DC Database

Quote1 I was just like you once. I thought if I leaned on someone, if I trusted them, all the pain would go away. I was wrong. And anyone that tells you any differently is lying. The loss is here for good now. There's no getting over it. But you can control it. You can channel it. No one else can do that for you. Just you. Quote2
— Dick Grayson src

Dick Grayson is a vigilante known as Nightwing, a founding member of the Titans, and a member of the Batman Family. His parents were the Flying Graysons, acrobats performing with him alongside in the traveling Haly's Circus. They were tragically murdered by a mobster in Gotham City named Tony Zucco, and the billionaire Bruce Wayne adopted Dick as his legal ward at a very young age. Grayson went through extensive training in martial arts and crimefighting to become the original Robin, Batman's sidekick. He was later succeeded by Jason Todd and Tim Drake as Robin.

Early life

John Grayson Titans TV Series 001

The Flying Graysons

Dick Grayson was the son of Mary and John Grayson, The Flying Graysons of the Haly's Circus. Dick joined the act at a very young age, having been trained in acrobatics from birth. While on tour in Gotham City, his parents were murdered by the crimelord Tony Zucco, at the behest of the Maroni Crime Family. That night, Dick watched in horror as his parents' high wire snapped, sending they hurtling to their deaths, all while many of Gotham's elite watched on.

Seeing a reflection of himself in Dick; the billionaire Bruce Wayne adopted him as his ward and took him to live with him at the Wayne Manor, but the boy did not want to replace his deceased parents with the billionaire. Frustrated by the mystery still surrounding his parents' death, Dick sneaked out of Wayne Manor several times to solve the crime on his own, stealing one of Bruce's cars.[2][3][4]


Richard Grayson Titans 002

Dick as Robin

Eventually, Bruce brought Grayson to the Batcave, and shared his identity as Batman. The hero made the young orphan the offer to become his crime-fighting partner; Robin, and later his training began. Which included killing a wolf in a forest. Eventually, Dick met and befriended Wonder Woman's sidekick, Donna Troy, at Waynor Manor.[3][5][6]

In Gotham, Dick battled Jinx, a magic user he needed Constantine's help to defeat. At some point, Dick became romantically involved with the commissioner's daughter and vigilante Barbara Gordon. Together, they defeated Lady Vic and Bivens, but Dick and Barbara's relationship later ended under unknown circumstances. In 2016, Dick had the chance to kill Tony Zucco, but instead, he let the Maroni Family kill him.[7][8][4]

The First Titans

Titans Titans TV Series 001

The First Titans

Dick later became partner with the vigilantes Hawk and Dove. He had a brief affair with Dove, and they teamed up with Hawk, Donna Troy, and Aqualad, forming the Titans, a group of vigilantes from California who fought criminals such as Dr. Light and Deathstroke. At some point after Dick left Gotham, Barbara was shot by the Joker, requiring her to use a wheelchair and ending her career as a vigilante, and the commissioner was killed by Mr. Freeze. Eventually, the Titans were disbanded and left the Titans Tower when Aqualad was killed by Deathstroke and then his son Jericho, whom Dick briefly brought to the team.[9] [10][11][12]

The Second Titans

Titans (TV Series) Episode Together

The Second Titans

After that, Dick went to Detroit and became a member of the Detroit Police Department, where he met his new partner Amy Rohrbach and the human/demon hybrid kid Rachel Roth.[2]

Roy Harper Cry for Justice
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  • Nightwing Suit
  • Robin Suit (Formerly)


  • Titans RV


  • Dick was born on 1990.[4]


External Links


Batman Allies
Batman Family member
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This character is or was an incarnation of or an ally of Batman, and a member of the Batman Family. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Batman Family members" category.

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Titans member
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This character is or was primarily a member of the superhero team known as the Titans, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Titans members" category.
