
About Me[]

Hey, Paul here. Not much to say about me. If you really want to get to know me, drop me a message on my talk/discussion page. Email me, IM me, whatever. I have a website too: Biohazard Productions.

The one thing you should really know about me, is that I am not alone in my head. Alternate Personality / Separate Consciousness, also known as Laelia (Lay-la) lives in my mind. She's real, got a sort of split personality thing going on. We're friendly though. She loves Digimon just as much as I do. Feel free to talk to her if you want, I don't mind if you like her more than me, as we are very much similar people all it means is you'll eventually like me too. ^_^


Email: juesoni@gmail.com or paulaelia@biohazardproductions.net

AIM: Paulaelia

MSN: juesoni@hotmail.com (DONT EMAIL THAT ADDRESS)

Facebook: LINK TO FACEBOOK Make sure to include a message so I know who you are on here. (I don't accept random invites from strangers!)


Renamon is my favorite, although I like Terriermon as well. If I could pick my partner, I'd want Renamon for sure though. (Laelia likes Calumon, in case you wanted to know.)

My favorite season is Season 3 "Tamers." Don't know why, I just like it the most (although I didn't finish Season 4, and didn't even know there was a season 5 till I found this site).

More coming soon.


I love writing, and being creative, so I'm writing a Digimon Fan Fiction, that I'll put up on this wiki. The name for now is Digital Partners.