DC Database

M'gann M'orzz, or Megan Morse, is the niece of the J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter. She was a founding member of the Team and had a long and tumultuous relationship with her teammate Superboy eventually becoming his wife.


Although J'onzz is a Green Martian, M'gann is actually White Martian, which is considered a second-class citizen on Mars. She was deeply afraid to show her true form to her new teammates because she felt they would call her a monster. When she arrived on Earth, she took on the human form based from the main female character from Hello Megan! show. It was a sitcom from the seventies that had lasted for only one season, but she bonded with the character. She also appropriated the title character's catchphrase (which was the title of the show) for herself, uttering it to herself whenever she realized something.

In the Team

Miss Martian (Earth-16)

Miss Martian, circa 2010

M'gann was brought by her uncle to be a member of The Team and took up residence at the headquarters during the first year the group was together group.

M'gann had an instant attraction to Superboy and even gave him the name Conner. She had a hard time adjusting to the cultural difference from Mars and Earth, such as impersonal intrusions of reading others minds and changing into their forms.

Her telepathy later comes to be an important part of the team by using her psychic link to allow secure communication through the whole team.

During one of their first missions, the team had encountered a power psychic known as Psimon. Somehow their encounter had left the entire team with only the memories they had a few months before the team was originally formed.

Once M'gann was able to remove the block to their memories, she faced an intense battle with Psimon. Conner showed up and lent his mind to help her repel Psimon.

During a spy mission in Belle Reve she and Conner had to pose as Tommy Terror and Tuppence Terror who were earlier captured, respectively. In order to maintain contact, M'gann set up a psychic link between the two for communication.

While disguised M'gann encouraged Conner to talk about his issues of abandonment with Superman. Conner relented due to understanding she did not want him to bottle his emotions up. After the mission, Conner and M'gann start dating.

During a mission to Bialya, M'gann met her idol, the actress who played Megan in her favorite show. She also met the actress' son, Garfield Logan, who got injured due to the team's presence.

Miss Martian used her ability to change her blood to his type and gave him a blood transfusion in order to save his life. Later in the mission, she faced Psimon, who used her insecurity of her true White Martian form to try and defeat her on the psychic plane.

She overcame his assault and defeated Psimon, leaving him in a coma. Unbeknownst to M'gann at the time, Psimon had transmitted the details of M'gann's fear to Queen Bee, the main adversary of the team in that region. Queen Bee used this as leverage to blackmail M'gann.

At a much later time, when Red Arrow began searching for a mole in the team Miss Martian, Conner, and Artemis were the main suspects. When Conner and Artemis reveal their secrets, she reveals her true heritage, to her surprise the team accepted her and Conner, who says he has known ever since they shared a psychic link to fight Psimon.

During the end of New Year's Eve, M'gann joined her teammates in a battle against a mind-controlled Justice League which they succeeded in defeating and freeing them from Vandal Savage's control.

Five Years Later

Miss Martian Earth-16 002

Miss Martian, circa 2016

In this time period M'gann spiritually adopted Garfield as her brother, as his mother was killed by Queen Bee. She also had been using her powers to tear information from enemies, leaving them comatose.

M'gann's near lethal use of her telepathy on adversaries upset Conner and he pleaded with her to stop, telling her what she was doing was wrong. Conner did this in the hope that she will stop for his sake.

But M'gann tried to tamper with Conner's mind and make him forget why he was upset. This did not work since Conner instantly recognized her touch inside his mind.

Conner felt betrayed and hurt that she would turn what was a level of intimacy to him into some perversion. Conner then breaks up with her because he felt he did not matter to her anymore if she could try to erase his memory.

At some point afterward, M'gann then began dating Lagoon Boy.

M'gann, Superboy, and Nightwing have outstanding invitations to join the Justice League, but all declined saying they are happy being with the Team.

M'gann's morally ambiguous use of her powers against adversaries comes to a head when she encounters Aqualad on a Reach ship during a mission. Believing him to be a traitor to the Team and believing Artemis to be dead by his hand, she attacks him psychically and leaves him comatose, but not without learning of Aqualad and Nightwing's secret plan. She re-evaluates her use of her telepathy and becomes fearful of using it for a time, but eventually overcomes this fear when she is kidnapped by Black Manta to heal Aqualad's mind.

While in captivity, she also began to re-evaluate her relationship with Lagoon Boy. She eventually broke up with him after realizing she has not been fair to him.

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  • Martian Physiology: The average Martian possesses the potential for the following power set:
    • Shape-Shifting: Martians have psionic control of their physical for down to the molecular level. This allows them to a form of shape-shifting that allows them to mimic other forms, elongate aspects of their body, increase or decrease their physical size, and so on.
      • Size Alteration: As an extension of their shape-shifting abilities, Martians can easily alter their size, shrinking or growing to gigantic size.[2]
    • Invisibility: Martians can cause the biopolymers in their bodies to lose their ability to reflect light, making the Martians invisible to normal light and human sight.[3]
    • Phasing: Martians can go through solid matter.
    • Superhuman Strength:[3] Martians possess vast levels of superhuman strength and are among the few races that are able to match Kryptonians in terms of raw strength. Martians can easily shatter reinforced concrete and steel, lift and carry hundreds of tons with ease and deliver incredible damage with their blows.[4]
    • Superhuman Stamina
    • Superhuman Durability: Martians possess high levels of durability that make them nigh-invulnerable to all forms of damage. Martians can withstand high-caliber bullets, powerful energy blasts, and kinetic impacts without suffering damage.[5]
    • Superhuman Speed: Martians can process thoughts, move, and react at incredible speed, being able to cover vast distances in little or no time, catch bullets in mid-flight, run on water and create afterimages as they run.[6]
    • Regeneration: Martians have powerful regenerative powers that enable them to regenerate their entire body from a severed limb, they can further enhance their regenerative powers by drawing mass from nearby sources.[7]
    • Flight[3]
    • Extrasensory Input
    • Longevity[7]
    • Super Hearing[7]
    • Heat Vision[8]
    • Martian Vision: Martian visual acuity greatly exceed human norms and allows for a wider range of information to be observed. This includes the following:[3]
    • Telepathy: Martians have the ability to read the minds of others and project their thoughts to varying degrees. They can also project their mental essences into a gestalt community known as the "Great Mind". Through this, the community can enhance the telepathic strength of other Martians. This power can also enable them to reverse the effects of amnesia or psychological brainwashing. [3]
    • Telekinesis:[12] Martians have mind-over-matter abilities and can lift and move objects with their minds. They can also employ their telekinesis in an offensive way by discharging telekinetic blasts capable of great concussive power.[13]






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