DC Database

"Sandra of the Secret Service: "The Gavonian Affair, Part 13 (of 13)"": The supposed Sandra having produced the Royal Locket of Authority, proving that she is the real Pri

Quote1 Perhaps you will not refuse so readily when we place your friend upon the rack! Quote2
— Fang Gow

More Fun Comics #13 is an issue of the series More Fun Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1936.

Synopsis for Sandra of the Secret Service: "The Gavonian Affair, Part 13 (of 13)"

The supposed Sandra having produced the Royal Locket of Authority, proving that she is the real Princess Yonda, she and Count de Wex make plans to locate and rescue the real Sandra. A courier arrives, informing them that Sandra is being held in a deserted castle at Ormand. With a platoon of light cavalry at their backs, Yonda and de Wex race to Sandra's rescue. They surprise and overcome Sandra's captors, but, to de Wex's shock, it is Yonda being held captive, and the real Sandra was his companion all along! Yonda explains that she had earlier had a copy made, of the Locket of Authority, and given it to Sandra.

Back at the palace, Yonda asks Sandra for one more service: prevent spies from the neighboring kingdom of Resbia from learning of Gavonia's fortifications. Sandra dyes her hair blonde and, armed with a fake passport, in her new identity as Marie Montell, drives in an elegant automobile to the capital of Resbia. She gains a meeting with the Premier, and offers to sell him information on Gavonia's defenses.

Appearing in Sandra of the Secret Service: "The Gavonian Affair, Part 13 (of 13)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Count de Wex
  • Princess Yonda
    • platoon of Gavonian guards


  • Tauru's remaining troops
  • Premier Vakor, of Resbia


  • Gavonia, a monarchy
  • Resbia, neighboring Gavonia, also a monarchy
  • Ormand
    • deserted castle


  • Royal Locket of Authority

Synopsis for Spike Spalding: "Prince of Patrania, Part 11 (of 25)"

The cook runs away screaming, thinking that Pincus is a ghost. Knowing that he will soon be discovered, Pincus hides until he can meet with the sailor who first helped him. The sailor suggests that he, Pincus, and Spike escape in a lifeboat that night, while the rest of the crew is asleep. Late that night, the three sneak across the deck toward the lifeboats.

Appearing in Spike Spalding: "Prince of Patrania, Part 11 (of 25)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Pincus
  • Sailor

Other Characters:

  • Wa Fung, ship's cook



  • Patranian Yacht

Synopsis for Woozy Watts: "Island Adventure, Part 3"

Woozy finds out that the other people on the island speak English, and are also following the trail of torn pieces of red cloth. Woozy and a man from Missouri hike into the woods to try to find the trail, but Woozy gets grabbed and tied to a tree by a dangerous looking man.

Appearing in Woozy Watts: "Island Adventure, Part 3"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Man in top hat from Joplin, Missouri
  • Whiskers (Mentioned only)
  • Sourface (Mentioned only)


  • Forest thug


  • desert island

Synopsis for Jack Woods: "Pancho Villa, Part 10 (of 14)"

With Jack being dragged behind a runaway horse, Don Miguel directs Dolores to get the family's rifle. There is only a single cartridge with it. Aiming carefully, Dolores shoots the horse, killing it. Furious, Villa tells her that in the morning she herself will shoot Jack! Meanwhile out on the desert, Jack frees himself and escapes.

Woods sneaks back to the Nogales Hacienda, and lets Dolores know he's free, but one of Villa's guards spots him and attacks Jack with a knife.

Appearing in Jack Woods: "Pancho Villa, Part 10 (of 14)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



Synopsis for Ivanhoe: "Episode 12 (of 26)"

Appearing in Ivanhoe: "Episode 12 (of 26)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Isaac of York
  • The Black Knight


Synopsis for Don Drake on the Planet Saro: "Battle With the Monster"

Landing on the back of the neck of the rampaging dragon, holding his atomic energy gun in his other hand, Don swings the Queen's Gold Flagon and bashes the giant beast on its head. And just like that, the titanic monster shudders and dies. Don turns his attention to the cowering High Priests, who tell him that Krenon has vanished!

