


Chaosdramon X is a Machine Digimon and carrier of the X Antibody. Although it exhibits several times the power and firepower compared to fellow Mega Machinedramon, it is difficult to tame due to it being destructive and autonomous, so it chooses its own user. By sacrificing its speed with the weight of its "Red Digizoid", it acquired its "Super Genocide Attack". Its suicidal and terrifying point-blank shooting is also possible thanks to its "Red Digizoid" body.[2]


  • Hyper Infinity Cannon (ハイパームゲンキャノン Hyper Mugen Cannon?).: Superdreadnought-class energy wave fired from its two artillery cannons.
  • Genocide Attack
  • Chaos Crusher: Smashes enemies into pieces with its powerful nails.
  • Super Eradication Attack (Super Genocide Attack): Seizes the enemy with the "Chaos Crusher" on its right arm, breaks open their armor, and launches organic missiles stored in a portion of that arm at their insides.



Chaosdramon (X-Antibody) (カオスドラモン(X抗体))

Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in Japanese media. Some media format the "(X-Antibody)" without parentheses[3] or leave it out entirely.[4]

Chaosdramon X (カオスドラモンX)

Name used in Digimon Collectors. American English media leave out the "X".[5]


Digimon Masters[]

Chaosdramon X is a Burst Mode level Digimon that digivolves from Chaosdramon using the X-Antibody Factor.

Digimon Battle[]

Chaosdramon X is an obtainable Digimon.

Notes and references[]
