This page is a list of characters from the Digimon comic, Digimon Liberator — as well as the web novel Digimon Liberator DEBUG.
Comic Main Characters[]
Shoto Kazama, Pteromon, and Muchomon[]
Arisa Kinosaki and Shoemon[]
Violet "Vi" Inboots and Ghostmon[]
Owen Dreadnought and Elizamon[]
Close and Sunarizamon[]
Novel Main Characters[]
Yuuki and Impmon[]
Winr and FunBeemon[]
Ryutaro Williams and Tyrannomon[]
Suzune Kazuki and Frigimon[]
Altea and Espimon[]
Cool Boy and Omekamon[]
Yao Qinglan and Sangomon[]
Chitose Horaiji and Gazimon[]

Chitose Horaiji (蓬来寺チトセ Horaiji Chitose?) is one of Digimon Liberator's GMs. He is 26 years old, was born on August 29, is 171cm tall, and weighs 63kg.[1] His partner is a Gazimon, that was originally a Kimeramon. He plays a Composite Control deck.[1]
Chitose was the first person to deal with a rampaging Ultimate level Digimon, Kimeramon. After defeating it, it de-digivolved to the Rookie level Gazimon and became his partner Digimon.
When loads of Maquinamon flood LACUNA, the other GMs decide to ask Chitose's advice since he had so much experience with Composite type Digimon (the GMs under the impression that Maquinamon was one). Cool Boy tells Chitose to come to the virtual recreation of Shinjuku, so that he could tell Altea everything he knew about Composite type Digimon. After Chitose arrives, Cool Boy leaves. DEBUG.5-1 Altea Chitose and Altea duel so that Altea can learn more about Composite type Digimon, with Altea winning. Chitose apologizes for insulting Altea just because he's an AI, which Altea quickly forgives. Altea says what he learned from the duel, and that he thinks Maquinamon probably isn't a Composite type Digimon. Chitose asks why, with Altea saying that it learned from the duel that a Composite type Digimon needs to be at a certain level to be be able to properly control itself — and whilst Kimeramon and Machinedramon were Ultimate and Mega Digimon respectively, Deltamon was only a Champion and was not in full control of itself. Seeing this, he figured it would be impossible for the Rookie level Maquinamon to control itself if it were a Composite. Chitose wonders instead if it came about as a result of a mutation, though Altea doubts this hypothesis since there are so many of them and that it is, instead, a Digimon who intrinsically embodies the opposing notions of nature and civilization. Altea says that if they intend to protect the Maquinamon, they needed to research it more — with Chitose agreeing. DEBUG.5-2 SHINJUKU GIANT
- Partner
Aruba Dokuson[]

Aruba Dokuson (或馬 読尊?) is a 28 year old bank employee; who is 174cm tall, weighs 65kg, and was born on February 17th.[2] He is the leader of 30 strong hacking group who all play Digimon Liberator. He plays a Lucemon control deck[2] focused on Lucemon and its digivolved forms.
He has been interested in Digimon since his student days, way before the game's release, and was even a regular player at card shop events.[2]
He previously worked at a megabank until a colleague's blunder caused him to be transferred to a provincial partner branch. Although usually serious and sincere, he has been acting maliciously in Digimon Liberator as a means of relieving work stress.[2]
He is perceptive and articulate, and it was these abilities that allowed him to gather together the hacking group.[2]
The hackers would hack the tournament winners, preventing them from logging out or even communicating with other players, and would agree to restore their accounts in exchange for their tournament prizes. They would then sell the prizes to make large amounts of money. The group had affected so many tournaments, the fear of being hacked had caused entry numbers to drop drastically. The GMs were too busy to deal with it themselves and so got the debugging teams to deal with it in their stead.
Ryutaro Williams, one of the debuggers, agreed with the hackers to buy a recent stolen prize and had a meeting with them at Lapis Marine to get the stolen item. Though little did Ryutaro know, Aruba and the others knew who he was and so planned to ambush them at the "exchange".
