Preston Payne was the third criminal who adopted the alias of Clayface in Gotham City, making him an enemy of the Batman Family. He is also the husband of Sondra Fuller and the father of Cassius Payne. He was born with chronic hyperpituitarism, which hideously distorted his body. He eventually graduated Hudson University and immediately went on to work for S.T.A.R. Labs' Gotham branch, searching for a cure.
He obtained a sample of Matt Hagen's blood and isolated an enzyme which he introduces into his own bloodstream. Although he is briefly able to shape his own appearance, his flesh eventually begins to melt, and when he touches his girlfriend's arm, she dissolves into a shapeless pile of protoplasm, so he started using a special exoskeleton he created to contain his infectious body mass. Payne has been involved with the Mud Pack and the S.T.A.R. Labs.
Preston Payne was created by Len Wein and Marshall Rogers, first appearing in Detective Comics #477 (1978).
Dark Multiverse
Blackest Night
The Tyrant
Other Media
See Also