DC Database

"Assault on Main Street": When the Doom Patrol tries to attack Metagen's headquarters, Nile Caulder is taken captive by Metagen's elusive CEO, who intends to use the Doom Patrol to test out his new corporate-backed superheroine, Metawoman. Meanwhile, General Immortus and Monsieur Mallah build a

Quote1 ... the Doom Patrol evolved to become something greater than my so-called genius. Despite me and my bad ideas. And that is something that can't be attained by flipping a genetic switch. Quote2
— Niles Caulder

Unstoppable Doom Patrol #5 is an issue of the series Unstoppable Doom Patrol (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 2023. It was published on August 22, 2023.

Synopsis for "Assault on Main Street"

When the Doom Patrol tries to attack Metagen's headquarters, Nile Caulder is taken captive by Metagen's elusive CEO, who intends to use the Doom Patrol to test out his new corporate-backed superheroine, Metawoman. Meanwhile, General Immortus and Monsieur Mallah build a new army.

Appearing in "Assault on Main Street"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Think Thank II (Flashback only) (Cameo)


  • Ambo


See Also

Links and References
