DC Database

Quote1 Wonder-Girl? Girl? You know I'm in my twenties, right? Quote2
— Yara Flor src

Yara Flor is Wonder Girl, an Amazon of the Amazon.


Yara Flor was born to an Amazon of Themyscira, Aella, who left Themyscira to adventure across the globe. Eventually her journey would bring her to Brazil where she fell in love with a local deity and bore a daughter by him, a girl she named Yara. Aella and Yara would be taken in by the local Amazon tribe known as the Esquecida.[1] Tragically, Aella was killed by agents of the Greek pantheon, while Yara was spirited away by a woman named Renata to Boise, Idaho[2], in the United States, where she spent her years as a child and young adult.

When Yara was twenty one years old she decided to travel back to her homeland. Renata disapproved of Flor's decision as she deemed it dangerous, although she nevertheless saw her off at Boise Airport alongside Yara's uncle Brian.[3]


After landing in Rio de Janeiro Yara takes a bus to the hotel, on the way there she saves a man from a burning car, and introduces herself to the bus driver, a man named João. All the while Hera, Queen Nubia, and Queen Faruka all make plans for Yara. Later, while at Iguazu Falls, Yara is dragged down into the river below by boleadoras and encounters a mermaid like being.[2] The being turns out to be the Yara's namesake, Iara, protector of the sacred waters. Iara gifts Yara her Golden Boleadoras. While on a flight back to Rio with João, Yara is attacked by Amazons of unknown origin. After Yara had defeated them the plane is brought down by the Greek gods Zephyros and Eros, the latter of whom falls in love with Yara after cutting his hand on his own arrow.[4] After the plane crash, Yara and João embrace but are interrupted by Eros trying to hit Yara with one of his arrows. After being beset by various Amazonian mythological beings, Eros stabs Yara with one of his arrows, making her fall in love with him and obey his commands. Eros takes Yara to Mount Olympus to meet Hera, the Queen of the Gods.[5]

Yara would train with various gods on Mount Olympus and tame a pegasus she named Jerry. Before the time came to become Hera's champion, she visited João and went on a date with him. She would then encounter an Amazon of the Amazon named Potira, who claimed to have known Yara as a child and she revealed Yara's origins. Artemis and Cassandra Sandsmark would then interrupt and would allow Yara the chance to make her choice of whether or not to become Hera's champion, with Cassie warning Yara of the dangers she now faces. Yara would return to Olympus, ready to become Hera's champion.[1]

Yara decides to refuse the elixir and Hera's offer to become her champion, angering the Queen of the Gods. She has Hephaestus's mechanical soldiers attack Yara. Yara calls Jerry to escape but is intercepted by Zephyros and is knocked to the ground, seemingly killing Jerry. Hera appears and makes short work of Yara. She then orders Hephaestus to send Yara to Tartarus.[6]

While Yara is imprisoned in Tartarus, Eros visits her, angry that Yara refused to become Hera's champion. After Eros left, Yara is attacked by Menoetius. She is able to defeat the him with her Boleadoras. Jerry, who survived Zephyros' attack, retrieves Yara and flies out of Tartarus. When they reach the Gates of Olympus and is confronted by Ares and his followers — sent by Hera — the same man that killed her mother when Yara was a child.[7]

As Yara battles the man who murdered her mother she is able to unmask him and is shocked to discover it was Eros. As Eros tries to defend his actions, Yara sees her mother in a immortal plane, who encourages her to fight. Yara is able to break the gates of Olympus which allows the Esquecida, Donna Troy, and Cassie to storm Olympus. Yara is then able to defeat Eros, who is dragged down to Tartarus by Menoetius, but not before freeing Yara of his spell, thereby returning her free will. After the battle, Yara, Donna, Cassie and the Esquecida depart from Olympus, with Yara asking what was next.[8]

Trial of the Amazons

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Battle for Themyscira

After the vents of Homecoming, Yara returned with Potira to Akahim and earned a place within the Esquecida tribe. One day, a giant boar attacked the rain forest. Believing that the beast originated from Mount Olympus, the Esquecidas oracle, Anahi, saw that the boar originated from Themyscira, behind Doom's Doorway. Queen Goboymila of the Esquecidas, who was too ill to travel, gave Potira power to act as queen in her stead, and told her to take Yara, as her mother was from Themyscira.[9]

Yara, the Esquecida, Donna Troy and Cassie, traveled to Themyscira to join the contest to determine the new champion for Doom's Doorway. Yara and Potira represented the Esquecida at the welcoming feast, where Yara spoke to Hippolyta about her mother.[10][9] After the death of Hippolyta, Yara met with the leaders of the Amazons of Themyscira and the leaders of the Bana-Mighdall to determine the best course of action. They chose to allow the contest to continue.[11] Following Hippolyta's funeral, Yara met with the other members of the Esquecida and drank an elixir to enable the Anahi to see what the future held for Yara. She told Yara that she was destined to be their champion and that she had the spirit of their people within her. The next day Potira announced that Yara would represent the Esquecidas during the contest, and was surprised to see Diana declare herself to represent all the Amazons.[12]

During the contest, the arena collapsed, forcing Yara, Donna, and Philippus to work together to find a way out of the tunnels they were in. Eventually they came across Echidna and were forced to battle it. Working together they were able to defeat the monster but were forced to leave Diana behind as the cave collapsed on them.[13] Yara, Donna, and Philippus ran to warn the other Amazons that Chaos had escaped. They were beaten to the arena by Diana and were stunned to see Doom's Doorway begin to break open.[14]

Yara and the other Amazons battled Chaos but slowly lost ground until Antiope, and Atalanta absorbed Choas and went through Doom's Doorway, sealing it behind them. During the cleanup in the aftermath of the battle, Yara was approached by Diana. Diana took her to the Tair-Mory, where Diana destroyed Yara's tiara and replaced it with tiara with three stars to represent the three tribes of the Amazons. Diana then gave Yara the title of Wonder Girl, much to Yara's chagrin. Days later, Yara watched as Faruka and the rest of the Amazons acknowledged Nubia as queen of all the Amazons.[15]

Dark Crisis

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Yara with the Justice League

After the members of the Justice League disappeared and Black Adam claimed that they were killed by Pariah, Jon Kent, the new Superman, offered Yara to join his new Justice League, but she refused.[16] Following an attack on the Titans Tower by Deathstroke and his Secret Society, Yara reconsidered Jon Kent's offer and arrived just in time to stop Black Adam during an argument the League was having. While the new league soon disbanded, Yara and Jon were met with the arrival of the Justice Society, who offered their help.[17] She later took part on the battle at the Hall of Justice between the various heroes and the army of King Deathstroke.[18]




  • Kokoshnik Tiara[1]



  • Boise, Idaho, where Yara lived after leaving Brazil, is Joëlle Jones's native city.[22]
  • When Yara returns to Brazil, she is 21 years old.[5]



Justice League 0002
Justice League member
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This character has been a member of the Justice League of America, or the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from the clutches of both interstellar and domestic threats.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Justice League of America members" category.

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Wonder Woman Supporting Cast
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This character is or was an ally of Wonder Woman. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Wonder Woman Supporting Cast" category.
