
Hadesmon is a Variation Appmon. The king of the underworld who governs over destruction and regeneration. It possesses the ability to change physical matter or data according to its will, and is capable of even altering or controlling vast expanses of space. [2]


  • Melan-Explode (μέλαν-Explode? lit. "Black-Explode"): Gathers energy in the form of a massive ball, and throws it underneath the enemy, causing a giant bolt of lightning to appear, and attack the enemy. This attack can also break through the surface web.
  • Hell Kakia (Hell κακία? lit. "Hell Malice"): Sinks its tail into the ground to create cracks that fold an entire dimension on top of the enemy.


Hadesmon is a winged-dragon-centaur-like Appmon with legs and a head resembling those of Revivemon, it wears white and gold claw arms and armor with purple highlights and two horns on the snort, one pointed vertically and one pointing horizontally near the mouth. It also has a long white tail with a golden two sided blade tail tip with a glowing purple highlight. Like all God Appmon, it has a halo hovering on its back. Like Deusmon's halo, Hadesmon's halo doesn't form a complete circle, but a crescent moon instead. It is also purple and has 2 4-pointed stars on its ends.

Hadesmon's head and neck's designs are a reference to Jesmon, who is also a digivolved form of a Hackmon.


Hadesmon (ハデスモン)

Official romanization given by Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters and used in the franchise.


Digimon Universe App Monsters[]

Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters (manga)[]

Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters (3DS)[]

Hadesmon can be app fused from Revivemon and Biomon.

Data Carddass: Appli Monsters[]

Notes and references[]