Ryutaro sent fellow debug team member Winr to make first contact with Winr's plan being to lower their guards as he was a kid instead of the giant Ryutaro. Instead of one hacker, 10 of them show up. This leads Winr to sends a message to Ryutaro as he was scared they were going to take advantage of him since a kid would be unable to stop them. This angers Ryutaro, since he had allowed Winr to go alone, and he leaves alongside Tyrannomon to try and save his young friend from harm. He gets there in time, with Yuuki also having joined in the rescue attempt. The three of them were now surrounded by the large number of hackers. The hackers reveal how they were aware of the fact they were debuggers undercover, and were'nt intimidated by their jobs as they just considered them the same as regular players. They laugh at the fact there's no evidence, with Winr telling them that this is still an official trade and if they went against their word and didn't give them the stolen item they could report them and get them banned. Aruba points out they had yet to receive the payment and that they have the blackmail of the fact that debuggers were pretending to be regular players. Ryutaro then proceeds to challenge Aruba to a duel. DEBUG.3-1 Ryutaro
Aruba agrees, and states they'll stop their scams if Ryutaro is able to win. Meanwhile if he wins, he will post online about how the debug team had been going undercover as regular players with the shame supposedly being enough that it'd cause them to never be able to play again. Though at first worried that Aruba would lose, his minions quickly change to mocking the debuggers confident that their leader would never lose. Aruba gives Ryutaro the chance to back out, but Ryutaro refuses and accepts the duel request.
Ryutaro wins the duel, and informs the hackers that they're going to freeze their accounts as punishment and that the various members would either receive warnings or tournament bans. The debugging team arrest all the hackers, though Ryutaro gives Aruba his spare account telling him to play the game using it as he wants a rematch. DEBUG.3-2 WE CAN BE HEROES
Other characters[]
Zenith and Vemmon[]

Bulucomon is one of the few real Digimon that roam LACUNA. When it teams up with someone, it gives them access to itself and other Bulucomon related cards.
Most wild Digimon can only survive a few days at most inside LACUNA, as LACUNA's environment isn't conducive for Digimon to survive. One way for them to survive is to possess an NPC, though this comes with side effect of making the NPC lose control and go rogue. REAL (Part 2) Bulucomon is able to possess Frozen Knight, and though this allows it to survive — Frozen Knight starts its rampage, with Bulucomon joining in.
During the rampage, they travel from its location all the way to the Emerald Coast and at some point this had them chasing Shoemon and possibly Close. One of them blow up a wall, with the duo emerging through the opening. They see Shoto Kazama and Arisa Kinosaki and trap Shoto in a barrier to force him into a duel. Shoto is startled by the involuntary duel and wonders if it's a bug, but Shoemon pleads for the their help and explains that Frozen Knight had been chasing it, perplexing the humans further. Unfortunately for Shoto, the situation gets worse as he draws his opening hand to notice his cards are now blank. A guide NPC identifies this as a "Situation Battle", a special event match with abnormal rules in order to test the skill of Digimon Liberator players—however, Shoemon points out that this itself is abnormal, as Situation Battle NPCs aren't meant to be in this region of the game.
Bulucomon immediately attacks Shoto's Security Cards using its Rush ability, then ends its turn by digivolving to EX7-020: Paledramon. Feeling completely powerless with his blank cards, Shoto prepares to surrender, but is interrupted when Pteromon jumps in to defend Shoto and rebuke the rule-breaking Frozen Knight. Shocked, Shoto looks back at his hand and finds that two of the blank cards have now become actual cards. DigitalGate Open Pteromon enters Shoto's D-STORAGE so it could take part in the duel Out of Control (Part 1) and though the duel becomes even harder when Frozen Knight gives itself free Digimon, Shoto is eventually able to win. This causes Frozen Knight to be destroyed, though Bulucomon escapes. Out of Control (Part 2)
The admins and another mysterious person find out about Bulucomon, with that person sending Reina Oumi a quest offer with a hefty reward of Alt-Art chips to capture Bulucomon — with Reina assuming it came from the admins. DEBUG.4-2 GODDESS FROM THE ICE AGE The admins meanwhile, send Suzune Kazuki after it — with her goal being to turn it into a trading card so that she could take it to the Garden. DEBUG.4-1 Suzune Kazuki
Having learned that possessing an NPC would cause it to go rogue, Bulucomon instead decides to hack/posses inanimate objects as it would still survive even though it would just be sat there doing nothing whilst inside the object (though this only give Digimon a few months of extra life span). It travels from object to object, and eventually passes out in the dense vegetation of the Emerald Coast after failing to possess its most recent item target. Suzune follows eye witness reports from those who had duelled Frozen Knight/seen Bulucomon, and eventually finds the passed out Bulucomon. Suzune captures it and turns it into a card, at which point Reina arrives on the scene. She confronts Suzune for capturing Bulucomon before she could. Since the quest for Bulucomon wasn't public, she figures Suzune was here by coincidence and offers her a deal though Suzune is more interested in learning who gave Reina the Bulucomon capture quest. Reina shows her blank card and quest information, showing that she would receive a large amount of Alt-Art chips if she succeeded in the mission. Still wanting to complete it, she offers half the reward to Suzune if she gives up Bulucomon — though rather than accept this deal — Suzune challenges Reina to a duel. If Reina wins, she gets the Bulucomon card. If Suzune wins, Reina has to drink tea with her. DEBUG.4-1 Suzune Kazuki The stipulation confuses Reina, though Suzune just says she wants to spend time with Reina. Reina accepts, and jokes about how Suzune wont get to spend that time with her as she will win.
