I know you're not one for talking, but you have some serious explaining to do.
Batman: Urban Legends #8 is an issue of the series Batman: Urban Legends (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 2021. It was published on October 12, 2021.
Synopsis for "Fear State: Disinformation Campaign, Part 1 of 2"
The story opens with Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) attacking and killing innocent people in a local Gotham town square. A man records her attacking with his phone and is later leaked to social media.
Meanwhile, Kate Kane and her sister Beth are slicing pomegranates for a snack and discussing Beth's old life as the villain Red Alice when the doorbell rings. Commissioner Renee Montoya, Kate's ex-girlfriend stands in the doorway showing the latest video of Batgirl attacking civilians. Montoya asks Kate (knowing she is Batwoman), if she has any information on the matter and to the whereabouts of Cassandra Cain. Kate explains she does not believe the figure to be the real Batgirl and will look into the matter immediately. She dawns her Batwoman costume and goes out in search of Cassandra.
Kate finds Cassandra fighting off a squad of Magistrate Peacekeepers in an alleyway and assists her in subduing them. After the battle, Kate confronts Cassandra in regards to the video. They sit atop a nearby building while Cassandra explains that the Batgirl in the video was not her at all, and that someone was trying to frame her in an attempt to turn the public against masked superheroes. She also explains to Batwoman the recent Oracle systems hack and mystery figure spreading fear amongst the masses posing as a fake Oracle, (as seen in Fear State Alpha and Batman #112). She explains how the real Oracle has been using older radio channels to communicate with the heroes and that the main private frequency can no longer be trusted.
Shortly after, the building across from them numerous office televisions turn on, showing Kate, Cassandra, and Beth's everyday lives recorded out of costume. A voice in their ear comms speaks and reveals itself to be none other than the digital hacker supervillain Seer, and claims responsibility for posting the video of the fake Batgirl. Seer hacks the office building TVs across from them showing deep fake videos of the two committing crimes and speaking to them as Seer. Batwoman and Batgirl sit in shock as Seer states she was the one who hacked Oracle's systems and has been creating the instability and escalating violence between the Gotham public and masked superheroes. Kate and Cassandra panic realizing Seer could have more information of the Bat family now than once thought, seeing she has gained access to all of Oracle's systems and that all of their secret identities and families may be compromised. Seer threatens Beth's life shortly after, to which Kate responds immediately and quickly heads home.
Upon arrival home, Kate sees her windows have been blown out. She lands in her living room to see Magistrate Peacekeeper bodies upon the floor with Beth standing the middle of the room, knife in hand. Beth speaks to Kate as Red Alice before switching to her other personality, the true Beth Kane. Kate explains to Beth the confrontation with Seer and suggests they find help. Beth agrees, stating her alter ego Red Alice has followers, and they would willfully help if asked by Red Alice herself.
Appearing in "Fear State: Disinformation Campaign, Part 1 of 2"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
- Gotham City Police Department
- Red Alice (Beth Kane) (Also in a vision)
- The Magistrate
- Peacekeepers
- Peacekeeper-10 (First appearance)
- Peacekeeper-19 (First appearance)
- Peacekeeper-23 (Cameo)
- Peacekeeper-27 (First appearance)
- Peacekeeper-33
- Peacekeeper-63 (First appearance)
- Peacekeeper-68 (First appearance)
- Peacekeeper-69 (First appearance)
- Peacekeepers
- The Seer/"Oracle" (First appearance as The Seer)
Other Characters:
- Bat-Family (Mentioned only)
- Batgirl (Stephanie Brown) (Mentioned only)
- Batman (Bruce Wayne) (Mentioned only)
- Oracle (Barbara Gordon) (Mentioned only)
- Earth 0
- United States of America
- Gotham City
- Micro-cave
- Kate Kane's Apartment
- Gotham Clock Tower (Mentioned only)
- Gotham City
- United States of America
Synopsis for "Little Pyg. Little Pyg."
The story begins with Bruce Wayne having a flashback of when his father would tell him the bedtime story of the three little pigs.
In current time, a desperate couple gives a public news statement in regards to their missing daughter Jennifer, and if the public has any information of her current whereabouts to please come forth and call Gotham PD. Batman listens in from a nearby rooftop.
Nearby, Jennifer is strapped to a chair while Professor Pyg tells her he will turn her into a 'beautiful piece of art' by cutting up her face and placing a doll mask in it's place.
