DC Database

"Who Can Stop the Shaggy Man?": In snowy Siberia, two Russian troops have a terrifying encounter with what they believe is the Abominable Snowman. Two months later, Petra Rostoff from the Soviet Space Force arrives unexpectedly at the Justice League satellite on a top-secret mission. She explain

Quote1 You've made a fool of yourself, haven't you? But that's not surprising. It's what you do best. Quote2
— Batman

Justice League of America #186 is an issue of the series Justice League of America (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 1981.

Synopsis for "Who Can Stop the Shaggy Man?"

In snowy Siberia, two Russian troops have a terrifying encounter with what they believe is the Abominable Snowman. Two months later, Petra Rostoff from the Soviet Space Force arrives unexpectedly at the Justice League satellite on a top-secret mission. She explains that the indestructible monster known as the Shaggy Man has returned and is rampaging across her country. The heroes are initially skeptical of her claims, since the original Shaggy Man is currently imprisoned on the satellite, still shrunk to miniature size from their previous battle.[1]

It is then theorized the creature attacking Russia is the second Shaggy Man, who must have freed himself from the iceberg the Flash previously trapped him in. Regardless of which Shaggy Man it is, the League is reluctant to help, as they believe the Russians were attempting to capture and weaponize the monster. Despite the suspicions, the heroes finally agree to assist in stopping the creature, and battle Shaggy Man II at a missile base. While the monster seems unstoppable, Batman finally defeats him by tricking him onto a launching, unmanned rocket. The rocket flies off with Shaggy Man II as an unexpected passenger, exiling the creature into deep space.

Appearing in "Who Can Stop the Shaggy Man?"

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See Also

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