DC Database

The second Shaggy Man was an enemy of the Justice League of America.

The original Shaggy Man was the creation of Dr. Andrew Zagarian in an attempt to create a substitute for lost human tissue. The experiment resulted with accidental birth of an artificial life-form known as the Shaggy Man. The Justice League attempted to stop it, but the creature's strength and regenerative capabilities proved too much. Thankfully, the Flash came up with the idea of having Dr. Zagarian create a second Shaggy Man to fight the first. This proved to be a success, and the two immortal monsters were sealed in a deep pit to battle each other for all eternity.[1]

The two creatures remained locked in combat for some time, before the first Shaggy Man was freed by the villain Hector Hammond, who sought revenge on the Justice League. Shaggy Man II also escaped from the pit and was discovered by Flash and Green Lantern near the west coast of Alaska, battling Russian troops. The two heroes fight the creature for over an hour, but their efforts only anger the beast. Thankfully, Flash is able to trap the monster by freezing him in ice, taking advantage of how his body was negatively affected by the cold temperature.

Over a year later, the Justice League is contacted by Petra Rostoff, an officer of the Soviet Space Force. She explains that Shaggy Man II has escaped his icy prison, and has been rampaging across Siberia. With their military unable to stop him, the Russian government has requested help from the Justice League. The League is reluctant at first, especially Flash, who believes the Russians may have attempted to capture Shaggy Man II and use him as a weapon. Despite the suspicions, the heroes finally agree to assist the Russians in stopping the creature. After a lengthy fight, Batman finally defeats the monster by tricking him onto a launching rocket. The unmanned rocket flies off into deep space, taking Shaggy Man II with it.[2]

Shaggy Man II eventually escapes the rocket and is able to return to earth. The creature is next seen taking part in the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths, as one of the many supervillains united under Brainiac. On Earth X, Shaggy Man II engages with Changeling and Mento during the final battle. However, Green Arrow of Earth-Two assists the heroes, defeating the Shaggy Man with an explosive-tipped arrow.[3]



  • Although this character was originally introduced during DC's Earth-One era of publication, their existence following the events of the 1985–86 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths remains intact. However, some elements of the character's Pre-Crisis history may have been altered or removed for Post-Crisis New Earth continuity, and should be considered apocryphal.



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