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"Sandra of the Secret Service: "The Resbian Affair, Part 2 (of 5)"": Lorenz the Gavonian spy has been arrested by the Resbian military and is already found guilty and sentenced t

Quote1 GOSH - LOOK ! There's a light flickering on and off over there! Quote2
— Spike Spalding

More Fun Comics #15 is an issue of the series More Fun Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1936.

Synopsis for Sandra of the Secret Service: "The Resbian Affair, Part 2 (of 5)"

Lorenz the Gavonian spy has been arrested by the Resbian military and is already found guilty and sentenced to face a firing squad at dawn. Sandra cases out the jail-fortress; it's well-set up and well-guarded, but apparently an elderly fruit vendor has the run of the place, entering and leaving at will. Sandra follows the old lady to her shabby dwelling, and pays her a lot of money for her fruit-basket and clothes. Later that night, in her new disguise, Sandra charms her way into the prison's death-row, then pulls out a revolver, and forces one guard to swap places with the condemned Lorenz. But another guard has overheard, and stealthily approaches, pistol at the ready.

Appearing in Sandra of the Secret Service: "The Resbian Affair, Part 2 (of 5)"

Featured Characters:


  • Resbian soldiers

Other Characters:

  • Lorenz, Gavonian spy
  • Grishka, fruit vendor


  • Resbia, a monarchy, neighboring Gavonia
    • Premier's Palace
    • San Lazar Prison Fortress

Synopsis for Spike Spalding: "Prince of Patrania, Part 13 (of 25)"

Spike and Pincus and their sailor friend row like crazy to get far away from the yacht, and toward a nearby land mass. And aboard the Patranian yacht, the big shot in charge is very displeased to get the news of the boys' escape. He distributes rifles to the lookouts, unlimbers a deck gun, and brings the ship about, to retrace its own course. In their lifeboat, the boys are very worried to see this course change. When the pursuing vessel shines a spotlight on the water, they abandon the lifeboat and swim for shore.

Appearing in Spike Spalding: "Prince of Patrania, Part 13 (of 25)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Pincus
  • Sailor


  • Nikko
    • his crew



  • Patranian Yacht
  • stolen lifeboat

Synopsis for Woozy Watts: "Island Adventure, Part 5"

Woozy follows some mysterious instructions.

Appearing in Woozy Watts: "Island Adventure, Part 5"

Featured Characters:


  • Rifle guy
  • Note guy


  • Desert island

Synopsis for Dr. Occult: "Koth and the Seven, Part 3 (of 5)"

Inside the Egyptian tomb, Occult and Zator are attacked by a giant black man with a big curved sword. Doctor Occult gets between this killer and Zator, and is amazed to find that his Magic Sword fences expertly, of its own volition! He quickly kills the guardian swordsman. Koth hears of this, almost instantly, but is unperturbed by the news.

A squad of physical giant ogres appears before Occult and Zator, then just as suddenly disappears. Then Occult finds the Magic Belt, in a display case, and this does upset Koth! He magically slays the messenger who brings him this news, then starts barking orders at his underlings. Occult picks up the Magic Belt and puts it on, while Zator battles an in-rushing horde of Koth's minions.

Appearing in Dr. Occult: "Koth and the Seven, Part 3 (of 5)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Koth
    • Tomb Swordsman (Dies)
    • many Minions
      • messenger minion (Dies)

Other Characters:

  • Koth's female servant



  • Magic Sword
  • Magic Belt

Synopsis for "In the Wake of the Wander, Part 13 (of 17)"

Off the Island of Missing Men, Filson in his sail-powered schooner, with one deck gun, attempts to flee AND fight with the U.S. patrol gunboat. Captain Grim and the Lieutenant are aboard the gunboat, and observe as the schooner's mast is shot away. Filson steers the schooner onto a reef then jumps in and swims to shore. On the beach, his escape is cut short, as he himself is cut down by the "death that leaves no mark", administered with a blowgun, by Chief Kango himself.

After parting from the Navy men, Grim and his crew must be on their way.