Meanwhile, Batman interrogates various Gotham villains such as Mad Hatter, Penguin, and Ventriloquist in regards to Pyg's whereabouts, all while having flashbacks of the three little pigs bedtime story told by his father, Thomas Wayne.
Eventually, Batman 'blows the house down' in conjunction with the three little pigs story, plowing a Bat Tank through the walls of Pyg's laboratory. Jennifer is ecstatic to see Batman, while Pyg stares in shock and fear. Batman stares and smiles menacingly at Professor Pyg stating, "Little Pyg, Little Pyg".
Appearing in "Little Pyg. Little Pyg."
Featured Characters:
- Batman (Bruce Wayne) (Flashback and main story)
Supporting Characters:
- Alfred Pennyworth (Flashback only)
- Jennifer (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- Jennifer's father (Single appearance) (Unnamed)
- Jennifer's mother (Single appearance) (Unnamed)
- Mad Hatter (Cameo)
- Penguin
- Ventriloquist (Cameo)
- Gotham City Police Department (Mentioned only)
- Earth 0
- United States of America
- Gotham City (Flashback and main story)
- Slaughter-House
- Wayne Manor (Flashback only)
- Gotham City (Flashback and main story)
- United States of America
Synopsis for "Dark Knight of the Soul, Part One"
Azrael is shown running into a building in an attempt to capture the notorious gang leader, Bullet-Tooth. Upon confrontation, Bullet-Tooth pulls out a detonator from his jacket pocket and sets off explosives leveling the building floor and sending both his lifeless body and Azrael out the window. Azrael lands safely only to find Bullet-Tooth's body impaled on a nearby piece of building debris.
Later, Azrael's alter ego Jean Paul Valley is an orderly at a nearby hospice facility, and is conversing with a patient in an attempt to give him his medications. Jean Paul heads home to a nearby homeless mission where he is confronted by Batman who inquires if Jean Paul killed Bullet-Tooth. Jean Paul tells Batman of the detonator and ordeal, to which Batman explains killing is not allowed in his city from heroes. Jean Paul agrees and vows to never kill. He dons his Azrael costume and heads to the Gotham City Morgue, having religious visions of an evil resurrection he believes may be coming.
On a nearby rooftop, Azrael looks down at the morgue seeing a zombie Bullet-Tooth escaping out the back door. He panics, realizing his visions and revelations are coming true. Azrael drops to his knees and begins to pray for protection on the projected events to come.
Appearing in "Dark Knight of the Soul, Part One"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Bullet-Tooth (Dies) (Zombified)
Other Characters:
- Gotham City Police Department (Cameo)
- Stefanos (First appearance)
- Angels (Mentioned only)
- Azrael (Mentioned only)
- Four Horsemen of Apocalypse (Mentioned only)
- God (Mentioned only)
- Order of St. Dumas (Mentioned only)
- Justice League Odyssey (Mentioned only)
- Earth 0
- United States of America
- Gotham City
- Crown Point
- Gotham City Morgue
- Gotham Ecumenical Center
- Saint Rita Hospice
- Crown Point
- Gotham City
- United States of America
- Batsuit
- Murasame
- Suit of Sorrows
- The System (Mentioned only)
Synopsis for Outsiders in "The Fearful, Part One"
Set 30 years after the events of Future State: The Next Batman Vol 1 4/The Outsiders storyline, The Signal (Duke Thomas), rides atop his black panther friend and superhero Teekl away from a massive wave of zombies led by a cloaked supervillain known as "The Fearful". Together, they ride through the ruins of a destroyed Gotham towards Arkham Asylum Tower, in which a colossal beam of pulsating orange light is emitting from the top of the building in the distance.
Entering the tower and approaching the lightbeam filled with the lost souls of the zombified citizens of Gotham, Duke hands Teekl the soultaker sword he carries on his back that once belonged to Katana, containing the electric avatar soul of Black Lightning from the events of Future State: The Outsiders. Teekl and Black Lightning's soul keep off the waves of oncoming zombies while Duke uses his demonic possessed arm to perform a time spell on the orange light beam, opening a cartographic time portal. Upon finishing the spell, Teekl is overtaken by The Fearful, and Black Lightning's soul returns to the sword and flies into Duke's Hand. Duke throws the sword into the time portal and is overtaken by The Fearful in the process. The time portal closes with The Fearful reaching out to it in defeat and anger.