Meanwhile the immense corpse of the suddenly-dead dragon very rapidly decomposes, giving off a poisonous vapor which enshrouds the city! Drake marches two of the priests before him, to show him where Betty and Zira are imprisoned. Queen Zira knows an escape route; she leads Don and Betty and the two hostage priests thru a series of caverns.

Appearing in Don Drake on the Planet Saro: "Battle With the Monster"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Krenon
    • his renegade Guards
    • the High Priests

Other Characters:

  • Queen Zira
    • Zetrurian people

Alien Animals:

  • Zetrurian Land Monster (Dies)



  • Drake's Atomic Energy Gun
  • Zetrurian Gold Flagon

Synopsis for Unc: "He Plays Ball"

Unc and his talking dog are playing baseball, the dog throws his old "spit-ball," but Unc bats it with grace. The bat sends the baseball flying, literally, but the dog climbs onto a flagpole to catch the ball before it disappears over the horizon, forcing Unc out.

Appearing in Unc: "He Plays Ball"

Featured Characters:

  • Unc

Supporting Characters:

  • Unc's talking dog

Synopsis for Barry O'Neill: "Fang Gow of China, Part 13 (of 35)"

Fang Gow has brought a number of harpoon-wielding killers with him, and they seize O'Neill and Le Grand, although several of them are punched and kicked into the canal in the process. Fang Gow tells Barry that Barry himself will throw the switch that detonates the planted dynamite, and destroys Paris. Barry refuses, and Fang Gow orders that Le Grand be tortured. Meanwhile very quietly Barry has been working his hands free from his ropes, and finally gets loose!

Appearing in Barry O'Neill: "Fang Gow of China, Part 13 (of 35)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



Synopsis for Buckskin Jim: "The Half-Breed, Part 3 (of 4)"

Caught in a violent storm, the train loses one of the wagons, as it is carried away by the river, with Marty Halliday aboard it! Trapper Pete attempts to retrieve it, but to no avail. Meanwhile farther down the canyon, Jim, Mary, and Dan make their way along the foot of the canyon. They see the runaway wagon floating toward them, but, as Jim and Dan try to stretch a catch-rope across the water, Jim is ambushed by Pierre the half-breed.

Appearing in Buckskin Jim: "The Half-Breed, Part 3 (of 4)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Trapper Dan


  • Pierre, half-breed renegade guide

Other Characters:

  • Prairie Schooner caravan
    • Trapper Pete
    • Mary Halliday, Zeb's daughter
    • Zeb Halliday (Behind the scenes)
    • Marty Halliday, Zeb's wife (Behind the scenes)


Synopsis for Pelion and Ossa: "Forgot Something"

Pelion and Ossa go on vacation. While they're in the car, Ossa gets the feeling that he forgot something, but they continue on their way. The animals have a delightful camping trip, but on the way back, Ossa gets increasingly worried that he forgot something. Back home, they discover that the house has completely flooded! Ossa had left the water running in the bathtub.

Appearing in Pelion and Ossa: "Forgot Something"

Featured Characters:

Synopsis for Pep Morgan: "The Big Ballgame, Part 2"

Down by three in the last inning, Riverdale is up at bat and quickly loads the bases, bringing Pep to the plate. He takes two strikes, then hits a grand slam to win the game! Later, he admits to his teammate that it was all luck--he had his eyes closed!

Appearing in Pep Morgan: "The Big Ballgame, Part 2"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Riverdale Baseball Team
    • Chuck Kelly
    • Tubs Miller
    • Lank O'Doul
    • Bob Emory
  • Bourne Prep Baseball Team


Synopsis for Along the Main Line: "The Holdup, Part 5 (of 11)"

After being very unjustly fired for negligence, ex-fireman Jake and ex-engineer Ed hike their way along the Red Island Railroad tracks. Jake is convinced that they were framed, and intends to hunt down the real perpetrators. As the two men talk it over, Malvern, a federal agent, interrupts their conversation. He believes them innocent, and has a plan to help them prove it. Malvern flags down the next freight train to come along, gets aboard the caboose along with Ed and Jake, and shows them a piece of paper, dropped by one of the gang, directing them to "Red Bridge".

