DC Database

"Loveless, Part Two": Virginia Coast, Wonder Woman's Residence

Quote1 Love is dangerous. Love is a wild thing that fights even when death is certain. Love is hope in the face of defeat. And without it... without it, we are each alone in the universe. Moving past our fellow travellers like ghosts. Love is the last fragment of the will. The one that persists after all other resources are gone. Quote2
— Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman (Volume 5) #78 is an issue of the series Wonder Woman (Volume 5) with a cover date of November, 2019. It was published on September 11, 2019.

Synopsis for "Loveless, Part Two"

Virginia Coast, Wonder Woman's Residence

Atlantiades and Steve Trevor discuss what the death of Aphrodite, and of love with her, could mean to the world, including the fact that Steve himself seems to have lost all his sentiment for Diana. In that moment, thanks to his ability to hear thoughts and desires, Atlantiades hears Wonder Woman calling for his help and together with Steve reaches her: she was defeated by Cheetah, who took all her weapons, the Lasso, Bracelets and Tiara, with her. It seems that with love going away, much of Diana's power went with it as well. Atlantiades tells them he must leave to support his followers in Summergrove, while Steve and Diana head back to Wonder Woman's home. There Steve patches her wounds, and Diana suffers a lot more from pain that usually. The two also realize that the empathy they always had toward each other faded away.

Washington D.C.

Answering a call from Etta Candy, Diana explains her that the chaos which is unfolding in the world is because of the death of Aphrodite and of Love itself. Etta would like that Diana does something to fix things, but the Amazon confesses she does not know what to do. Etta suggests that maybe finding out how Cheetah came in possession of the God Killer sword and also who enhanced its power could be a start, so Diana goes to Veronica Cale, who owes her one for finding a way to reunite her with Isadore. Cale recognizes that something changed in her relationship with Izzy, and maybe this whole love fiasco has something do to with it. She then extracts from one of Diana's wounds a fragment of the God Killer that she will try to reverse engineer. Meanwhile, Washington and the whole world are drifting towards chaos and doom, thanks to the machinations of Lex Luthor.

Appearing in "Loveless, Part Two"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Cheetah (Flashback and main story)
  • Unnamed masked robbers (First appearance)

Other Characters:




See Also

Links and References
