Arcadiamon (In-Training) is a Digimon. It is a Digimon artificially created from the data of various Digimon. One result of an experiment to make the ultimate Digimon, it boasts amazing physical abilities despite being In-Training level. Arcadiamon demonstrates predatory behaviour. By directly absorbing the data of others, Arcadiamon achieves growth at an astounding rate.[2]
- Data Drain (データドレイン Dēta Dorein?): Stabs opponents with its sharp feet to absorb their data.
Arcadiamon (In-Training) resembles a mix of a spider and a leech. It has a long arm ending in a single claw hidden in an opening lined with teeth in its back.
- Arkadimon Baby (アルカディモン幼年期)
Name used in Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01. Base name shares official romanization with Arkadimon Child.
- Arcadiamon In-Training
Name used in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory.
Arcadiamon (In-Training)'s design came from combining a "slimy, gross feeling" with a crustacean. Arcadiamon (In-Training) was designed by Ten'ya Yabuno.
Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01[]
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[]
In the Complete Edition, Arcadiamon (In Training) is #006, and is a Training II-level, Free Type Dark species Digimon that uses 3 memory and has no equip slots. It possesses the Utopia support skill.
Arcadiamon (In Training) digivolves from Kuramon and can digivolve to Arcadiamon (Rookie). In order to digivolve to Arcadiamon, you must have completed "Hacker's Memory".
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory[]
Arcadiamon (In Training) is #006, and is a Training II-level, Free Type Dark species Digimon that uses 3 memory and has no equip slots. It possesses the Utopia support skill.
Arcadiamon (In Training) digivolves from Kuramon and can digivolve to Arcadiamon (Rookie).