DC Database

"Fallout": The Titans deals with the emotional fallout from their showdown with H.I.V.E. and Tartarus and many buried tensions resurface. Nightwing confronts the team with uncomfortable truths. In the recent mission, [[

Quote1 When you told me the Titans were like a family—I thought you just meant in the nice way—closeness, you know, loyalty. But you're also a family in all the worst ways. You may all be great heroes in your own right—I know, I've studied some of you—but together you're disorganized, reactionary, and incestuous. Quote2
— Jesse Quick

Titans #13 is an issue of the series Titans (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 2000.

Synopsis for "Fallout"

The Titans deals with the emotional fallout from their showdown with H.I.V.E. and Tartarus and many buried tensions resurface. Nightwing confronts the team with uncomfortable truths. In the recent mission, Starfire killed Adeline Kane and Arsenal revealed that he still holds feelings for Cheshire. During this, Nightwing accidentally reveals that Cyborg has been permitted to remain with the Titans mainly so that he can keep an eye on him after he recently gave in to Technis influence and nearly destroyed the Moon. The Titans argue over what all this means. Nightwing confronts Flash and kicks him off the team, revealing that he does not believe he is Wally West. Nightwing then asks the team to consider whether they can be dedicated to the Titans. Jesse Quick quits the team. Changeling takes a leave of absence from the team. It is revealed that Omen is being held captive somewhere . . .

Appearing in "Fallout"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





The Cover is a Homage to New Teen Titans #39

See Also

Links and References
