I've... I've lost everything, Lana. My reputation, my apartment, the only family I ever had. Even Supergirl's vanished. Who'd guess a single year could make such a difference?
- — Clark Kent
Superman Adventures #30 is an issue of the series Superman Adventures (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 1999.
Synopsis for "Family Reunion, Part I"
Superman flies by S.T.A.R. Labs when he hears an evacuation alert inside, where an antimatter engine is about to blow up. Going at superspeed, he throws the machine out into space, where it explodes. When Superman dives back down, Professor Hamilton is startled by something that he sees.
Upon returning to the Daily Planet, Clark is confused when everyone is surprised to see him. Lois exclaims that he's alive after 12 months of being missing. Incredulous, Clark checks the date, dumbfounded as to how he could have lost so much time. Even worse, Perry sadly informs him of his parents' deaths, due to a house-fire.
At Smallville Cemetery, Lana consoles Clark, who guesses that the shock wave from the antimatter engine sent him into the future.
On TV, Angela Chen recaps the last year as she interviews Lex Luthor, who has engineered ways to psychologically reprogram supervillains and downplays Superman's importance.
In the Fortress of Solitude, Superman is watching the news when he hears a mysterious voice behind him. Turning around, he is stunned to see his mother, Lara, alive and well. She explains that his father, Jor-El, saved one of Krypton's cities, Kryptonopolis, much to his disbelief. Lara pleads for him to come home, which he finally agrees to after seeing that Lois is engaged.
On Kryptonopolis, Superman meets his father, who upon seeing him, yells at Lara for bringing him to die. Jor-El explains that Lara noticed Superman caught in the antimatter explosion from another dimension, so she lured him here to keep him from interfering with her invasion plans. Lara reveals that she plans to take over Earth, and had Professor Va-Kox brainwash the Superman and Supergirl of this reality. As Superman and Jor-El are detained, the two lieutenants of the Kryptonian invasion force along with Professor Va-Kox teleport to Earth, ready to conquer the planet.
Appearing in "Family Reunion, Part I"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Professor Hamilton
- Lois Lane
- Jimmy Olsen
- Perry White
- Lana Lang
- Angela Chen
- Lex Luthor
- Jor-El
- Lara-El
- Professor Va-Kox
- Lieutenant Kal-El
- Lieutenant Kara
Other Characters:
- Bizarro (Cameo)
- Ron Troupe
- Tony
- Pastor Lingvist (Mentioned only)
- Intergang (Mentioned only)
- Ma Kent (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Pa Kent (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Supergirl (Mentioned only)
- Metropolis Special Crimes Unit (Mentioned only)
- Maggie Sawyer (Mentioned only)
- Brainiac (Mentioned only)
- Earth
- United States of America
- Metropolis
- Smallville
- Smallville Cemetery
- California
- Los Angeles (Mentioned only)
- North Pole
- United States of America
- Krypton (On a TV or computer screen) (Destroyed)
- Kryptonian Rocket (On a TV or computer screen)
- Collected in Superman Adventures: The Last Son of Krypton.
- This story is continued in the next issue.
- Superman previously entered an alternate reality in the Superman: The Animated Series episode, "Brave New Metropolis".
See Also
Recommended Reading
- DC Animated Universe Recommended Reading
- Adventures in the DC Universe (Volume 1)
- The Batgirl Adventures #1
- Batman Adventures (Volume 1)
- Batman Adventures (Volume 2)
- The Batman Adventures: The Lost Years (Volume 1)
- The Batman Adventures: Mad Love
- The Batman and Robin Adventures (Volume 1)
- Batman and Superman Adventures: World's Finest
- Batman Beyond (Volume 1)
- Batman Beyond (Volume 2)
- Batman Beyond (Volume 4)
- Batman Beyond Unlimited (Volume 1)
- Batman Beyond Universe (Volume 1)
- Batman: Gotham Adventures (Volume 1)
- Batman: Harley and Ivy (Volume 1)
- Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - The Animated Movie #1
- Gotham Girls (Volume 1)
- Justice League Adventures (Volume 1)
- Justice League Unlimited (Volume 1)
- Superman Adventures (Volume 1)
- Superman & Batman Magazine (Volume 1)
- Justice League Infinity (Volume 1)