During said conversation, Bulucomon talks to Frigimon, Suzune's partner who was inside her D-STORAGE, and says it wants to help Suzune in the duel. Knowing Suzune would accept, Frigimon modifies her deck to include Bulucomon and its related cards. Suzune wins the duel, thanks to the combined effects of her existing cards and the new cards she gained from Bulucomon. DEBUG.4-2 GODDESS FROM THE ICE AGE
Suzune greeted Shoto Kazama after he was inducted into the debug team, though she didn't get to do it long as she felt she had to leave when Bulucomon started being hostile to Pteromon. DEBUG.6-1 OASIS
Reina Oumi and DemiDevimon[]

Reina Oumi (近江 黎七 Ōmi Reina?) is a 14 year old second year middle school girl. She is 149cm tall, weighs 45kg, and was born on March 10th.[3] She plays Digimon Liberator with a Nightmare Soldiers Beatdown deck[3] and a DemiDevimon partner.
She has a bright and energetic personality. She has been out of sorts recently because a close friend transferred to another school. However, the two of them have stayed in touch through Digimon Liberator, and while in the virtual world, she has been acting her usual self and having a great time. Although only vaguely aware of Digimon before, she now plays regularly even when her friends are offline, largely in part to the friendship she has struck up with DemiDevimon.[3]
One day, she received a quest offer with a hefty reward of Alt-Art chips to capture a wild Bulucomon, and assumed it came from the admins. DEBUG.4-2 GODDESS FROM THE ICE AGE
While tracking the Digimon she runs into Suzune Kazuki, who was apprehending it to take it to the Garden. She quickly assumes Suzune is a competitor for the quest reward and pouts, then tries to negotiate a share of the reward, which she explains to an inquisitive Suzune, and accepts her counteroffer of a duel. If Reina wins, she gets Bulucomon, but if Suzune wins, Reina has to drink tea with her. DEBUG.4-1 Suzune Kazuki. Reina is somewhat confused by the stipulation, but is confident about the match, in which she seems about to win with her powerful EX8-064: Boltboutamon. However, Suzune seizes victory with her own EX8-028: Skadimon and the detained EX7-023: Hexeblaumon. Defeated, Reina answers Suzune's questions about the quest, and in gratitude she's gifted a copy of EX8-066: Suzune Kazuki. Realizing to her shock that Suzune was part of the game's staff, she is confused about the source of the quest, but Suzune asks her to keep the events quiet for now, and departs. DEBUG.4-2 GODDESS FROM THE ICE AGE
- Partner
Unchained and Maquinamon[]

Alongside the real players, Digimon Liberator has a large amount of NPCs which all have varying roles, for example some "work" as police, and some work as nurses. Most of them resemble Mr. Navit. Each area of LACUNA has its NPCs focus on a specific deck color, for example those in Emerald Coast use Green decks. Most of them lack names, with only the important ones being given names such as Makina and Frozen Knight.
The Tutorial NPC explains the rules of the game, and the rules of the Digimon Card Game. Although it is the tutorial NPC, it will send players to the GMs if it doesn't know the answer or thinks the question is too complex to answer itself. Some players like to troll it by asking it silly and pointless questions. Players that have annoyed it too much have been banned. It can explains each of LACUNA's areas. Its AI is specialized in game information, and it responds to questions in a friendly manner. It has a meticulous nature, though it is very biased and will give out large amounts of information about the Seven Great Demon Lords — especially Beelzemon and Lilithmon. Though no one knows why it is so obsessed with them, players theorize it is because players keep asking it about them.
Battle NPCs can be duelled, with wins against them providing rewards and experience points. Some of them are known as Conditional Battle NPCs, which come with their own unique duel rules. Defeating them does not reward items, though does give a large amount of experience points.
Most shops are ran by Shopping NPCs. Some are instead considered Merchant NPCs, and can sometimes be found wandering around LACUNA. These ones sell rare and exclusive items.
Quiz NPCs are found only in the Emerald Coast.
Transport NPCs have vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, and planes, and can be paid to take players to other parts of the same area.[4]
Makina (マキナ?) is an NPC that is part of Digimon Liberator single player storyline.