Appearing in "In the Wake of the Wander, Part 13 (of 17)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Lieutenant (Final appearance)
  • Chief Kango (Final appearance)


  • Filson (Final appearance; dies)


  • Island of Missing Men


  • U.S. Gunboat
  • Filson's Schooner (Destroyed)

Synopsis for Ivanhoe: "Episode 14 (of 26)"

The Black Knight defeats de Bracy and the Templar abducts Rebecca.

Appearing in Ivanhoe: "Episode 14 (of 26)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Isaac of York
  • The Black Knight


Synopsis for Pep Morgan: "Blonde Fever"

Pep Morgan falls in love with a blonde, who turns out to be the dean's daughter. Later, Pep is playing football when suddenly a dog enters the field, and Pep accidentally falls on the animal as he crosses the goal line. After the game, Pep learns that it was the dean's dog. At the post-game dance, Pep dances with another blonde, and then asks her companion who she was. She turns out to be the dean's wife, and her companion is the dean himself!

Appearing in Pep Morgan: "Blonde Fever"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Riverdale Football Team
    • Chuck Kelly
    • Tubs Miller
    • Lank O'Doul
  • Dean's Daughter
  • Dean's Wife
  • Dean


Synopsis for Pelion and Ossa: "Gold Gulch, Part 2"

Pelion and Ossa are searching for Gold Gulch to find gold. Suddenly, they hear a rattle noise, and they run away in fear, thinking it might be rattlesnakes. The noise catches up to them, but luckily it was just a car. The driver gives them a lift and, after crossing a bumpy road, he asks them where they're going. The animals reply that they're headed to Gold Gulch, and the driver laughs, he had picked them up at Gold Gulch 15 miles back.

Appearing in Pelion and Ossa: "Gold Gulch, Part 2"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Driver

Synopsis for Wing Brady: "The Bedouins, Part 14 (of 17)"

Soon the whole camp is alerted! Wing and Lynn don't make it to the horse corral, and are recaptured. Ali Ben Saad recognizes Brady as the Legionnaire who earlier escaped from the Chamber of Reptiles. Saad wants to see if he can repeat the feat, with his hands removed. But then a sentry yells that thousands of Legionnaires are marching to attack the compound. Ali Ben Saad calmly directs that Wing and Lynn be led outside with their robes removed. He says he has a plan that will stop the attack.

Appearing in Wing Brady: "The Bedouins, Part 14 (of 17)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Lynn Harding
  • Many Legionnaires (Reported sighting)


  • Ali Ben Saad
    • Bedouin Raiders


Synopsis for Barry O'Neill: "Fang Gow of China, Part 15 (of 35)"

In the sewers under Paris, Fang Gow has trapped Barry and the Inspector in a chamber that is flooding with water. Barry struggles to jam up the in-flow pipe with his jacket, but it's not working, when suddenly the whole place is rocked with a nearby explosion. O'Neill and Le Grand don't know it, but this was accidental, and either way it has cracked the walls of their trap room, draining away the flood waters. They wiggle out into the waterways, and find a Chinaman, dead or unconconscious; O'Neill steals his handgun and holster. Then he finds, confronts, and shoots Fang Gow!, who returns fire with a handgun from his sleeve. The Scourge of Western Civilization falls to the floor and lies still.

Appearing in Barry O'Neill: "Fang Gow of China, Part 15 (of 35)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



Synopsis for Bradley Boys: "In the Wilderness, Part 3 (of 10)"

Days and weeks have passed, with the boys living out in the forest. They make some bows and arrows, and get good at shooting them.

Appearing in Bradley Boys: "In the Wilderness, Part 3 (of 10)"

Featured Characters:


  • Old Jug Mountain

Synopsis for Three Musketeers: "Episode 4 (of 25)"

A fight has broken out between two small groups of King's Musketeers and Cardinal's Guards. D'Artagnon finds himself opposite Captain Jussac, a well-known duelist, and runs him through, then helps Athos to defeat his opponent also. When he hears of the fracas, M. de Treville publically rebukes his Musketeers for public dueling, then privately congratulates them, before hurrying away to the palace, to ensure that King Louis hears his version of this event first. The king is smugly elated to hear that the shrewd Cardinal's guards were bested. The King plans to promote these four swordsmen the following day, and when they hear of it, they pledge their motto: "One for all and all for one!"

