DC Database
"He will find a way."
"That's the most optimistic remark I've ever heard you make, Gorr! Things must be black indeed!"
--Howler, responding to Gorr

"The Test! - The Last Boy on Earth Pt 2 of 4": Superboy is back to full strength and can talk, but he still can't remember who he is or how he got to Roam, the land of the Furries. Not that he has a lot of time to think it over, as

Superboy (Volume 4) #51 is an issue of the series Superboy (Volume 4) with a cover date of May, 1998.

Synopsis for "The Test! - The Last Boy on Earth Pt 2 of 4"

Superboy is back to full strength and can talk, but he still can't remember who he is or how he got to Roam, the land of the Furries. Not that he has a lot of time to think it over, as he is being put through a Test to see if he is the Mighty One spoken of in legend. The court warlock (or high priest or whatever), Ratsputin, insists that no human could be the one. Everyone in the kingdom gathers to watch the test, including Dr. Canum and Nosferata, who covets the throne.

The first part of the test is the "Fortress of Solitude," testing to see if Superboy is faster than a speeding bullet. The Kid is not, but his tactile telekinetic field makes sure he survives the test. The next phase is to "survive the deadline of the Daily Planet." He exceeds that test beyond expectations, and it put to the final stage. He is seated on a catapult and "from there you will leap over Roam's tallest buildings to face the fury of Doomsday"--in this case, a volcano. As he zips through the air, dropping down towards the magma of the volcano, everything comes flooding back to him and he remembers. Superboy flies to safety and demands to see the "articles of faith" from which "the mighty one" legend comes from.

The articles are newspapers depicting Superman in action. Ratsputin knew all along, but refused to believe it. Superboy is still not clear where or when he is, however. According to the legends of the Mighty One, Caesar abdicates his crown to Superboy, but the Kid refuses it. He asks for a tour of the island, which Tuftan agrees to give him. Their first stop is to see Sacker, the snake slaver that originally captured Superboy. SB breaks into the slaver's store and Sacker realizes that he has not been drugged like he told the Prince to do. Superboy insists on getting his belongings back, and Sacker agrees, even though he claims that he will bill Caesar for it. Doctor Canus and Nosferata show up as the Kid puts on his uniform and tells them all that his name is Superboy.

Appearing in "The Test! - The Last Boy on Earth Pt 2 of 4"

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