
Chaosmon Valdur Arm is a Unique Digimon. Normally, when a DNA Digivolution occurs, the DigiCores of the two fellow Digimon are completely fused and are reborn as a new Digimon, but Chaosmon retains each of the DigiCores of the Digimon before the DNA Digivolution, and maintains its form in a very incomplete state. Chaosmon is the codename for Digimon who "should not exist", and, according to the "Central Dogma" of the Digital World, are absolutely impossible singularities (bugs). Due to its extremely unstable existence, its lifespan is very brief, and it is conjectured that its lifespan was shortened as a result of running the program that eliminates the bugs released by the Digital World's managing system. This Chaosmon is believed to be one that was DNA digivolved from BanchoLeomon and Varodurumon, and the faces of each Digimon are visible on its arms. The "BAN-TYO Blade" is equipped to its "Bancho Arm".[4]


  • Bantyo Blade (覇王両断剣 Haou Ryoudanken?, lit. "Tyrant Bisection Sword"): Unleashes an invincible decisive stroke from the BAN-TYO Blade.
  • Aurora Blaster: Fires a purifying shot of light from its Valdur Arm.



Chaosmon: Valdur Arm (カオスモン:ヴァロドゥルアーム)

Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise. Some media leave out the colon and/or shorten "Valdur Arm" to "VA".[5]


Digimon Heroes![]

Chaosmon Valdur Arm is an obtainable Digimon.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[]

This information is only considered valid within the Complete Edition continuity.

Chaosmon VA is #318 and is a Light Vaccine Type, Ultra level Digimon and uses 25 memory. It DNA digivolves from BanchoLeomon and Varodurumon. Its special attacks are Bantyo Blade and Aurora Blaster and its support skill is Unstable Singularity which increases damage given by 30%, but also increases damage received by 30%.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory[]

Chaosmon VA is #318 and is a Light Vaccine Type, Ultra level Digimon and uses 25 memory. It DNA digivolves from BanchoLeomon and Varodurumon. Its special attacks are Bantyo Blade and Aurora Blaster and its support skill is Unstable Singularity which increases damage given by 30%, but also increases damage received by 30%.

Digimon New Century[]

Chaosmon Valdur Arm is an Ultra level Digimon that DNA Digivolves from BanchoLeomon and Varodurumon.

Notes and references[]

  1. ↑ Chaosmon Valdur Arm is treated as an "Ultra" Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory
  2. ↑ Digimon Reference Book: Chaosmon: Valdur Arm: "This Chaosmon is believed to be one that was jogressed from BanchoLeomon and Valdurmon, and the faces of each Digimon are visible on its arms."
  3. ↑ Digimon Xros Wars-Xros Navigator
  4. ↑ Digimon Reference Book: Chaosmon: Valdur Arm
  5. ↑ Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory