Sister Lilhy was a member of the Order of St. Dumas who defected.
Fallen Angel
Main article: Azrael: Fallen Angel
When the Order of Saint Dumas believed Jean-Paul Valley dead, Brother Rollo began to hold tournaments to decide who should be the next to take the mantel of Azrael. Lilhy assisted him in this and soon one candidate distinguished himself. However, the candidate, while powerful, lacked in other areas such as wisdom and intelligence. Later, Lilhy learned that Jean-Paul lived and was heading towards the Ice Cathedral, the Order's headquarters. Lilhy had aspirations to kill the leader of the Order, Brother Rollo, and take the Order in a new more modern direction under her leadership. Without her permission, the new Azreal attacked Jean-Paul, but he survived. The new Azrael was able to kidnap Brian Bryan. Jean-Paul made his way to the Ice Cathedral and was greeted by the Order, as Rollo believed Jean-Paul could still be returned to the fold. However, Lilhy then began to manipulate Jean-Paul into killing Rollo, and eventually he agreed. When Jean-Paul fails and Lilhy, Jean-Paul, were forced to flee the Cathedral via boat in an underground passageway.
Azrael Rising
During this time, Lilhy became entangled with Jean-Paul, becoming part of his trio and continued to fight the Order. In addition, she blossomed as a love intrest for him until the split faction of the Order in Switzerland got destroyed because, even though Jean-Paul had deep romantic feelings for Lilhy he had failed to make a move. By then she had begun to secretly rebuild the Order and started dating Luc Lizardo which devastated Jean-Paul. However, Luc later turned on them and took her and Brian out to an island where he held them hostage and beat them until Azrael came to the rescue.
Agent of the Bat

Lilhy in Azrael Costume
Lilhy fathomed if she was purely evil or not so she visited the Joker in prison to compare herself to him. During the visit, she inhaled laughing gas and her skin turned white, and her hair green. In her mad state she then dawned a female version of the Azrael costume and headed to Ossaville where she gathered thugs and locked a granny in her house. The henchmen then set the place on fire to kill the grandma but the real Azrael appeared and defeated the grunts. Lilhy soon showed signs of remorse for her actions and helped Jean-Paul put out the fire and realized that she was not pure evil as her pigmentation returned to normal.
The Plot to Kill Azrael
She continued to rebuild the Order of St. Dumas in secret but was visited by Jean-Paul and Ridley in her newly acquired large house. Jean-Paul asked her if she could move the terrorist Ridley somewhere safe and she agreed if Azrael brought her a man with a metagene named Kenny. Jean-Paul later returned with the man and asked why she wanted him. Lilhy then revealed that the mans genetics were needed to make a new warrior for the Order.
Soon after last seeing Jean-Paul, he came back and told her that he was taking control of the Order and that she needed to fix him dinner. In addition, Azrael destroyed much of her expensive artwork and furniture which made Lilhy furious. To retaliate she cooked Jean-Paul dinner and put in enough poison to kill an entire regiment. However, Jean-Paul survived the meal due to being a hybrid so Lilhy fled from her home and hired one of Azrael's oldest enemies, Carleton LeHah, to kill him.
Lilhy later returned to her home where Jean-Paul was then taking residence and gave him a surprise attack with Biis. Biis was humiliated though as Jean-Paul easily defeated him and then Azrael turned to Lilhy temted to kill her by St. Dumas but ended up fighting his hallucination allowing her and Biis to escape. Once safe, Lilhy obtained bullets covered in a special plastic which could easily penetrate Azrael's armor and gave them too Carleton LeHah. The bullets she handed over were later used successfully by Biis to kill Jean-Paul.
Powers and Abilities
- Medicine
- Aviation: Sister Lilhy easily learned how to pilot a hovercraft without prior experience.
- Charisma
- Business Management
- Deception
- In her first appearance her robes were red like all members of the Order. However, they were changed to purple, and she remains the only member of the Order of St. Dumas to dawn this color.
Recommended Reading
- 55 Appearances of Lilhy (New Earth)
- 3 Images featuring Lilhy (New Earth)
- 2 Quotations by or about Lilhy (New Earth)
- Character Gallery: Lilhy (New Earth)
Azrael Villain(s) This character is or was primarily an enemy of Azrael. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Azrael Villains." |