


Baromon is a Wizard Digimon. It armor-digivolved through the power of the "Digi-Egg of Courage". It is also a guardian deity that protects the ruins (database) of a temple in a forgotten jungle. It is said that Baromon is a survivor of old generation Digimon, and has several abilities of a lost technology not found in current Digimon. The third eye on its brow is one of them, and it is said that this eye is able to forecast the future, and it is told that it was able to survive even at the time of the ancient Digital World's collapse.[4]


  • Dancing Meteor (Meteor Dance): Manipulates the spirits of the cosmos, causing a group of meteorites to rain down on the enemy. The downside is that it takes time to synchronize with the spirits of the cosmos, but once invoked, it is said that 10 terabytes of data surrounding the target is annihilated.
  • Scarlet Hair
  • Pyrokinesis
  • White Spell
  • Storming Knives



Baromon (バロモン)

Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise.


Digimon Digital Card Battle[]

Main article: Baronmon (Adventure)

D-3 virtual pet[]

Main article: Baronmon (Adventure)

Digimon Tamers: Battle of Adventurers[]

Baromon is one of the Digimon at VP Labs when Takato Matsuki and Kai Urazoe venture there to rescue Minami Uehara. He and his followers, Sepikmon, Pipismon and Ponchomon, hold Minami hostage in order to force her father to reveal the location of the vaccine program he created for his V-Pets. Seasarmon and Growlmon arrive on the scene; Baromon is able to hold them back with missiles from his chest, but, as he battles Seasarmon, Growlmon blindsides him and destroys him with a Dragon Slash attack.

Digimon Frontier[]

Main article: Baromon (Frontier)

Digimon Data Squad[]

Main article: Baronmon (Data Squad)

Digimon Xros Wars (manga)[]

Digimon Adventure[]

Digimon World 3[]

Baronmon plays an important role as helping you find the crest to travel underwater. When Sepikmon loses his mask, he gives you information about where the mask is. He also can rename your Digimon, which can be done after he moves into Sepikmon's "Hut" which is in the South Sector, at Tranquil Swamp near Bios Swamp. He is also a random enemy in Asuka Server Protocol Ruins, when you can access South Sector. If you talk to him before going to Sepikmon he says he can tell the future and that "There are pigs everywhere!". Foreshadowing Vemmon turning everyone into Oinkmon.

Notes and references[]

  1. Baromon's Armor level is treated as equivalent to the Champion level in the Digital Monster Card Game α. Baromon is a Champion Digimon in Digital Monster Card Game.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Digimon Digital Card Battle
  3. Digimon Frontier (manhua)
  4. Digimon Reference Book: Baromon