christmastime FireworksIt’s Very Minnie!Minnie's Style Studio
Totally MinnieMinnie's Bow-ToonsMickey's 90th Spectacular