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"Glory Days" es una canción interpretada durante la escena del bar de la película animada de Disney/Pixar de 2017, Cars 3. Originalmente cantada por Bruce Springsteen, es cantada por una camarera de montacargas con la voz de Andra Day, mientras Rayo McQueen y Cruz Ramírez se familiarizan con Smokey y tres corredores veteranos, Louise Nash, River Scott y Junior Moon.


I had a friend was a big baseball player
Back in high school
He could throw that speedball by you
Make you look like a fool boy
Saw him the other night at this roadside bar
I was walking in, he was walking out
We went back inside sat down had a few drinks
But all he kept talking about was

Glory days well they'll pass you by
Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye
Glory days, glory days

Well there's a girl that lives up the block
Back in school she could turn all the boy's heads
Sometimes on a Friday I'll stop by
And have a few drinks after she put her kids to bed
Her and her husband Bobby well they split up
I guess it's two years gone by now
We just sit around talking about the old times
She says when she feels like crying
She starts laughing thinking about

Glory days well they'll pass you by
Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye
Glory days, glory days

My old man worked 20 years on the line
And they let him go
Now everywhere he goes out looking for work
They just tell him that he's too old
I was 9 nine years old and he was working at the
Metuchen Ford plant assembly line
Now he just sits on a stool down at the legion hall
But I can tell what's on his mind

Glory days yeah goin' back
Glory days aw he ain't never had
Glory days, glory days

Now I think I'm going down to the well tonight
And I'm going to drink till I get my fill
And I hope when I get old I don't sit around thinking about it
But I probably will
Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture
A little of the glory of, well time slips away
And leaves you with nothing mister but
Boring stories of glory days

Glory days well they'll pass you by
Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye
Glory days, glory days
Glory days well they'll pass you by
Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye
Glory days, glory days

v - e - d
Películas: CarsCars 2Cars 3Mater and the GhostlightMiss Fritter's Racing SkooolPixar Popcorn (Unparalleled ParkingDancing with the Cars)

Series: Cars ToonsCars: The Series
Música: CarsCars 2Original Motion Picture SoundtrackThe Music of Cars Land
Videojuegos: Cars: The Video GameCars 2: The Video GameCars: Mater-National ChampionshipCars: Race-O-RamaThe World of Cars OnlineCars: Radiator Springs AdventuresKinect Rush: A Disney/Pixar AdventureDisney INFINITYCars: Fast as LightningCars: Lightning LeagueCars 3: Driven to Win
Libros: Disney's Wonderful World of ReadingLittle Golden Book

Parques Disney
Cars LandDisney's Art of Animation ResortArt of AnimationCars: Road TripCars Quatre Roues RallyeThe Magic of Disney AnimationLuigi's Flying TiresLuigi's Rollickin' RoadstersMater's Junkyard JamboreePixar Pal-A-RoundRadiator Springs Racers

Entretenimiento: Lightning McQueen Live!Lightning McQueen's Racing AcademyMoteurs... Action! Stunt Show SpectacularPixar Playtime Pals
Restaurantes: Cono ComodínEl Café V8 de Flo
Tiendas: Radiator Springs CuriosRamone's House of Body ArtSarge's Surplus Hut
Desfiles: Mickey's New Year's Eve ParadePaint The Night ParadePixar Play Parade
Pirotecnia: ILLUMINATE! A Nighttime CelebrationTogether Forever: A Pixar Nighttime SpectacularWonderful World of AnimationWorld of Color: Celebrate!

Cars: Rayo McQueenMateSally CarreraMackEl Rey/Strip WeathersChick HicksMia y TiaHarvDoc HudsonFloRamonSheriffLuigiGuidoSargentoFillmoreRojoLizzieStanleyTex DinocoLynda WeathersJay LimoFredLos Autos TuneadosFrankTractoresBessieJerry Baterías

Cars 2: Finn McMissileHolley ShiftwellTony TrihullRod "Torque" RedlineMiles AxlerodProfesor ZGremAcerFrancesco BernoulliCala VelosoVladimir TrunkovVictor HugoTubbs PacerJ. Curby GremlinIvanUncle TopolinoMama Topolino
Cars 3: Cruz RamirezJackson StormNatalie CertezaSterlingMiss FracturaChase RacelottDanny SwervezBubba WheelhouseCal WeathersBobby SwiftSmokeyJunior, River y Louise
Mater and the Ghostlight: La Banshee
Cars Toons: KabutoBig DSkipper RileySandy DunesBlue GritIdle ThreatShifty Sidewinder
Videojuegos: CandiceStinger
Personajes Eliminados: Zil

Mater's Tall Tales: Rescue Squad MaterMater the GreaterEl MaterdorTokyo MaterUnidentified Flying MaterMonster Truck MaterHeavy Metal MaterMoon MaterMater Private EyeAir MaterTime Travel Mater

Tales From Radiator Springs: HiccupsBuggedSpinningThe Radiator Springs 500½
Episodios Cancelados: To Protect and Serve

Cars: Real GoneLife is a HighwayOur TownMcQueen and SallySh-BoomRoute 66Find YourselfBehind the CloudsMy Heart Would Know

Cars 2:You Might ThinkPolyrhythmMon Cœur Fait Vroum (My Heart Goes Vroom)Collision of WorldsNobody's Fool
Cars 3: Run That RaceGlory DaysRide
Otros: Free RideWelcome to Radiator SpringsRadiator RockMambo ItalianoStop in the Name of LoveRiding in My Car (Car Car Song)Low Rider (Espanol Fantasma Mix)Junkyard JamboreeBig BulldozerTow Mater (The One You Want to Call)Mater's Square DanceLet's Go Driving

DinocoLos Coches TuneadosGran Prix MundialLas Láminas
Radiador SpringsCafé V8 de FloLuigi's Casa Della TiresHouse of Body ArtCono ComodínTaste-InWilly's ButteSarge's SUV Boot CampDoctor Hudson: Dr. of Internal CombustionEl Museo de CarerasMrs. PistonRadiator Springs CuriosEl Cine de Radiador SpringsHotel Rueda RuedaLondresParis, FranciaPorto CorsaTokioCaliforniaLos Angeles International SpeedwayLa Pista de Autos del SurEl ValleBig BenLa Parada de CamionesBig BentleyHollywoodThomasville
Copa PistónAllinol
The Science Behind PixarPixar in a BoxCars (franquicia)