DC Database

"Mr. Wayne Goes to Washington, Part Three: The Devil His Due!": The United States Government has given the citizens of Gotham City forty-eight hours to abandon it if they can, as the decision to shut down Gotham is made. The U.S. Marshals are in charge of checking all the people who try

Quote1 Look around you guys. This whole situation defies reason. But I'm not letting anyone run me out of my hometown. I didn't let the Joker do it and I'm damn sure not going to let a bunch of bureaucrats do it! Quote2
— Barbara Gordon

Batman #562 is an issue of the series Batman (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 1999. It was published on December 9, 1998.

Synopsis for "Mr. Wayne Goes to Washington, Part Three: The Devil His Due!"

The United States Government has given the citizens of Gotham City forty-eight hours to abandon it if they can, as the decision to shut down Gotham is made. The U.S. Marshals are in charge of checking all the people who try to get out of Gotham and prevent any sort of criminals from doing so. That is the case of Killer Croc who tried to escape but was forced to stay in. The press is broadcasting the events and some of them don't really care for the situation.

In Washington, D.C.; Bruce Wayne loses his temper and destroys his hotel room. He is later called by Marion Grange to discuss their next move.

Commissioner Gordon goes to Gotham's morgue to learn the identitites of the men who tried to kill him and his wife. The doctor tells him that the men have been genetically modified in order to change their appearance to that of a demon. Gordon tells the doctor to burn the bodies and he leaves, stating that he won't leave the city without a fight.

Elsewhere, Nicholas Scratch is notified by his minions that they failed in killing Gordon, but it is unimportant to him as he has hired a professional killer to deal with his prime target: Bruce Wayne.

When Bruce and Marion Grange finish their discussion, they decide it is time to leave to catch a rest and the next day they will attend the ceremony in the Capitol Building. When they are entering the car, the hired assassin is looking at them from a hotel window ready to strike Bruce with a bullet to his head, but the second before pulling the trigger, she is distracted by the housekeeping woman and the shot goes straight to Grange's back, killing her instantly. Bruce is angry and already spots the place where the bullet came from but the assassin is gone and Alfred prevents him from risking his life. Scratch is furious for the failure of his plan and he sends his minions to find and kill Bruce Wayne.

In Gotham, Lucius Fox prepares everything for his departure and he along with the last of the corporate workers of Wayne Enterprises, use a helicopter to leave the condemned city and they watch as the bridges to the city are destroyed one by one. At the same time, the Arkahm Asylum inmates that were released also witness the closing of Gotham.

At the Gotham Clock Tower, Robin announces that he and his dad are thinking of moving to Keystone City and Nightwing tells them that he will return to Bludhaven. Barbara Gordon tells them that she is staying in the city and she won't abandon it for any reason.

On the streets of Gotham, all the rebels and outlaws are gathering and decide to try to get out of Gotham one way or another.

The next day, Nicholas Scratch's minions tell him that Bruce Wayne didn't show up at the Capitol Building and he is enraged, as he wanted Bruce Wayne dead at all cost. At that moment, the members of Congress are at the Capitol Building to sign the "Gotham's Death Warrant" and the press along with all the nation notice the conspicuous absence of Bruce Wayne.

Appearing in "Mr. Wayne Goes to Washington, Part Three: The Devil His Due!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • U.S. Marshals
  • Tara Schoenstein-Jimenez (On a TV or computer screen) (Single appearance)
  • Skip (On a TV or computer screen) (Single appearance)
  • Dot Clower (Last appearance)
  • Coleen (GCPD Mortician)
  • Washington, D.C. Police Department
  • Karen Abrams (Single appearance)
  • United States Army






See Also

Links and References

Batman No Man's Land 1
No Man's Land Crossover
DC Bullet 2024

This issue is a part of the Batman: No Man's Land crossover that swept through all Batman Family Titles during 1999. Gotham City was declared by the President to be no longer a part of the United States after the combined disasters of Contagion, Legacy and Cataclysm.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "No Man's Land" crossover category.
