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"What is the Point of Steve Trevor?": The Sovereign continues his campaign of vengeance against Wonder Woman and has once again asked for assistance from some of her old enemies, including Dr. Psycho. Much to the Sovereign's annoyance, Psycho has no interest in helping the old monarch in his ven

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Quote1 It was her duty as an Amazon... to avenge her beloved. Quote2
— The Sovereign (Trinity's Future)

Wonder Woman (Volume 6) #14 is an issue of the series Wonder Woman (Volume 6) with a cover date of December, 2024. It was published on October 16, 2024.

Synopsis for "What is the Point of Steve Trevor?"

The Sovereign continues his campaign of vengeance against Wonder Woman and has once again asked for assistance from some of her old enemies, including Dr. Psycho. Much to the Sovereign's annoyance, Psycho has no interest in helping the old monarch in his vendetta against the Warrior Princess. He has spent his entire life getting defeated by Wonder Woman, so he doesn't see a point in helping the old monarch. He even suggests the Sovereign commit suicide if it means finally forgetting about Wonder Woman.

Steve meets up with Diana at a church and talks about his plans to confront the Sovereign directly. Diana thinks that's a bad idea, but Steve thinks that if Wonder Woman was able to beat his Lasso of Lies, then Steve could probably do the same. The Sovereign, still obsessed with destroying Wonder Woman, receives Steve at his castle and believes this is a good opportunity to hurt his enemy. He grabs a gun and shoots Steve in the chest.

Steve's body is thrown into the river, and a few days later, it's discovered by two fishermen in Washington DC. News of Steve's death spread like wildfire and even the Justice League becomes aware of what happened. Steve is honored by the U.S. Army and given a proper burial alongside other soldiers. Since he has no immediate family, the flag from his coffin is given to Samantha Talji, a distant cousin by marriage. Wonder Woman is unable to his funeral because of her status as a fugitive, but a few days after the flag was given to Samantha, Wonder Woman breaks into her house and steals the flag. She only left a note that said "I am sorry for your loss". Wonder Woman takes the flag deep into a cave, hidden behind a waterfall. There, she lies alone, crying and holding the flag, for several days.

Superman and Batman search for Wonder Woman in attempt to offer their condolences but she is nowhere to be found. The Wonder Girls have no knowledge on where she might be and even if they did, they believe it's best for Wonder Woman to be alone for a while. Wonder Woman might be willing to offer sympathy to those who need, but she will not accept sympathy from others, even when she desperately needs it.

The Sovereign, admitting that his killing of Steve was rash and impulsive, prepares for Wonder Woman's counterattack. He barricades himself in his castle and surrounds himself with Wonder Woman's old enemies, both old and new, thinking that Wonder Woman would come for him and avenge the man she loves. Much to his surprise, Wonder Woman doesn't come.

Instead, Wonder Woman dives deep into the oceans surrounding Themyscira and emerges on the other side. She is in the Underworld and she has come to visit Steve, who is waiting for her in a boat. Despite his current circumstances, she is happy to see him again and they share a kiss, touched by tears. She wants to rescue him but Steve believes that perhaps he should remain here, for he has lived a good life and has no regrets. Steve says that Wonder Woman is answered prayer and a living miracle, not just to her mother but to him, as well. To give her peace, Steve tells Diana about his grandmother, Elizabeth Marston, and how he wants to see her again. Just like her grandmother, the story of Steve and Diana doesn't have to end in death.

Wonder Woman returns to Themyscira, but instead of returning to her mission, she looks back at the sea and stands on the shores of the island until sunset. She grabs a lock of hair, which suddenly separates into two different strands, red and blue. These are not pieces of hair, but fragments of the souls of Steve and her own. When they combine, they become a single thread, a golden thread, and Wonder Woman places it on a small figure of clay, shaped in the form of a child. She begs her mother to give this child, named Elizabeth Marston Prince, life so that she can can be born and loved in Paradise.

Appearing in "What is the Point of Steve Trevor?"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Charon's Boat (Flashback only)



  • The events of Day 1 of this story take place a few days after the Absolute Power which implies that Day 51 takes place around late October 2024.

See Also

Links and References
