


All the digivices look just like D-3 from Adventure 02 except they are called D-Volts.


Each child receives a DigiCoin that helps their digimon digivolve to the Ultimate and Mega stages

  • Reggie's DigiCoin - The DigiCoin of Courage
  • Mak's DigiCoin - The DigiCoin of Friendship
  • Mitzy's DigiCion - The DigiCoin of Love
  • Ilice's DigiCoin - The DigiCoin of Knowledge
  • Dillon's DigiCoin - The DigiCoin of Sincerity
  • Tyson's DigiCoin - The DigiCoin of Reliability
  • Ethan's DigiCoin - The DigiCoin of Hope
  • Kimberly's DigiCoin - The DigiCoin of Light
  • T'challa's DigiCoin - The DigiCoin of Destiny
  • Jade's DigiCoin - The DigiCoin of Miracles
  • Aaron's DigiCoin - The DigiCoin of Kindness


Ultamus 5[]

- A group of Ultimate Level Digimon intent on destroying the DigiDestined so they can get their share in the rule of the Digital World. Their leader is BlackWarGrowlmon.

BlackWarGrowlmon b BlackWarGrowlmon WaruMonzaemon b WaruMonzaemon
Tankdramon b Tankdramon Doumon b Doumon Minotarumon b Minotarumon

Infinite Six[]

- Mega Level Digimon who try to destroy the DigiDestined after the Ultimus 5 failed. BlackWarGrowlmon was forcefully digivolved by the main villain, Dexmon into ChaosGallantmon. The leader is Gaiomon.

Gaiomon b
---Gallantmon Chaos Mode ChaosGallantmon b Gallantmon Chaos Mode toy
ExoGrimmon vg
Chaosdramon b
GrandisKuwagamon b
Eaglemon b


- The main villian of Digimon Future. He wants to completly destroy the Real World and the Digital World.

Dexmon is a Ghost Digimon and a carrier of the X Antibody whose name and design are derived from "Death-X". Since it doesn't have its own DigiCore, this type of program cannot be classified as a Digimon, and although it appears solid, it has no actual substance. If it detects a DigiCore it will absorb it into its body and disintegrate it, then reassemble it in a perpetually repeating set of processes named "Process '0'" through "Process 'F'". Although it is a simple program, it is thought that defeating it is within the realm of impossibility. Unless there are DigiCores nearby, it will go into stasis, but as long as there are DigiCores it will not cease.


  • Process "0": The first of a set of perpetually repeating processes which disassemble and reassemble the DigiCores of its opponents.
  • Process "F": The last of a set of perpetually repeating processes which disassemble and reassemble the DigiCores of its opponents.

Rival Alphamon Ouryuken vg


  1. Weird Warp
  2. The Core of the Dragon
  3. The Lion's Roar