Appearing in Three Musketeers: "Episode 4 (of 25)"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters


  • Cardinal's Guards
    • Captain Jussac (Dies)
    • Cahusac (Dies)
    • three others (all die)


Synopsis for Brad Hardy: "In the Forbidden City, Part 3 (of 9)"

Brad Hardy and Prince Kardos are flogged severely, then dragged away to be tossed into a vat of brine. Brad regains his senses, grabs a rock, knocks a rifle out of a nearby guard's hands, and grabs it! Now Brad is in charge of the situation.

Appearing in Brad Hardy: "In the Forbidden City, Part 3 (of 9)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Grey Men of the Cliffs
    • General Porgo
      • Three minions


Synopsis for Midshipman Dewey: "Dewey and the Pirates, Part 12 (of 16)"

At sea, aboard the armed merchantman "Falcon", as Jack struggles to rope a loose cannon into place, the knife-wielding Bosun Thorn attacks him. As the ship gives a lurch, Jack trips the man up with his rope, he falls, and he lands on his head. Two of Thorn's shipmates run up and grab Dewey, then haul him away and imprison him in the hold. Untied and unsupervised, Jack simply explores the hold, opening some sea chests and looking inside, he figures out that the "Falcon" isn't moving gold, but guns!

Appearing in Midshipman Dewey: "Dewey and the Pirates, Part 12 (of 16)"

Featured Characters:


  • Bosun Thorn
    • his two thugs
  • Captain Hale
    • Falcon crew




Synopsis for Bob Merritt: "The Mystery Plane, Part 11 (of 25)"

Out of ammunition, Shorty escapes the aerial dogfight by diving towards the forest. That's when Bob Merritt drops into the fight, in his superplane the Bumblebee! He shoots down one enemy plane and chases the other away, then Bob and Shorty fly to the company's advance base camp. Bob develops some of the photo film that Red and Shorty have shot, and finds some possible aircraft hangars in the area, but no "archie guns". Bob stations a rotating guard around the campsite. One guard, Saunders, spots an odd light, moving in the adjacent canyon, and moves in for a closer look at it, unaware that he is being followed.

Appearing in Bob Merritt: "The Mystery Plane, Part 11 (of 25)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Bob's Flying Pals
    • Buzz
    • Lefty
    • Red
    • Saunders (youngest)
    • Shorty


  • Asiatic aviators



  • Merritt's "Bumblebee"
  • Shorty's scouting biplane
  • two enemy fighter monoplanes (one destroyed)

Synopsis for Mark Marson, of the Inter-Planetary Police: "People of the Red Planet, Part 1 (of 11)"

On 16 June 2060, in Ciralia, on Planet Ciro, Professor Hillary, and the plans for his Giant Sun Ray Cannon, both vanish with no trace. Captain Waldo of the Inter-Planetary Police assigns Mark Marson to the case. From the roof of his apartment building, Marson flies his specially-built Super Giro Car to Police HQ, where he is told what little is known and suspected about the case, and introduced to Hillary's daughter Gail.

Appearing in Mark Marson, of the Inter-Planetary Police: "People of the Red Planet, Part 1 (of 11)"

Featured Characters:

  • Mark Marson, of the Inter-Planetary Police (First appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Inter-Planetary Police (First appearance)
    • Captain Waldo (First appearance)
    • Dorais (First appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Professor Hillary (Missing)
  • Gail Hillary, his daughter (First appearance)


  • 2060


  • Planet Ciro (First appearance)
    • City of Ciralia
  • Planet of the Red People (First appearance)


  • Plans for Professor Hillary's Giant Sun Ray Cannon


  • Marson's Super Giro Car

Synopsis for Buckskin Jim: "Little Wolf, Part 1 (of 4)"

In the autumn of that year, the wagon train reached an attractive valley, and the settlers set to work building a settlement.

