DC Database

"The Ray: "Terror in Texas"": A Nazi spy uses false promises of wealth to rile up Mexican banditos, to attack Texan military forces. Happy Terrill's assigned to cover the story of these strange "accidents", and captures the villains responsible as the Ray.

Smash Comics #29 is an issue of the series Smash Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1941.

Synopsis for The Ray: "Terror in Texas"

A Nazi spy uses false promises of wealth to rile up Mexican banditos, to attack Texan military forces. Happy Terrill's assigned to cover the story of these strange "accidents", and captures the villains responsible as the Ray.

Appearing in The Ray: "Terror in Texas"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Bud
  • the Chief


  • El Lobo
  • Fritz Luhner

Other Characters:




Synopsis for The Jester: "The Man Who Walked Thru Walls"

A train derails, and the police quickly cordon off the area, but find no loot at all on the bodies. This puzzles the cops, because it would've taken dozens of men to collect everything so quickly, and certainly no huge mob passed any officers going the other way! Chuck Lane casually leans on the wall, not noticing his arm going right through, until the crooks on the other side yank him through. Turns out the brains behind this crime has invented a machine that makes solid matter permeable. Chuck outsmarts the crook left to guard him, dresses the unconscious lowlife up in his policeman's uniform and takes the opportunity to switch to his Jester outfit. He easily captures the crooks, but his trick casts even more confusion on the true identity of the Jester, since it seems he was actually a two-bit crook.

Appearing in The Jester: "The Man Who Walked Thru Walls"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Detective Mulligan


  • unnamed mad scientist

Other Characters:




Synopsis for Wildfire: "In Hollywood"

Carol Martin's parents visit the West Coast and Carol takes the opportunity to visit Acme Productions, where the boss Martin Conway gives her a tour. On Stage 3 an extravagant jungle scene is being filmed, with pagan natives doing a sacrificial devil dance. At a signal, all of the dancing extras (five of them) use their prop torches to set fire to the backdrop and scenery, right in front of the filming crew and dozens of other studio workers. A squad of studio cops charges onto the scene; the dancers pull out some automatics and gun them down. Some burning scenery pieces topple onto the crowd, killing several people and injuring more; Conway flees the stage; Miss Martin ducks around a corner and emerges as Wildfire. As she flies in to the attack, one arsonist lights fire to a reel of film, and throws it with remarkable skill, so that the flaming film winds itself around her in mid-air. That doesn't work, she's fireproof; but when she forms a fiery bow and arrow and aims it at them, it turns out that they're fireproof too, thanks to their asbestos outfits. Wildfire goes hand to hand with the nearest one of them and handily demolishes him with her superior speed and skill, then she exerts her strength to toss some heavy bits of burning scenery onto three of his pals. Then she turns her attention to extinguishing the fires, and the thugs all flee. She has the fires all out before the Fire Department arrives, but while she's outside chatting with them, the thugs run into Mr. Conway's office, and he turns out to be secretly their boss. The thugs are demanding to be paid 100 times as much as their deal called for ($5000!) and the boss is complaining that the studio isn't even still on fire, when Wildfire flies into the room by crashing through a wall (a real wall, not a scenery flat). She rips into the thugs and knocks them all out hand-to-hand, without applying any flames, then extorts a detailed confession from Conway.

That evening in her Hollywood hotel suite, wearing her filmy nightgown, Carol breaks the fourth wall to look the reader in the eye and ironically wonder aloud why Conway was so quick to confess and to offer to pay off his victims' families.

Appearing in Wildfire: "In Hollywood"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Martin Conway
    • five arsonists

Other Characters:




Synopsis for Invisible Justice: "King Damba and His Fortress of Doom"

Appearing in Invisible Justice: "King Damba and His Fortress of Doom"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Midnight: "The Return of Chango!"

Appearing in Midnight: "The Return of Chango!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Chango

Other Characters:




Synopsis for Wings Wendall: "In China"

Appearing in Wings Wendall: "In China"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Bullet Plane

Synopsis for Espionage Starring Black X: "Lord Otterlake"

Appearing in Espionage Starring Black X: "Lord Otterlake"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Batu
  • Colonel Atwater


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Bozo the Robot: "Death Penalty For Spies"

Appearing in Bozo the Robot: "Death Penalty For Spies"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Senator James





  • Also appearing in this issue of Smash Comics were:

See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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