Elsewhere on the same train, in a boxcar, Slick Carter, Mully, and another hood are also aboard, and discussing their escape plans. A hobo has overheard them and makes his way back to the caboose, and tells on them. Malvern pulls his pistol and climbs to the roof of the caboose.

Appearing in Along the Main Line: "The Holdup, Part 5 (of 11)"

Featured Characters:

  • Ed, engineer
  • Jake, fireman


  • Slick Carter
  • Mully
  • 3rd hood

Other Characters:

  • Agent Malvern


  • Red Island Railroad, Main Line
    • Red Bridge, up at Copper Bluff


  • Red Island freight train

Synopsis for Brad Hardy: "In the Forbidden City, Part 1 (of 9)"

The exiled High Priestess guides Brad and Kardos to the outer walls of the forbidden city, but will not enter it with them, as it would mean her death. She leaves. The two men quietly explore the city, which seems to be deserted, but is not. A sentry spots them and reports to his boss, who commands his troops to seize the two strange white men, who are quickly trapped by a large force of the Grey Men. Kardos grapples with one soldier and Brad still packs a revolver, and shoots at least one of them, but numbers prevail and they're quickly captured, and dragged in front of General Porgo, who decrees their fate.

Appearing in Brad Hardy: "In the Forbidden City, Part 1 (of 9)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Grey Men of the Cliffs
    • General Porgo
      • his sentries and other troops

Other Characters:

  • High Priestess


Synopsis for Three Musketeers: "Episode 3 (of 25)"

Appearing in Three Musketeers: "Episode 3 (of 25)"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters



Synopsis for Bradley Boys: "In the Wilderness, Part 1 (of 10)"

Tom and Jack Bradley go hiking in the mountains, but quickly become lost and must use their skills to survive in the wilderness. They spend one night in a tree, then build a hut.

Appearing in Bradley Boys: "In the Wilderness, Part 1 (of 10)"

Featured Characters:


  • Old Jug Mountain

Synopsis for Dr. Occult, the Ghost Detective: "The Werewolf, Part 3 (of 3)"

Doctor Occult is captured by Mrs. Daniels' henchmen. In the ceremonial chamber of the Cult of the Wolf, she prepares to inject Occult with a potion that will turn him into a wolf, but just as she is about to deliver it, Westley attacks her and shoots her with a silver bullet, one that he'd been saving to use on himself. Occult tells the homeless hobo cultists that they're free to go, and need no longer fear reverting to wolves.

Appearing in Dr. Occult, the Ghost Detective: "The Werewolf, Part 3 (of 3)"

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:


  • Mrs. Daniels' Boarding House, on 78th St.


  • Mrs. Daniels' Werewolf Potion

Synopsis for Midshipman Dewey: "Dewey and the Pirates, Part 10 (of 16)"

On the deck of the USS Hornet, at the bases of the masts, are powder kegs, with powder-trail fuses, already burning. A sudden rain squall extinguishes the fuses. The pirates have meanwhile withdrawn to their island. The arriving brig signals the Hornet, by flags and cannon, for permission send its captain aboard, which is granted. Captain Smith of the Hornet meets Captain/Owner Hale of the Falcon; Hale seeks Smith's help in combatting the pirate Dorgan. Smith agrees to escort the Falcon, following closely. He orders Midshipman Dewey to report for duty aboard the Falcon, but when he does, he's accosted by the Bosun, who punches him twice in the head. A nearby voice yells at the Bosun to stop.

Appearing in Midshipman Dewey: "Dewey and the Pirates, Part 10 (of 16)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Captain Smith
    • Hornet crew


  • Captain Dorgan
    • his crew of pirates and mutineers
  • Thorn, Falcon's bosun (not yet named)

Other Characters:

  • Captain Hale
    • Falcon crew
      • Stumpy Smithers


  • USS Hornet, sloop
  • Falcon, Hale's armed merchantman, brig


Synopsis for Wing Brady: "The Bedouins, Part 12 (of 17)"

Dangling above a pit of snakes on a fraying length of rope, Wing Brady struggles to free himself. Wing is rescued by an old Arab, who turns out to be an Italian spy named Ronneli. Wing plans to rescue Lynn, but Ronneli warns him that such an action would be foolish. Nevertheless, Wing is determined, and Ronneli helps him disguise himself as an Arab. Wing locates Lynn's tent, and attacks the guard watching her.