Buckskin Jim hikes out alone to hunt some buffalo. He meets some local Indians, and the Chief decides to induct Jim into their tribe. This does not sit well with a young brave called Little Wolf.

Appearing in Buckskin Jim: "Little Wolf, Part 1 (of 4)"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Wagon Train Settlers
    • Zeb Halliday
    • Trapper Pete


  • Little Wolf (First appearance)

Other Characters:'

  • Indian Chief
    • Indian Tribe


Synopsis for Little Linda: "Adopted by Flint, Part 4 (of 4)"

Ned gets a job offer from the bank. Meanwhile two kidnapers get some chloroform and set their sights on Little Linda. They grab her, and want $50,000 for her. Despite his instructions from the kidnapers, Ned calls in the G-Men. He wants to work with them, which is very irregular, but they allow it.

Appearing in Little Linda: "Adopted by Flint, Part 4 (of 4)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Silas Flint
  • Ned Flint
  • Togo, valet


  • Kidnapers

Other Characters:

  • Richard Heins, hiring (Letter only)


  • Hillsboro

Synopsis for Magic Crystal of History: "Darius Versus Miltiades"

Bobby and Binks observe the battle of Marathon.

Appearing in Magic Crystal of History: "Darius Versus Miltiades"

Featured Characters:


Synopsis for Jack Woods: "Pancho Villa, Part 12 (of 14)"

Jack and Dolores and Don Miguel are barricaded in one room of the Don's hacienda; Pancho Villa's forces are closing in. The brigands wheel into the courtyard and dismount. Jack picks off Villa's chief lieutenant with a rife shot. The Federales are just a few miles away and closing fast but it's not likely they can reach the ranch in time to save its three defenders.

Appearing in Jack Woods: "Pancho Villa, Part 12 (of 14)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Mexican General
    • his Federales


Synopsis for Along the Main Line: "The Holdup, Part 7 (of 11)"

Agent Malvern stomps into Railroad Manager Dawkins' office and arrests him at gunpoint, and forces him to accompany him back to Red Bridge, on board a Red Island train. Dawkins behaves very suspiciously. Meanwhile back at Red Bridge, Jake has been dismantling the pile of crates of dynamite packed at the feet of the span, and throwing them into the canyon. Some of them blow up; this alerts the gangsters. Carter sends one thug in to check the charges; Jake flings him off the cliff.

Appearing in Along the Main Line: "The Holdup, Part 7 (of 11)"

Featured Characters:

  • Jake, fireman

Supporting Characters:

  • Agent Malvern


  • Slick Carter
  • Mully
  • 3rd hood
  • 4th hood (Apparent Death)
  • Mr. Dawkins


  • Red Island Railroad, Main Line
    • Red Bridge Gorge, up at Copper Bluff


  • Red Island freight trains

Synopsis for Don Drake on the Planet Saro: "Laswan's Kingdom"

In the mountains, Betty has fallen into a rocky crevice. Don and Zira climb down after her but they both fall also, landing in a cold, dark mountain stream. With Don propping up the tiny Queen Zira, and Zira holding the atomic energy gun out of the water, they make their way downstream, thru some rapids, to lower, flatter country. The territory before them, Jarovia, is vast, largely empty, and strangely lit, but they find Betty right away.

The Mystic Ruler of this country is Zira's third cousin, Laswan, and the Queen hopes to be granted sanctuary there. They hike across more desolate wilderness, then reach a well-worn path leading inland. Some distance behind them, Krenon is marching his troops around the mountain range, seeking the fabled entrance to the Kingdom of Jarovia, but instead they encounter a large force of whip-wielding Jarovian soldiers, who capture them. When dragged before King Laswan, Krenon "warns" the ruler about a gang of three roving strangers, now abroad in Jarovia; Lasway sends a squad of his deadliest whip-snappers out to find them!