Meanwhile in present day Fear State Gotham, a mysterious figure monitors a young, scared man revealed to be a younger Fearful getting out of a taxi. Nearby, A storm portal opens over Gotham harbor in which the electrified soultaker sword falls through and onto the streets of Gotham. Black Lightning's soul emerges from the sword and picks it up, inquiring as to which time period he is in to nearby shocked onlookers. They tell him The Joker War happened not long ago, in which Black Lightning replies, "I'm too late".
He heads to the Center of the Earth in search of the current day Outsiders who are currently battling for domination of the surface world against monsters inside a boxing ring, where thousands spectate in an audience. After The Outsiders prove victorious, soul Black Lightning explains his apocalyptic Future State and that Duke sent him back in time to kill a man named Jonah Winfield, the one who would become The Fearful in the future. The Outsiders agree to help Black Lightning find Jonah.
The group finds Jonah nearby in Gotham who tells the Outsiders to stay away from him. A backstory of Jonah reveals he was once a student of Professor Jonathan Crane at Gotham University, and was exposed to his fear toxin in an experiment conducted against the students. Overtime, Jonah's antibodies produced a unique immunity to the fear toxin in that it constantly excretes the toxin from Jonah's skin upon stress and becomes aerosolized and airborne. The Outsiders realize everyone that gets in close proximity to Jonah inhales a potent version of Fear Toxin and becomes infected.
Current day Black Lightning gets too close to future soul Black Lightning and accidentally sets off an electrical pulse wave that severely electrocutes Jonah, secreting a massive amount of Fear Toxin that the Outsiders inhale, turning them against one another. As Jonah runs away during the commotion, he is immediately subdued by Red Robin (Tim Drake), the mysterious figure that had been keeping tabs on Jonah.
Appearing in Outsiders in "The Fearful, Part One"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Red Robin/Tim Drake (Earth 0)
- Frankenstein (Earth 0)
- The Signal/Duke Thomas (Future State)
- Teekl (Future State) (Apparent death)
- The Fearful/Jonah Winfield (Earth 0) (First appearance)
- Joker (Earth 0) (As an illusion only) (Cameo)
- Kaliber (Earth 0) (As an illusion only) (Cameo)
- Karma (Earth 0) (As an illusion only) (Cameo)
- Shiori Yamashiro (Earth 0) (As an illusion only) (Cameo)
- "Tobias Whale" (Earth 0) (As an illusion only) (Cameo)
- The Fearful/Jonah Winfield (Future State) (First appearance; unnamed) (Cameo)
- Fear Zombies (Cameo)
- Lord Vogel (Earth 0) (First appearance)
- Subterrean Forces (First appearance)
- Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane (Earth 0) (Flashback only)
Other Characters:
- Katana/Tatsu Toro (Future State) (Cameo)
- The Magistrate (Future State)
- Unnamed Demon (Future State) (First appearance) (Cameo)
- Peacekeepers (Cameo)
- Batman/Bruce Wayne (Earth 0) (Mentioned only)
- Doug Thomas (Earth 0) (Mentioned only)
- Elaine Thomas (Earth 0) (Mentioned only)
- The Joker (Earth 0) (Mentioned only)
- Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane (Future State) (Mentioned only)
- Hypertime (Behind the scenes)
- Multiverse
- Earth 0
- Center of the Earth
- United States of America
- New Jersey
- Gotham City (Flashback and main story) (Also as an illusion)
- Gotham University (Flashback only)
- Gotham City (Flashback and main story) (Also as an illusion)
- Nebraska (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- New Jersey
- Earth 0
- Fear State
- The Joker War (Mentioned only)
- In the Azrael's story, Jean-Paul Valley mentions having just returned to Gotham from his space adventures which implies that the story takes place not long after the rebirth of the Multiverse.
- The Outsiders' story on Earth 0 takes place one month after the events of Batman Secret Files: The Signal #1; the events from Future State take place in 2050, twenty five years after the events of the Outsiders' Future State stories.
- The story reveals that, as of 2050, Gotham City is completely overrun by fear-controlled zombies as a consequence of Scarecrow's Fear State.
- In the Outsiders' story, many events from the Future State timeline are also shown as Black Lightning travels through time, including:
- The Outsiders fighting the Magistrate's Peacekeepers in 2025;
- Jefferson Pierce being released from the Soultaker Sword in 2031;
- The Outsiders returning from a mission in 2043;
- Duke Thomas bonding with a demon in 2049.
- "Dark Knight of the Soul, Part One", "Fear State: Disinformation Campaign, Part 1 of 2" and "The Fearful, Part One" are reprinted in Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 2.
- "Little Pyg. Little Pyg." is reprinted in Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 4.
See Also