Appearing in Wing Brady: "The Bedouins, Part 12 (of 17)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Ronneli, from 117th Division at El Caracoa


  • Ali Ben Saad
    • Bedouin raiders

Other Characters:

  • Lynn Harding (Behind the scenes)


Synopsis for Bob Merritt: "The Mystery Plane, Part 9 (of 25)"

From Edmonton, Bob sends Red and Shorty flying ahead to pick out a campsite and do some photography. Red pilots the huge transport plane, with Shorty close behind in a smaller scouting plane, but out of a cloud bank, two unidentified aircraft swoop to attack! Shorty returns fire, and scores a hit on one enemy plane, but the other redoubles its attack on the transport plane. Red escapes by diving deeply then landing suddenly on a small flat spot in the wilderness below. Shorty follows and also lands. Red's engine is damaged, and it is not from bullets, but the rocker arm has been filed thru, clearly sabotage! Red radios Bob to warn him. From Edmonton, Bob sends Red and Shorty onward, with the camera equipment, in Shorty's plane, and sends Jake, Lefty, and Buzz to pick up the transport.

Appearing in Bob Merritt: "The Mystery Plane, Part 9 (of 25)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Bob's Flying Pals
    • Red
    • Shorty


  • Asiatic aviators

Other Characters:

  • Prospector Jake



  • Merritt's "Bumblebee" (not yet named)
  • Red's transport plane
  • Shorty's scouting plane
  • two enemy fighter bi-planes

Synopsis for Little Linda: "Adopted By Flint, Part 2 (of 4)"

Flint invites his ne'er-do-well nephew Ned to meet Linda, intent on making him squirm in fear of losing his inheritance. Instead, Linda charms Ned to the point that he turns over a new leaf, and refuses to live off his uncle's money.

Appearing in Little Linda: "Adopted By Flint, Part 2 (of 4)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Silas Flint
  • Ned Flint

Other Characters:

  • Togo, valet (First appearance)
  • Wilkins, butler (Behind the scenes)


  • Hillsboro

Synopsis for "In the Wake of the Wander, Part 11 (of 17)"

While sending an emergency signal on the gong in the jungle, on the Island of Missing Men, Holcomb is overtaken by the Islanders and taken prisoner again. Filson orders all the prisoners killed. However, the patrol boat crew has heard Captain Grim's signal, and the boat's commander approaches thru the jungle, setting up an attack. Meanwhile, Slim and the rest of Grim's crew, outside the village stockade, undertake their own rescue effort, and they manage to free Captain Grim, who immediately confronts Filson and manhandles him. But Filson's ally Djenal, with a big knife, approaches Grim from behind.

Appearing in "In the Wake of the Wander, Part 11 (of 17)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Grim's Crew
    • Holcomb
    • Slim
    • Jake
    • three more hands


  • Chief Kango
    • renegade spearmen
  • Chief Djenal (First appearance)
    • Hostile Islanders
  • Filson

Other Characters:

  • Patrol Boat Crew
    • Lieutenant
    • Saunders
    • several riflemen


  • Island of Missing Men
    • Islanders Village

Synopsis for 2023 Super Police: "The Ceremony, Part 2, The Queen's Face"

Deep within the cavern kingdom of the All-Powerful Gods of Fortune, Rex Cosmos has elbow-bumped his bride-to be's face, dislodging a mask! She's not a hag at all, but is Pirate Captain Kiddlaw's attractive girlfriend Renee! The demented subjects of this place rush towards Axel, Rex, and Renee tries to run; if these maniacs recognize her, it won't go well. Rex grabs her skirt to prevent her from escaping, but she just tosses it off and sprints away. Axel hits his head, again, and is rendered unconscious, again. Briefly safe from the mob, Rex threatens to reveal Renee's true identity to her "subjects", but she shows him, on television, that Joan is in Kiddlaw's power.