Appearing in Don Drake on the Planet Saro: "Laswan's Kingdom"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Krenon
    • his renegade Guards

Other Characters:

  • Queen Zira, of Zetruria
  • Mystic Ruler Laswan, of Jarovia (First appearance)



  • Drake's Atomic Energy Gun

Synopsis for Pirate Gold: "Episode 4 (of 18)"

Captain Dennis comes ashore to negotiate with the mutineers, but they all hate and distrust each other too much to deal. The Mate claims that the treasure map has been changed, by the Captain, and that's why they've dug all day and found only sand. The Captain scoffs, and punches the Mate in the face hard enough to knock him down, but then the mutineers tie him up and get ready to do some serious torture. But by then the watcher from the cliff has worked his way close in towards the beach, and fatally shoots one mutineer in the back.

Appearing in Pirate Gold: "Episode 4 (of 18)"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Captain Dennis
    • Flamingo Crew
  • mysterious observer


  • Mate, mutineer leader
    • at least five more mutineers (One dies)




  • "Flamingo", 3-masted square-rigged ship

Synopsis for Hubert: "Hunting"

Hubert goes hunting with his dog. He finds a trail of hoof prints, and follows it all day. After a night of camping, he discovers that he has been following a cow back to civilization.

Appearing in Hubert: "Hunting"

Featured Characters:

  • Hubert

Synopsis for Calling All Cars, Starring Sandy Kean and the Radio Squad: "The Purple Tiger, Part 5 (of 5)"

In the Purple Tiger's own hide-out, his henchman Burke tries to take over his gang, stepping into the throne room with his pistol drawn, and barking orders. He points his piece at Officer Kean, who is wearing the robe and hood of the Purple Tiger, but before he can fire, Commissioner Bailey yanks the rug out from under him, causing Burke to topple into the open trap door in front of the throne. When the other two punks run in, it's already too late for their coup; he has reasserted command. But with the gang is sharp-eyed Myrna, who yells that the Purple Tiger isn't wearing his ring; it's an imposter! Scotty aims at the hooded figure, who is suddenly grabbed from behind by the real Purple Tiger, who has regained consciousness.

Sandy is stuck inside a large glass tank which is filling with water, while the boss attends to the two Baileys. Before he can drown, Myrna steps into this room, with a pistol, and shatters the glass tank with a shot. Myrna is the Purple Tiger's daughter, and claims that he only became a criminal maniac after receiving a head injury. Myrna wants Sandy to help her get the Tiger committed to a sanitarium instead of prison. Using Myrna's handgun, Officer Kean regains control of the throne room again, while Myrna gets on the telephone and calls in the police.

Several days later, things are back to normal, and Radio Squad officer Kean once again pulls over Doris Bailey's roadster for speeding.

Appearing in Calling All Cars, Starring Sandy Kean and the Radio Squad: "The Purple Tiger, Part 5 (of 5)"

Featured Characters:


  • Purple Tiger
    • Burke (Apparent Death)
    • Scotty
    • other thug
    • Myrna

Other Characters:

  • Commissioner Bailey
  • Doris Bailey



  • Radio Car K-7


  • Published by Nicholson Publishing Co., Inc.. Publisher name has changed for a 3rd time.
  • Indicia calls this issue "Vol. 2, No. 3"; no issue number appears on the cover.
  • Don Drake by Ken Fitch and Clem Gretter:
    • The first mention of King Laswan's country, last issue, called it "Jarovia." This issue, the lettering style is slightly different, and by the end of this episode, the name looks more like "Sarovia."
    • The Jarovians, like the Zetrurians, are little people. Zetrurian soldiers wear Bronze Age-looking armor; Jarovian soldiers wear 19th-century-style infantry uniforms.
  • Last issue for In the Wake of the Wander under its original title. Next issue the phrase "Sea Gold" is added to the title.
  • First issue for Mark Marson by Tom Hickey.
  • Also appearing in this issue of More Fun Comics were:


  • Tom Cooper signs his In the Wake of the Wander stories as "Mac Fergus".
  • Russell Cole signs his Sam The Porter and Variety Show and Woozy Watts features as "Alger".
  • Henry Kiefer signs his Just Suppose... pages as "H.C. and A.D. Kiefer".

See Also

Links and References
