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"Last Stand on Grand Ave": Killer Croc and his gang are ready to attack Penguin's territory and is using Robin as a human shield/hostage to prevent Penguin's men and the Gotham City Police Department

Quote1 If...no when you get out of there and you're back home there will be hell to pay, Tim. There will be some permanent and drastic changes here. Quote2
— Jack Drake

Robin (Volume 2) #72 is an issue of the series Robin (Volume 2) with a cover date of January, 2000.

Synopsis for "Last Stand on Grand Ave"

Killer Croc and his gang are ready to attack Penguin's territory and is using Robin as a human shield/hostage to prevent Penguin's men and the Gotham City Police Department from firing at him.

The GCPD throw some vomit gas bombs at Croc's gang and that stops all of them. The distraction is used by Alfred to rescue Robin. Croc isn't affected by the gas and he goes straight to Penguin. Penguin fires his weapon but only manages to tear Croc's clothes and anger the man further. Harvey Bullock arrive and tackle Croc before he can hurt Penguin. Bullock and Montoya try to hold down Croc but fail and just before Croc can attack Penguin, Robin attacks Croc. Using his agility, Robin tricks Croc to get his arms inside a car and then Robin ties his hands to the steering wheel. Croc lifts the car with his hands but the car drops on Croc's feet, knocking him down due to the pain. Bullock, Montoya and Penguin are shocked by Robin's performance and are also grateful for his timely help. Tim acknowledges that he had some help, as he walks towards Alfred.

Later in the Batcave, Tim decides that it is time to call his father and tell him that he is in Gotham. Mr. Drake loses his temper and tells Tim that when he returns home, things will be much different. Tim is upset and tired and Alfred suggests that it is better for him to catch some sleep.

Meanwhile, Stephanie Brown is thinking about Tim and her life as Spoiler. Mrs. Brown tries to talk with her, but Steph just wants to be left alone. Jack Drake is desperate and he decides to do something for his only son.

Later, Batman wakes Tim up and tells him that there is some trouble. Batman and Alfred show him some of the TV channels and he realizes that his father has told the press about his whereabouts in Gotham and now the case of the "youngster lost in the restricted area" has taken over all the media. This is bad news for Tim.

Appearing in "Last Stand on Grand Ave"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:






  • There is a poster of Superboy in Stephanie Brown's bedroom.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Batman No Man's Land 1
No Man's Land Crossover
DC Bullet 2024

This issue is a part of the Batman: No Man's Land crossover that swept through all Batman Family Titles during 1999. Gotham City was declared by the President to be no longer a part of the United States after the combined disasters of Contagion, Legacy and Cataclysm.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "No Man's Land" crossover category.
