DC Database

"Chain of Command": Omen manages to telepathically communicate with Tempest. She reveals that she is a prisoner of Vandal Savage and Tartarus. She reveals that Savage forced her to use her powers

Quote1 Uh...Lilith. About my single-handedly destrotying tartarus? I'm afraid that was a bit of a fish story. Quote2
— Tempest.

Titans #14 is an issue of the series Titans (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 2000.

Synopsis for "Chain of Command"

Omen manages to telepathically communicate with Tempest. She reveals that she is a prisoner of Vandal Savage and Tartarus. She reveals that Savage forced her to use her powers to recruit the members of Tartarus. Garth leads the Titans on a rescue mission. During the mission, Tartarus implodes as they are unable to work together, and Lilith is saved. It is later revealed that Lilith had intended this and gathered villains who would not be able to work together.Before the team returns from the mission, Flash appears at an empty Titans Tower. He finds a message for Starfire sent by the Tamaraneans telling her that her people need her help in a conflict with the Gordanians.

Appearing in "Chain of Command"

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See Also

Links and References