Makina was given a mission — to give the last person it speaks to some Digimon trading cards. It finds itself in the Emerald Coast, where it comes across a human, the player. Finally able to achieve its goal, it gives the player the trading cards and then shuts down.[5]
Chain (チェイン Chein?) is an NPC that is part of Digimon Liberator single player storyline.
Chain is one of the androids that live in LACUNA. Chain approaches the player seconds after they get Digimon cards from Makina. It had been watching the entire events. It claims it is the final researcher left in Jewel, and believes that societies progress hinges on finding out what happened in the past and why Digimon no longer existed. It knows how to play the Digimon Card Game, and teaches the player how to play. After learning how to play, Chain asks the player to travel LACUNA and and collect six relics. It claims that if the player gets these relics, it will be able to use them to get access to E.G.G and that they will then be able to get access to its data to find out what happened in the past. The player agrees to look for the relics, as their goal is the same as Chain's.[6]
Frozen Knight[]
Frozen Knight (氷結騎士 Freezing Knight?) is a powerful Situation Battle NPC. It uses an Ice-Snow deck, though it is unknown if it used this deck before it was taken over by Bulucomon.
At some point it was possessed by the wild Digimon Bulucomon, who did so as that was one of the only ways wild Digimon were able to survive in LACUNA. This came with the side effect of making Frozen Knight lose control and go rogue. REAL (Part 2) Bulucomon joined it on this rampage.
During the rampage, they travel from its location all the way to the Emerald Coast and at some point this had them chasing Shoemon and possibly Close. One of them blow up a wall, with the duo emerging through the opening. They see Shoto Kazama and Arisa Kinosaki and trap Shoto in a barrier to force him into a duel. Shoto is startled by the involuntary duel and wonders if it's a bug, but Shoemon pleads for the their help and explains that Frozen Knight had been chasing it, perplexing the humans further. Unfortunately for Shoto, the situation gets worse as he draws his opening hand to notice his cards are now blank. A guide NPC identifies this as a "Situation Battle", a special event match with abnormal rules in order to test the skill of Digimon Liberator players—however, Shoemon points out that this itself is abnormal, as Situation Battle NPCs aren't meant to be in this region of the game.
Bulucomon immediately attacks Shoto's Security Cards using its Rush ability, then ends its turn by digivolving to EX7-020: Paledramon. Feeling completely powerless with his blank cards, Shoto prepares to surrender, but is interrupted when Pteromon jumps in to defend Shoto and rebuke the rule-breaking Frozen Knight. Shocked, Shoto looks back at his hand and finds that two of the blank cards have now become actual cards. DigitalGate Open Pteromon enters Shoto's D-STORAGE so it could take part in the duel Out of Control (Part 1) and though the duel becomes even harder when Frozen Knight gives itself free Digimon, Shoto is eventually able to win. This causes Frozen Knight to be destroyed, though Bulucomon escapes. Out of Control (Part 2)
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Digimon Liberator: "Chitose Horaiji"
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Digimon Liberator characters: Aruba Dokuson
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Digimon Liberator characters: Reina Oumi
- ↑ TIPS 02 About NPCs
- ↑ TIPS 01 About Lacuna (1) Emerald Coast, the Invasive Forest City
- ↑ Introducing Lacuna [2 The Central District of Jewel]
Digimon Liberator | |
Main characters: | Shoto Kazama | Arisa Kinosaki | Owen Dreadnought | Zenith | Violet "Vi" Inboots | Cool Boy | Yao Qinglan | Close |
Digimon: | Pteromon | Muchomon | Shoemon | Elizamon | Vemmon | Ghostmon | Omekamon | Sangomon | Sunarizamon |
Other characters: | Other characters | Unchained and Maquinamon |
See also: | Digimon Card Game | Digimon | Digital World | Real World | LACUNA | Digimon Liberator (Liberator video game) | List of chapters (comic) | Digimon Liberator DEBUG | List of chapters (DEBUG) |
Digimon Liberator DEBUG | |
Main characters: | Yuuki | Winr | Ryutaro Williams | Suzune Kazuki | Altea | Unchained | Zenith |
Digimon: | Impmon | FunBeemon | Tyrannomon | Frigimon | Espimon | Maquinamon | Vemmon |
Other characters: | Other characters |
See also: | Digimon Card Game | Digimon | Digital World | Real World | LACUNA | Digimon Liberator (Liberator video game) | List of chapters | List of chapters (comic) | Digimon Liberator (comic) | |