Appearing in 2023 Super Police: "The Ceremony, Part 2, The Queen's Face"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Renee Avalon, Queen of Fortune
    • All-Powerful Gods of Fortune
  • Captain Kiddlaw (On a TV or computer screen)

Synopsis for Pirate Gold: "Episode 2 (of 18)"

While exploring Moraga Island, Jeff is almost shot from behind by one treacherous sailor, but his would-be assailant is in turn attacked by a mysterious stranger, who stabs him in the back, fatally, then flees before Jeff can get a good look at him.

Appearing in Pirate Gold: "Episode 2 (of 18)"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Captain Dennis
    • Flamingo Crew


  • some among the Flamingo's crew (One dies)




  • "Flamingo", 3-masted square-rigged ship

Synopsis for Hubert: "Fetch"

Hubert wants to teach his dog to play catch, he throws a can, but the dog doesn't follow. Hubert keeps throwing cans and, eventually, the dog's instinct kicks in and it follows the can into a bush. Unfortunately, while the dog comes out of the bush, Hubert realizes that a punk has tied all of the cans he threw to his dog's tail.

Appearing in Hubert: "Fetch"

Featured Characters:

  • Hubert

Synopsis for Magic Crystal of History: "Alexander the Great"

Bobby and Binks observe the early career of Alexander the Great.

Appearing in Magic Crystal of History: "Alexander the Great"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:



Synopsis for Calling All Cars, Starring Sandy Kean and the Radio Squad: "The Purple Tiger, Part 3 (of 5)"

The Purple Tiger's men lead Sandy and the Commissioner into a trap, pinning Radio Car K-7 between two big sedans, with one gunman riding their running board and giving them instructions. One of the gang machine guns a motorcycle policeman, and Sandy in retaliation slams on the brakes, flinging the gunner to his doom. One thompson gunner wants to kill Sandy, but his partner punches him on the chin to prevent it. The Purple Tiger wants both captives alive. Sandy and the Commissioner are blindfolded and brought before the robed and hooded Purple Tiger.

Appearing in Calling All Cars, Starring Sandy Kean and the Radio Squad: "The Purple Tiger, Part 3 (of 5)"

Featured Characters:


  • Purple Tiger
    • his gang (One dies)

Other Characters:

  • Commissioner Bailey
  • Motorcycle Cop (Dies)



  • Radio Car K-7

Synopsis for "Alger's Variety Show"

A secretary working for Smith Farm Eggs advises Joe, a sandwich man, not to stand next to other sandwich men, because of what happened "once before." Unfortunately, Joe doesn't listen to her advice, and stands next to a friend sandwich man advertising antiques, making the duo appear to be advertising antique eggs.

Appearing in "Alger's Variety Show"

Featured Characters:

  • Joe

Supporting Characters:

  • Mr. Smith's secretary
  • Genuine antiques sandwich man


  • Published by More Fun, Inc..
  • Indicia calls this issue "Vol. 2, No. 1"; no issue number appears on the cover.
  • First issue for Bradley Boys by Creig Flessel.
  • After this issue, Dr. Occult (as "Dr. Mystic"), migrates to Comics Magazine #1, published by Centaur, but soon returns to More Fun Comics #14.
  • First issue for Bill Carney on Pelion and Ossa.
  • Sam the Porter is absent this issue, but returns next issue.
  • In her first 13 chapters, Sandra of the Secret Service has never received any orders from, or reported any information to, any U.S. intelligence agency. At the end of this issue's chapter, she volunteers to undertake an espionage mission, on behalf of a foreign monarch, against a neighboring foreign nation.
    • Starting this issue, this feature expands to three pages.
  • After this issue, Unc by Joe Eichberger drops out of line-up and continues in New Comics #9. Then, the feature makes one last appearance in More Fun Comics #26.
  • Also appearing in this issue of More Fun Comics were:
    • At The Beach (one-panel cartoons) by Vincent Sullivan
    • It's a Fact!: "Mount Pelee" by Paul Ferrer
    • Just Suppose...: "Hannibal" and "Sepoy Mutiny", (hypothetical historical scenarios) by Henry Kiefer
    • "The Mystic Coincidence" (text article) by "Greysten, the Magician"
    • "Talk About Talkies" (text article) by Mary Partrick
    • Thrilling True Stories by Creig Flessel, first appearance, skips next issue, and returns in More Fun Comics #15.


See Also

Links and References
