
Aurumon is an Avian Digimon. It armor digivolved through the power of the Digi-Egg of Love. It excels in its scouting ability and primarily specializes in being active at night. Its night vision scope-eyes have the ability to detect opponents up to 1 km away in the dark, so it can approach and ambush them from behind. Because Aurumon's fundamental characteristic is "Scouting" rather than "Combat", its offensive power is not great, but it excels in ninja-like strikes that utilize the darkness.[4]


  • MN Clutch (Midnight Clutch): Approaches the opponent from behind under the cover of darkness, then swoops down on them with its talons.
  • Infrared Ray
  • Infrared Eye
  • Midnight Sniper



Owlmon (アウルモン)

Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in Japanese media.

  • Owl (Bubo virginianus).

Official name given by the Digimon Encyclopedia and used in American English media.

  • Direct romanization of Japanese name.


D-3 virtual pet[]

Main article: Aurumon (Adventure)

Digimon World Dawn and Dusk[]

Aurumon is #253, and is an Ultimate-level, Speed-class, Bird-species Digimon with a resistance to the Wind element and weakness to the Thunder element. Its basic stats are 204 HP, 251 MP, 120 Attack, 96 Defense, 115 Spirit, 110 Speed, and 46 Aptitude. It possesses the Speed 4, Psychic 4, and Sleep Ward3 traits.

An Aurumon is on Light Fang's side of Center bridge and in Shine S Center as the Consumable Items sales person.

Aurumon digivolves from Wormmon with the Digi-Egg of Love when at least level 21 and 110 Spirit.

Aurumon can DNA digivolve to Eaglemon with Kenkimon or Shakkoumon, or to Valkyrimon with Deramon or Angewomon.

Notes and references[]

  1. ↑ Aurumon is a Champion Digimon in Digital Monster Card Game and an Ultimate Digmon in the DS Digimon World games.
  2. ↑ D-3 Version 1
  3. ↑ Digimon World Dawn and Dusk
  4. ↑ Digimon Reference Book: Owlmon